"Is it really easy?"

Maureen nodded lightly, "But why would I do such a thing?"

"I'm not interested in any preparatory measures V5 does."

"You seem to be looking for the wrong person, right? Old man.

V5 wants to enter the dark continent and experiment with six continents? What's the matter with Maureen???

They can experiment as they wish, and Maureen doesn't care.

Anyway, he plans to form his own Dark Continent team to go to the Dark Continent.

It doesn't have anything to do with the V5.

As for whether V5's doing this will bring disaster to the Six Continents, destroying the entire Six Continents...

Morin said: Before the disaster spreads, I can put it out or get out in time and leave with my family and friends. Believe it or not?

No matter what the preparation result of V5 is, it has no influence on Maureen.

So why did he promise Nitro to do such a thankless thing?

"You can think of it as a commission from me~"

Nitro said indifferently, "After you finish, I will give you a certain reward."

"What's the reward? You can talk about it first."

"For example, your hunter star, I can make the decision and let you upgrade to the second star and enjoy more benefits."

Nitro stroked his beard, "As well as the experience I gained from going to the Dark Continent, I can give you all this information."

"The welfare of the two-star hunter, and your information on the Dark Continent?

Maureen touched his chin, "It sounds attractive."

A smile suddenly appeared on his face: "But, I refuse."

"Master, do you think the benefits of the two-star hunter with my props are attractive to me?"

"So these conditions you gave, I don't think they can attract me, let me accept your commission."

After Maureen finished speaking, he continued drinking tea.

Nitro continued: "Don't you even care about the information on the Dark Continent?"

He asked about this.

"Before I was in Youkexin City, I met another old man. He said that he came from the Hakka family who beat the enemy, and his name was Maha. Mo Lin said leisurely, "You must be very clear about this name, Mr. Nitro. ? "

"Oh? Did you meet him?"

Nitro's beard trembled slightly, "He was preempted by him."

"Then it seems that you and him are old acquaintances."

Maureen said with a smile: "About the many secrets on the Dark Continent, Mahathir told me everything he knew.

"I think the information I have obtained is enough for me to digest!"

Is the information about the dark continent really enough?

Of course the more the better! !

This is absolutely not enough.

Just kidding, Nitro was one of the members that Maureen had long anticipated to be pulled into the team and once again traveled to the Dark Continent.

The valuable experience in his stomach has long been regarded as private by Mo Lin.

How could Nitro use this thing that he can get without paying any price in the future as a commission reward this time? !

"Really? Is that enough?"

Nitro glanced at Maureen and said casually.

I don't know if he really doesn't care, or if he is thinking about something else.

"Well then, I don't know what attracts you, old man. Can you make a price yourself?"

Nitro handed over the option to Maureen.

"Really? How can I be so embarrassed, old man?"

Maureen rubbed his hands, a bright smile on his face.


Bean Noodle Man:

Are you waiting for this moment? It's so obvious! ! !

"Master, you are also an elder anyway, so as a junior, how can I be embarrassed to ask the lion so big?

Maureen said sincerely with a look of consideration for Nitro.

"so be it?"

He waved his hand seemingly casually, "Come on, I just want a promise from you, Mr. Nitro."

Mo Lin raised a finger at him, "If it doesn't violate your martial arts beliefs and life principles, I want you to promise me one thing unconditionally."

"Unconditional... o Promise one thing..."

The bean noodles man chewed on this condition, and then looked at Maureen.

I'm still embarrassed about the lion's mouth... Such a conditional requirement is already quite difficult for a strong person, right? !

For others, this condition may not matter.

But if the target is the president of the Hunter's Association, the world's No. 1 powerhouse Nitro???

Then this weight is not an ordinary weight.

Nitro's promise is much more precious than many other conditions! ! !

Even Mr. Bean Noodle Man knows the value of this condition very well! ! !

"Yaoyao, the old man's unconditional promise to do one thing?"

Nitro didn't have any other feelings, but he laughed there.

It seems that he feels that he is a lot of age, and he is already an old bone, and there are still people who are thinking about it.

"I didn't expect that I would still be needed one day..."

Nitro's eyes are deep, making it unclear what he really thinks in his heart:

"Okay, your request, the old man agreed.

This is a promise from the world's No. 1 martial arts expert, Nitro! !


Maureen clapped his hands happily when he saw Nitro agreeing so happily.

"Okay, old man, what do you want me to do?"

"I want to know what the specific plan of V5 is."

Nitro didn't seem to have any emotional changes because of the conditions of the contract.

He picked up the teacup, took a sip and said:

"I just want what they think and do, and how they plan to implement it."

"Other aspects, such as if they have already started to implement it, you don't need to pay attention, just tell me the situation, and I will arrange it myself." Nitro said.

"Then old man, where do you think it is better to start?"

Although Maureen knew almost everything about the whole chimeric ant incident, he still asked him what he thought.

"Well, I don't know much about this..."

Nitro pondered, "You can ask Pariston, he seems to be playing a seemingly unusual role in this preparation event.

Maureen: "?067oo...???"

Sir, are you sure you are not joking? !

First of all, thank you for your blessings! !

Secondly, I really am not looking for an excuse to be lazy and fool everyone!

I dare to swear by the happiness of the rest of my life, what I say is true! !

The woman is a small daughter who my master grew up with, and she told me twice.

I said it once in August, and I didn't talk much at that time. Then my master came to me again in the past two days and asked me what I thought. I've seen photos of people, and I'm naturally willing. I didn't talk much in August because I was afraid that I wouldn't be good enough for them.

The family is really excellent, the family is scholarly, parents are teachers, grandma is the teacher, grandpa is the principal?

Otherwise, where will the family foundation come from to study art~~~

People bought two houses in the city, one or two? It does not matter.

The wedding room has been prepared, and the car has been bought. It is nearly 200,000 yuan. It can be said that the family is very wealthy!

The other party has only one younger sister who is still in elementary school, and she herself just graduated from work this year, in 1999.

She doesn't really want to fall in love, she wants to play for a few more years.

But her mother wanted her to talk, and with the help of my master, I had the opportunity now.

People are also looking at my Master's face, and they are willing to chat with and meet with me, so I must seize this opportunity! !

Once again, I would like to apologize to all book friends. I am really sorry that my personal affairs have affected everyone.


My emotional drama has always been poorly written, but now I have a rare opportunity to practice, I must accumulate experience.

In this way, it won't be embarrassing to write emotional dramas, and everyone can watch it comfortably? Huh? In this way, it is good for you guys to talk about love.

So, once again, I hug you guys and ask for your support, big guys! !

It is also worth mentioning that if she and I can make it this time, it will be our first love.

Well, I have lived for so many years without even holding a girl's hand.

I don't know what kind of sparks will come out this time~??.


share report

299 to the ferry hall! ! [Stone hat], [Eskimo bottle], the organization of volcanic magma! !

Sir, you are the president of the Hunter Association, and Pariston is the vice president of the Hunter Association.

It turns out you don't know anything about it, and Pariston plays a different role in it...

Who is the president of the two of you and who is the vice president? ! !

In the original version, Pariston does seem to have a shadow of him in this incident.

First, within the Hunter Association, he stumbled upon Nitro, resulting in the failure of the follow-up power of the Chimera Ant Squad to follow up.

And also forced Nitro to lead the team personally, and planted a rose bomb in his heart.

Later, after the death of the ant king Melu Aim, he sent someone to airlift the thousands of chimeric ant eggs left by the chimeric ants in the palace.

This represents thousands of people with the ability to think, and the physical quality is even more powerful than human beings! !

Such a large force is enough to affect the situation in the world.

Although the comics have not yet indicated where these eggs were transported, and what role they will play in the future.

However, according to various analyses, most of these eggs fell into the hands of V5.

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