




246 The reunion with Bisuki! It's me who's going to attack the underground auction tonight

"The eyes of my clan are in this city! There is also an agreement on September 1st. Now that I know that it was not the work of the Phantom Troupe, Kurapika remembered the final test of the hunter test again. His emotions gradually calmed down when Hisoka said in his ear.

When you go back and find a time, contact Hiso once again, and then let's not communicate with each other.

He tightened the sword and the sword on his back.

That is no longer a wooden knife, but a new weapon that was replaced by his ability?

Since it is not the criminal who kills the killer, it is the powerful party who stands at the highest point of the justice and legal system.

Then there would be no need for the chains of imprisonment to bring criminals to justice.

Instead, what he needs is a knife and a sword to break the rule of power! !


Beside him, a short, bald man with the melody of two mouse-like front teeth below his lips looked at him worriedly.

Just now, Kurapika's heartbeat changed rapidly.

And she was so excited that she could hear the torment and excitement in Kurapika's heart.

This makes the melody that has been partnering with Kurapika along the way a little worrisome.

"I'm fine~"

Kurapika gradually calmed down and reacted.

Seeing Melody's worried eyes, she also smiled lightly at her.

At the same time, Fei Jie, who had just been assigned a task in the room, was also on the phone.

"Our boss doesn't know where to get the information, someone is going to attack the auction tonight, let's prepare early.

She fiddled with the corners of her clothes and said lazily, "Don't you have anything to tell me?"

"Tell me? No need

Maureen's laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Do you believe in my ability so much?"

Fei Jie pouted a little when she heard the words, "What should I do if a vicious criminal comes here at night and I can't handle it?"

Maureen: "There's no case, it's a criminal you can't handle."

Fei Jie: "...Then you still?!"

Maureen: "Because it's me who is going to attack the underground auction at night."

Fei Jie: "...??!!!"

In the abandoned building, Maureen also hung up the phone.

"Who called?"

Wo Jin's big face came closer.

He had just heard about the underground auction at night.

"It was the eyeliner I planted in that group of gangsters, telling me about the underground auction tonight."

Maureen glanced at Madge and Pike Norda and said casually.

"You still have eyeliner in the gang? Awesome???"

Wo Jin first gave a thumbs up, "Then what do you say about your eyeliner?"

"The gang has already learned that someone is going to attack the underground auction tonight, and has already made relevant arrangements."


The knight who was setting up the task couldn't help but raised his head when he heard this:

"How could anyone know that someone is going to attack the underground auction tonight?!"

"Because in that group of gangster families, there is a special gangster called the Nosla family."

Maureen said the inside information that almost everyone in the underworld knows about:

"The daughter of this family is a person who is born with the ability to rely on the ability to think. Since birth, he has awakened the ability of divination, and can accurately predict what will happen in the future.

"Oh? Is there such a psychic?"

The knight immediately became interested, "That's no wonder our actions may be predicted."

He paused, "You said that the divination-like minder is a daughter of gold, right?"


"What's your age, how do you look?"

"Cough, don't look at me like that.

Seeing Maureen's subtle gaze, the knight coughed lightly.

"I'm just asking for detailed information so that I can prepare for it in time."

He said righteously and sternly:

\"Small: Say\": Resource!\'Points,\"Enjoy\'(\"!6!\'9:.?,9;!2.:5,\"??5;:0, ) "This predictive ability is very helpful to our actions. I think if the head of the regiment can obtain this ability, then future actions will definitely be much more convenient.

"Is it really so?"

Chrollo on the stone platform gently closed the book in his hand and smiled:

"If the intelligence is true, I'm really interested in this ability."

"At that time, I also need Maureen and Xia Ke to help me create opportunities."

The knight immediately gave a military salute:

"Don't worry, head, it's no problem to leave it to us."

Maureen shrugged, indicating that it was fine.

In the original version, Chrollo met Chrollo because Nion ran around by himself.

As a result, Chrollo was deceived by the chatting technique he learned from the knight, and successfully stole Nion's ability. If this willful and stubborn little girl is still free to follow her temperament, her final end will not be very good. Maureen remembered when Hisoka was fighting with Chrollo.

Chrollo can no longer use Nion's divination ability.

And the ability that Chrollo stole disappears, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the thoughts that have been imposed on them have been removed by the mind-removing master, and the other is death.

When the able person dies, the ability naturally also disappears.

Maureen preferred Nyon's result to the latter.

After all, he knew that Chrollo stole Nion's psychic ability.

And he himself was used by Chrollo for divination with this ability.

Then, in order to prevent the duel, Chrollo used this ability to predict in advance and make the battle less fun. It's not impossible for Hisoka to strike first, and it is not impossible to cut off Chrollo's divination ability from the root??? Maureen doesn't care much about Nion's fate, but it's tonight?

"Fei Jie is also there, but we can meet again."

Maureen glanced at the enthusiastic knight next to him.

"Of course, this matter must not be revealed to him."

Otherwise, if you cut open the black knights inside, you will have to talk behind your back again.

Speaking of discussions...

Maureen looked at both Pike Norda and March.

It was found that they were all the same, but they could also feel the estrangement between them and Maureen.


In the future, let's meet alone in private, gather together like this, how awkward it is to stay...

Time gradually passed, and the day of August 31st came.

The central urban area of ​​Youkexin City has gradually become lively.

The gangsters preparing for tonight's underground auction, and the aristocrats and celebrities coming for the dream auction in September?

At this moment, all gathered in this Youkexin City, making the city unprecedentedly prosperous.

Although it is only for a few days, it has played a significant role in promoting the city's economic development and other aspects.

Moreover, these rich and famous people and the gangster family are people from two different worlds. Although they may be involved in private, what they show in this city is that well water does not make river water.

The rich know everything about the gang, but they don't want to worry about it.

Anyway, after the auction is over, they will leave the city, and they won't be able to make a mess.

Therefore, during the daytime, it is still barely harmonious and peaceful.

Under the trepidation of the residents of Youkexin City, there was no phenomenon of gang gangs, and they passed by peacefully.

in a luxury hotel room.

A cute and adorable little blond loli in a red princess costume is lying on the bed.

Boringly flipping through the magazines provided by the hotel, his calves jumped beside the bed.


At this moment, the door of the room suddenly slammed open.

oo... ask for flowers 0..

Princess Little Loli's legs stopped for a few seconds, then swung again.

"Long time no see, Master Bi Siji."

When Maureen walked into the back room, he saw Bizji lying on the bed, looking at a magazine in a very unimpressive manner.

"How did you get in?"

Bishiji asked without looking up.

Just when Mo Lin entered the door, she had already judged who came in.

"That's thanks to my props, of course."

Maureen tapped the [Master Key] that could open any keyhole with his fingers,

"You came here and told me."

"I didn't know you were here too."

Bisji raised his head, glanced at Maureen, and said angrily:

"I haven't been in touch for a long time. If I hadn't seen the list of people who passed the latest round of the hunter test, I would have thought that my most proud apprentice would have died outside. This sentence can be said by Bi Siji. Is full of resentment.

"My fault, my fault."

Maureen immediately put his hands together and sincerely admitted his mistake.

With a woman, especially a mentally old woman, it is absolutely impossible to have any schisms.

Acknowledging mistakes early is the way to go.

After all, it is true that he has not contacted the tutor for a long time, and there are very few greetings and safety.



Seeing Maureen's good attitude of admitting his mistake, Bi Siji snorted.

The gas also disappeared a lot.

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