Pariston is transporting chimeric ant eggs for V5, so he must also have some connection with the latter.

No, or rather, there is a connection between Bijand behind Parisstone, or even the Kajin Empire behind Bijand, and V5.

That's what made Pariston act like this.

But in any case, Pariston knows and participates in more things than Nitro.

Maureen sometimes really felt that the old man was out of character in some ways.


This is also the reason why he lives unrestrainedly and unrestrainedly and is very happy.

"Pariston? I'll ask him if the opportunity is right."

Maureen said so.

But he wouldn't go to Pariston's smiling mouse.

Rather than dealing with such a person, it is better to contact Bi Yang De, who has a more straightforward personality behind him.

Also, there seems to be no need for contact.

Anyway, Maureen knew V5's idea: through the ferry hall, the Chimera ants living in the Dark Continent, that is, chimera ants, were transported to the Six Continents.

And it is still the NGL autonomous country that claims to return to wild nature and cut off communication with the outside world.

It is isolated from the world, and it is a natural environment without any technological monitoring.

Once something happens inside, it will basically not be known to the outside world. It can be said that it is the most suitable venue for experiment and development.

V5 also adheres to this idea, and wants to let the Chimera ants gradually grow their population in this place, and then observe whether humans have the strength to eliminate them.

Unexpectedly, Chimera ants have given birth to an ant king with a ceiling of combat effectiveness all over the world by devouring the psychic. Although the entire population of Chimera ants has a risk rating of B+ in the Dark Continent, that is the average of the entire population. If you only count the ant king Meruem, then it's probably at least A level.

Even in the Dark Continent, there is no longer a creature stronger than the Ant King.

Of course, strength does not mean invincibility.

The most powerful ant king was still poisoned by the poison spilled from the rose bomb.

There are many ways to kill the enemy. Human beings are most proud of their continuous research and development of science and technology.

All in all, Maureen now has a good idea of ​​what the V5 is going to do.

If it wasn't for the fear that Nitro thought that Maureen was deliberately cheating on him, it wouldn't hurt to tell him now.

Maureen, who accepted Nitro's commission, drank a few more pots of tea, and said goodbye to Nitro after drinking Nitro's face a little dark.

Well, these teas are the accumulation of Nitro over the years.

Each one is a treasure.

Mo Lin drank so much in one breath, he really felt a little distressed.

For these teas, Maureen didn't feel anything, he could only drink it and it tasted good.

After leaving the president's office, Mo Lin first found Huashi Doulang, who was working here, and briefly greeted him about his work.

I checked his strength to see if he had slackened in his recent practice.

Then he talked to Kang Jae again and left the Hunter Association.

Mo Lin went directly to the ferry hall.

Although the overall plan for the follow-up of V5 is already known.


Maureen was curious about how the ferry hall extradited the Chimera ants here.

According to the strength of the queen ant, it is impossible for it to cross the mountains and the sea all the way from the outside of Mobius Lake to the coast of the six continents.

Not to mention that in the Namobius Lake that lies between the Six Continents and the Dark Continent, the size is comparable to the giant beasts of the continent.

Just relying on the petite figure of the queen ant, it is unrealistic to come here.

If you can know how the ferry hall extradited the queen to the Six Continents, then maybe you can reverse it and find an easier way to go to the Dark Continent.

Although this method cannot exist, it may only be one-way from the dark continent to here, and cannot go from here to there.

Otherwise, V5 would have used this method long ago to travel to the Dark Continent many times.

However, what V5 and the ferry hall can't do, Mo Lin is very likely to do it.

Because he has magical props that no one else has, anything is possible! ! !

Mo Lin's information about the ferry hall was only circulated in the circle, but he never said hello to the specific person in charge of this organization.

This made the organization of the ferry hall seem very mysterious, and obviously did not show up.

But almost every major event in the world has its shadow behind it.

It is an organization jointly formed by V5 and its influence spreads all over the world.

The Ferry Hall is an organization dedicated to dealing with the Dark Continent, and it contains various information about the Dark Continent.

Anyone who knows something about the Dark Continent and yearns for it will definitely know the existence of the ferry hall and set their sights on it.

There is an even more urgent need for the information and information recorded by the Ferry Hall.

Therefore, there must be someone with special power of mind who can steal this information.

Or people who are too confident in their own abilities and strengths, sneak into the ferry hall to get what they want.

This has also led to the fact that the location of the ferry hall is very secret, and even if they know its location, it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

When Mo Lin used the props to find the location of the ferry hall, he did not expect it to be located in such a place.

"Inside the lava of the volcano...〃II..."

At the crater, Mo Lin looked at the scalding lava below that the [Guiding Lamp] in his hand was pointing firmly, and nodded lightly.

"I didn't expect it to be hidden in such a place."

This place is called the Colmodera Volcanoes.

It is located in the easternmost seaside position of the Urubian Continent.

It is a characteristic area where extremely rare extinct volcanoes and active volcanoes coexist.

And what's very strange here is that some extinct volcanoes may transform into active volcanoes at a certain moment, and some active volcanoes may become extinct volcanoes.

It is even possible that all of them become extinct or active volcanoes.

All of these volcanoes were built together to form what is now a group of volcanoes.

Not to mention the geographical science principles of extinct volcanoes and active volcanoes.

You know, this is an anime world where there is a dark continent! !

Even if one day Morin knew that the first group of humans did not evolve, but fell from a tree, he would dare to believe it.

The base of the ferry hall is among the many volcanoes.

The concealment in this regard is sufficient.

Not everyone can imagine that a base will be built in a volcano.

What's more, it is also located in the magma of the volcano.

Not to mention whether those who covet the ferry terminal can find this position.

Even if it could be found, it's a question of whether or not the ferry hall is actually located here.

Even if they all believed it, how should they enter the magma and go to the location of the ferry hall?

Since the ferry hall is located in this place, there must be a mind who can overcome the magma, or this layer of magma is constructed by the mind. Maybe even this layer of magma has the thoughts of those who have the ability to think. Only when someone comes in, they can immediately perceive it.

々 So, in the end, it is an organization closely related to the Dark Continent, and all aspects are strictly controlled. "

After observing the magma with [Congeal], Mo Lin didn't go in rashly.

Instead, he took out his new props from the [four-dimensional pocket].

"If I wear this, even if the magma is attached to the mind, no one will notice my existence.

Maureen put a lime-grey hat on his head.

Props: [Stone Hat].

Effect: After the user wears it, although it can't actually be invisible, it will become like a small stone on the side of the road. Others can feel their presence but the feeling of reaction will be like a stone, and they will not pay attention at all. and understanding.

[Stone hat] It can be said that it is a relatively common and very practical prop in "Doraemon".

It can make people feel like a stone on the side of the road without the slightest sense of existence.

After all, no one will specially observe the stone, except for Dumb in "Crayon Shin-chan"~~~

Therefore, this is actually more complete than the stealth function, because Doraemon's stealth props have more or less shortcomings and disadvantages, and [Stone Hat] is not stealth, it is better than (Wang Li's) stealth.

If used well, this is definitely a great prop to dive in and take away from your own presence.

The practicality is quite powerful! ! !

With this hat on, Maureen himself would be as inexistent as a stone.

In this way, even if he enters the magma, he will not be detected or monitored.

You can even walk in swaggeringly.

"Besides avoiding surveillance and alarms, there's something to hide from magma

In Maureen's hand, a small bottle appeared again.

Then hit it off, drinking tons of drinks.


【Eskimo bottle】

Effect: This is an air conditioner that drinks from the mouth,

As long as you say it's too hot, you will feel the temperature drop by 3 degrees.

Magma is harmful to the human body in two main ways.

One is the burning of magma

Another point is that extremely high temperature.

In terms of scorching, Maureen can completely use the [Protective Ball Cover], that is, [Ballball] to avoid those flowing magma.

In terms of temperature, although he also has the item [Cold and Heat Contrary Frost].

However, the temperature of the magma is too high, and if it is reversed, it will be too cold, and it will have no effect whether it is used or not.

In this way, put on the [Stone Hat], turn on the [Wallball], drink the [Eskimo Bottle], and prepare all the equipment.

Mo Lin took a deep breath, and a fierce man plunged into the magma! Wo I"!

Towards the ferry hall deep in the volcanic magma???.

300 ant colony plan! The base of the ferry hall! Gatekeeper pets! ! An updated version of the Swamp King!

Under the combination of various props, the seemingly hot magma did not cause any damage to Mo Lin.

Moreover, when Mo Lin was plunged down by a fierce man, he did feel a thought force swept past him.

But that's all, it didn't pay much attention.

After all, wearing a stone hat, he is like a stone.

Who cares about falling stones? And this is very common in volcanoes.

Lava, what melts, isn't it just stone? !

Even the base below is equipped with a camera projection portrait, which clearly puts Mo Lin's figure on the screen.

The other people in charge of surveillance would treat Mo Lin as a stone and ignore him, even if his figure took up most of the screen.

Nobita wore this stone hat, but sat on the TV, his legs covered the TV screen.

His father could keep his eyes open and watch TV with relish.

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