"How much confidence is there to succeed?!

Camilla asked directly.

"The ritual of the curse is being built, and it needs to be cast in close proximity to the target in order to achieve the greatest effect."

The one in charge of the curse


The prince's soldiers hesitated for a while, then cautiously replied.

"I'm asking how much confidence!!

Camilla stared at him and repeated the question word for word.


less than forty percent. "

"In other words, it's only three percent?!!"

Camilla suddenly raised the volume, "What are you doing to eat?! It's been so long, you told me that the success rate has just reached 30%?!

She was extremely dissatisfied with this answer.


The private soldier replied with sweat profusely, "There is still a lot of success rate."

He wiped his sweat and responded quickly: "But due to the latest information, the fourth prince has learned the ability to read.

"And we also watched the video and found that


The situation of the prince's ability to read, re-evaluated

"Then the probability of success is much lower.

The private soldier paused when he said this, his lips twitched twice, and after all, he didn't say anything more.

What he kept silent and didn't say was to express that even the 30% success rate of the curse was based on the premise that he gave his life and that the photos with the fourth prince were piling up.

If you don't even have these two points, then the success rate is even more pitiful, not even 10%.

From this, it can be seen that the harshness of casting the curse, and the terrifying effect of the curse once it is successfully cast.

The private soldier won't say much, because he has long since become a private soldier, and when he took over this task, he was already ready to give up his life.


When it came to Celidonich's ability to think, Camilla's face became even more gloomy.

"If that's the case, then do everything possible to improve the success rate!!"

A cold glow flashed in Camilla's eyes, and she said coldly:

"Since you want to take the form of curse killing and take the lives of others, then the price you have to pay is definitely life!!"

Having said that, her eyes that did not contain any emotion slowly moved to the group of private soldiers responsible for the curse:

"There is no life that can compare to those of you who know how to curse."

"If you sacrifice your life, the possibility of increasing the success rate will be greatly improved, right?!"

She said there, her eyes not concealed at all.

Every private soldier touched Camilla's eyes, and couldn't help shivering and shivering.

They could see Camilla's selective gaze and her intention to let them die and accomplish her purpose.

Although it is very demanding, but???

"I am willing to give my life for Camilla-sama!!"

A neat and clear voice resounded in this room. .

636 Then it just happens to be sacrificed with you, it is not a force that this world can allow to exist

They themselves are unsustainable people, just like the serfs and slaves of the old days, they can only live a humble life.

It was Camilla's appearance that took them away from that dark hell, letting them know for the first time that they could still live in the sunshine as a person! ! So, in view of this unrepayable kindness, don't say that all Camilla asked them to pay was her life.

Even their love, their freedom, their everything...

They will not hesitate to serve Camilla, willing to throw their heads and blood! !

They have long been willing to pay any price for Camilla.


Seeing this scene, Camilla's face softened a little, but she was still expressionless.

In her view, these are all natural things.

Whoever Camilla asked to die should be honored, grateful and happy to die.

"Other princes, I still have to keep the curse, so I have to sacrifice my life with the soldiers who cursed the fourth prince..."

She first looked at a certain dark-skinned soldier, "I used to curse the eighth prince's private army, but now the eighth prince is dead, it's useless to keep you."

"Just at the cost of your life, let's increase the success rate for Camilla's curse behavior!!

She was very random, and decided to take a person's life or death.


"His Royal Highness Prince……"

The dark-skinned private soldier raised his arm weakly, "This subordinate is in charge of the twelfth prince's curse, not the eighth prince.

After he finished speaking, a thin bamboo pole-looking private soldier silently raised his head.

He was the real soldier responsible for cursing the Eighth Prince.

"it's the same."

Camilla, who didn't care who was who, waved her arms at will.

"Then it just happens to be with you to sacrifice."

"The success rate is only 30%. It's only a sacrifice of one person, and it won't improve much. If you just add you, if the two of you sacrifice together, then the success rate will definitely increase a lot."

"Anyway, the twelfth prince has been attacked before, and he doesn't have much defense force under his own hands."

"It's only a matter of time before Benjamin and the other princes kill her, and there's no need to keep her cursed.

In a few words, Camilla once again decided the life of another private soldier.

"Yes!! M

The thin bamboo pole in charge of the eighth prince and the dark skin in charge of the twelfth prince, both of them froze, and responded in unison.

They don't have any dissatisfaction, they all know that there will be such a day, it's just a matter of early or late.

At this moment, after Camilla gave the order, she finally understood that her final destination and responsibilities were finally going to be practiced.

"Two people use constraints and vows to sacrifice and increase the success rate of the curse. It should be enough."

Camilla bit her fingernails, and her indifferent eyes quickly swept across the faces of the other private soldiers.

Among them, she paused for a moment on the faces of some of the soldiers.

"Forget it, keep the other private soldiers for now, and use them later when it's time to curse the three **** Benjamin, Halkenbrugger, and Luzluth..."

Although she didn't know which soldier was in charge of which prince, that didn't stop her from wanting to use the soldiers in charge of the next princes as sacrifices to increase the success rate.

She had already made up her mind, when it was time to curse Benjamin, Halkenbrugger, and Luzluth?

The tenth prince, the eleventh prince, the thirteenth prince, the tenth prince


The prince and other soldiers responsible for the curse of the lower princes are all used to increase the success rate.

Anyway, those lower princes are weaker than each other.

Even without cursing them, they might die at the hands of Benjamin or some other prince one day.

In this way, it is possible to save the cursed personnel and use them for other purposes like the eighth prince.

"Fortunately, this group of unsustainable people are only consumables. After running out, wait until you go back and find a batch of suitable cursed seedlings from the pile.

Camilla held her face in one hand and quietly watched the three private soldiers prepare the curse ceremony there.

"If it weren't for the fact that there are certain requirements for the cursed personnel, otherwise I would have collected a large number of unsustainable people and cursed Benjamin and them every day.

Just as Camilla was thinking quietly, the people over there were not allowed to set up private soldiers, and the ritual of the curse had already been set up.

"let's start!!"

The cursed private soldiers in charge of the fourth, eighth, and twelfth princes looked at each other and saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

In the next second, the thoughts on the three people activated at the same time, and they gathered together in mid-air.

At the same time, an obituary in an ancient and mysterious language came out of their mouths, with a pious look on their faces, and a silent and strange power emerged from their bodies.

The thought that emerged and gathered together, in an instant, 690 turned into pitch black.

The power of the curse was fully activated.

At the same time as the activation, the life breath of the three people was rapidly dissipating.

until all is exhausted.


The bodies of the three swayed, and finally fell to the ground one after another, closing their eyes forever.

In mid-air, the power of the curse that condensed the lives of the three people was suspended.

It swayed up and down constantly, as if looking for a target.

While choosing a target, the power of its curse is constantly being consumed between heaven and earth.

"No wonder the closer the distance to the target, the more likely the curse will succeed."

That is responsible for the tenth


The private soldier cursed by the prince is also the captain of this group of private soldiers who cannot hold the people, and there is a sudden look in his eyes.

It seems that the power of this curse is not a power that can be tolerated in this world after all.

As long as it appears in this world, it consumes its power all the time.

Therefore, only when it is very close to the target, can it find the target at the first time and hit it quickly, so as to minimize the consumption and maximize the power of the curse.

The private army captain thought so, and then?.

637 Ripped the skin! ! The most flawless gesture, broken and flawed

The power of the curse stopped shaking as if it had found its target.

Then disappeared in an instant, heading towards the direction of the target.

When this force appeared again, it had already shrunk in a circle.

But it also appeared on Cheledonich's head.

And when Cheledonich didn't react at all, it fell on it.

In this way, there was a scene in which Celidonich vomited blood on the spot and Camilla was furious and failed to successfully curse to death.

Camilla knew when the power of the curse fell on Celidonich.

As the main arranger of this curse ceremony, she is also very clear about the existence of other princes.

The medium that cursed each prince was the photograph of each prince that the soldiers carried around.

Camilla was able to judge from these photos what the state of the other princes would be after being cursed.

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