
The prince's usual conceit and arrogance should not be so



His Royal Highness wouldn't choose to self-mutilate in order to get rid of this accusation?

This way, is it too absurd? It's a bit ridiculous

Just when the soldier captain was a little suspicious~

"this is

Chidor next to him shrank his pupils, "The power of the curse?!"

With her rich experience, she immediately saw that Cheledonich was in a wrong state.

At the same time, based on Celidonich's performance at the moment, he instantly understood.

"Did someone put a curse on Celidonich, so he did so much damage?!"

The power of curse is also a kind of ability of mind.

A long time ago, when human society was not yet established, humans at that time did not understand the existence of mind power, and naturally did not know how to use the power of mind power.

But the ability to read is real. Those people who accidentally awakened the ability due to various coincidences, and those who mastered this power, also brought the ability to life.

The most obvious use in life is [sacrifice].

They don't know how to set abilities and conditions, use constraints and vows.

But they are ignorant, but under the population system, they understand prayer and prayer.

That is, in order to make a wish to their so-called gods to obtain the materials they need or to satisfy their own desires.

Among them, the most widely used is the [curse].

Whether it is to be angry with an enemy who has a grudge against him, or to repel an incoming enemy, or to satisfy his own selfish desires and superior interests, he prays to the gods to punish the other party.

In this way, gradually, the curse was formed and passed down.

This is since ancient times, when the name of ability to read has no concept, the curse has existed and has a long history. As the president of the Hunter Association, Chidor is naturally familiar with the knowledge and history of the [curse]. It is also very clear about the consequences of the curse.

"How could someone be on this ship,


Prince imposes a curse? !

Chidor's face instantly became serious, "From the blood sprayed from it, and the change in his facial expression, there is no doubt that this is a sacrificial curse.

"It's also one of the more vicious forms of curses!"

The sacrifice-like curse method means that the cursed target needs to pay a certain price, and it is the most primitive and crude, equivalent exchange of power.

As for the curse of injury, there is no doubt that it can only be exchanged for injury!

"Judging from the injuries on the fourth prince, it is clear that the other party was planning to kill the fourth prince, and he killed the fourth prince.

Chidor, who had analyzed the root cause, also had a very unsightly expression.

If the curse is to kill, then it is bound to pay the same level of sacrificial items, which is also life.

See, the pair


The person who cursed the prince must have consumed more than one person's life!

This is an oath


The prince is dead! Totally immortal!

"But fortunately, for some reason, the


The prince still held on

Chidor silently glanced at Cheledonich, who was gasping for breath, "But there is no doubt that he was severely injured."

"At least, if you don't feel at ease to cultivate, you will definitely fall into the root of the disease, and it will be difficult to cure for a lifetime. He has shaken the foundation."

Watching the terrifying and uncomfortable thoughts wrapped around Cheledonich's body are quickly dissipating.

Chidor also shook his head in his heart, and some of the jealous feelings about Cheledonich were completely dissipated.

If Celidonich is not treated in time, he himself is completely useless.

Even if his subordinates possess the healing power of mind, facing this incomparably tricky curse, if he doesn't know the relevant knowledge of the curse and rushes to the treatment, it will only make him hurt more deeply.

ask for flowers

At present, on the entire Black Whale, the only one who knows how to eliminate and treat the damage and negative effects of the curse to the greatest extent is her, the three-star intractable disease hunter, Chidor.

If the fourth prince asked her to go to the hospital, then she upholds the benevolence of the healer who saves the dying and heals the wounded, and a person with professional ethics will not refuse.

But in the process of treatment, although she will not add oil and vinegar to mess around, but sometimes increase the dose of some anesthesia or sealing drugs, so that the fourth prince can no longer practice the ability of mind in a short time, that is completely possible. arrived.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the fourth prince asked her for treatment?

And now, the


The prince was suddenly hit by a curse

I don't know how much trust I can have in these people in front of me.

Especially after Chidor came forward, the power of the curse on Celidonich broke out.

It's hard not to think of it together?

Even if it really has nothing to do with Chidor

But Celidonich was not a saint, but a total pervert.

Not to mention that there is an 80% chance of angering Chidor, at least she is extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant to the eye.

Originally, he was very unhappy about the involvement of the Hunters Association, but now that such a thing has happened, his opinion on Chidor and the Hunter Association may be even greater. And Chidor was also so happy that Celidonich wouldn't let herself go to therapy, and that she could not intervene in the battle for the throne as much as possible. She was very happy!

Therefore, whether Cheledonich asked Chidor to treat him or not, he basically completely lost the advantage brought by his ability of mind in this succession battle.

What Benjamin wanted to do was accomplished in such a confused way.

Chidor was also amazed, but at the same time there was still a lingering thought in his mind:

"Who is willing to


The prince sacrificed his life,

To curse him? "

A look of doubt flashed in Chidor's eyes.


635 Since this is the case, then do everything possible to improve the success rate!

She first looked at the soldiers who were also confused, and shook her head subconsciously.

It shouldn't be the first prince who did it. If it were him, he would definitely have made a very careful plan.

When the curse was cast on Celidonich, these soldiers would definitely act as soon as possible, and stepped forward to give Celidonich a uniform.

But they didn't make any movement at all. Instead, they stared at each other in shock.

Obviously, what is happening now is beyond their expectations.

This is obviously not what Benjamin agreed with them in advance, nor is it Benjamin's handwriting.


With Benjamin's arrogant temperament, he wouldn't take such a secret trick.

So, who is "Five Eight Zero"? other princes? !

Just when Chidor was wondering?

On the other side, in a room not too far from here.

"How?! Why?! Why didn't you curse him to death?!"

Camilla looked at the soldiers who were kneeling on the ground in front of her, and couldn't help but burst into rage and rage.

just before~

thanks to the


The prince's eye-catching, coupled with the running of the second princess D'Ezilu, managed to release Camilla slightly from her imprisonment.

Able to stay in his room and move around freely.

And the first thing she regained her freedom was to let the unarmed people and private soldiers she cultivated under her control the first


The prince casts a curse!

The main purpose of her training these private soldiers was to use them as consumables to sacrifice to curse and kill other princes.

Originally, these private soldiers had already negotiated, and they were going to first test the effect on the weakest prince, the fourteenth prince.

As a result, Camilla's strong intervention disrupted their plan, and changed the target without authorization, becoming the first



Even though they felt a little unreasonable, they still unconditionally followed Camilla's orders.

For them, Camilla is the **** in their hearts, and they are willing to sacrifice everything for it, including life!

Camilla knew this too, and even took it for granted.

And then... she really made this group of unscrupulous private soldiers pay with their lives.

"I'm going to curse Cheledonich to death!"

This is her staring at her red eyes, screaming like a ghost at her subordinates.

In those eyes, there was deep anger, hatred and intense jealousy.

It was as if Cheledonich had a huge hatred for her.

Seeing those subordinates who couldn't hold the people, they were all heartbroken.

"Where's the one in charge of the Cheledonich curse?!"

She looked coldly at the private soldiers who could not hold the people in front of her and asked.

With her character, she would not remember the names of these soldiers who were just consumables in her eyes.

It was a great gift that Camilla gave to these unsustainable people to live in a different way.

Hear Camilla's question

responsible for the curse


The prince's private soldier raised his hand and stepped forward.

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