Be Fascinated

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

If she was honest, Philia saying that she had forgotten the past was a lie. She only wished for the traces of that past to disappear. Had she truly forgotten the past, she would have immediately thrown the wedding ring, which Claude wanted back.

After Claude left, Philia’s daily life returned to normal. She wondered if it was a dull farewell. Still, it was the end. That’s how Philia felt.

The attitude of the people where she worked was a little annoying, but in the end, her working environment improved. Philia began to fall in love with work again.

“I heard that Middle Hill was sold, and I heard a rich person is moving there?”

So many months had passed. As summer passed and autumn approached, the city was abuzz. Was someone moving right here?

Philia stopped paying attention to it. It didn’t matter how many buildings they bought or whether the mansion they were building was grand.

For Philia, dresses were important to meet the needs of the city’s youth. This is because, in any city, there is always a huge festival held in the fall.

Young ladies in beautiful clothes meet and date handsomely dressed young men. It was the only way where a young man and woman could meet without the interference of adults.

Because of this, the seamstress girls were also busy making their own pretty clothes, but Philia was not interested in it. Dressing up prettily and meeting the opposite sex. For some reason, she wasn’t interested. She was tired of wearing pretty clothes, and for men, she was tired already with just Claude alone.

She just focused on her work. Sleeves, skirt, ribbon. She would be able to make clothes for herself even if she closed her eyes now.

Rumors of a mysterious rich man, and people talking passionately about what to wear for the autumn harvest festival. People were easily excited about any topic, as if they were always ready.

It was the start of the city festival. The seamstress girls took a day off from work. The people who gathered at the appointed time to get together showed off their splendid clothes.

“Philia! What are you doing!”

Jesse was angry. Philia had a puzzled expression on her face.

“This is unbearable! You, you, you always make your clothes so flashy, and what are you going to do when you’re dressed like this!”

“Huh, what?”

“You have a pretty face too! I can’t stand this!”

It was Jessie who always kept her in check, but as time passed, Jesse began to take care of her more and more. She began to ‘nag’ openly towards her.

Philia accepted it at some point. She was puzzled by that. Is this what it meant to be ‘friends’? Philia was happy that Jessie was friendly.

“Follow me!”

“Jesse, I—!”


However, she felt burdened when Jesse acted like this sometimes. Eventually, Philia was left in Jesse’s hands to doll up until Jesse was satisfied.

When she was led out by the hands of a satisfied Jessie, the festival was already in full swing and a huge crowd could be seen. Philia gaped at the sight. She didn’t see it last year because she was practicing embroidering while looking at the designs by herself, but the festival was bigger than she expected.

Was that all? There were so many young people talking to them who went out on the street. The seamstress girls disappeared one by one in search of the men they liked.

Because of this, Philia quickly became alone. She kept sending away the men approaching, but she soon ran away from people. Truthfully, she wanted to go home, but she couldn’t get through the crowd.

At that time, Philia thought of Middle Hill. She can take the detour through the place where the rich man is moving in.

Philia headed that way. The mansion appeared to be complete. But the reason she couldn’t see it up close was because iron bars with beautiful patterns were blocking her. Philia got curious about it belatedly.

She remembered that the mansion was made of expensive stones. Although the size of the mansion was not as huge as that of the great nobles of the capital, everything was top-notch.

Landscaped gardens, colorful flowers. Philia saw it and she admired it inwardly.

Who will live in that mansion? Have they not arrived yet? Then, Philia saw someone moving through the window.

Who is it? Philia narrowed her eyes and looked out the window. Have they already moved? She bowed her head and went back, realizing that she had been rude peering into someone’s house.

Eventually, she was forced to reenter the crowd. So when Philia tried to get back, someone grabbed her hand.


Feeling the warmth of the overlapping hands, Philia looked back. Her eyes widened.

It was Claude.

Why is he here?

Claude looked at Philia, and he spoke without holding his breath, as if he had memorized it.

“I’ve never seen such a beauty like you that I committed such disrespect.”


“I would like to monopolize the beautiful lady’s day today. May I?”

Philia opened her eyes wide. He spoke to Philia as if it was the first time he had seen her. Like seeing her for the first time…

As if there was no past.

Like a fresh start.

In an instant, her heart pounded. Now, she was no longer afraid of Claude. She was just nervous, contemplating what to do with this situation.

Will she push Claude away coldly again, or will she accept him as if they never had a past?

“From the moment I first saw you, I was fascinated by your beauty.”

As Claude said, he smiled as he kissed the back of her hand. Claude was looking at her face as if he was waiting for her to do something.

Claude, who was always relaxed and didn’t know what he was thinking, was visibly nervous in front of her. Tension took hold of both the man and woman.

“Where did you see me?”

“Inside the mansion.”

“You must be the rich man who’s caused a lot of fuss about your move?”

“Well, it is unpleasant…”

“I can’t possibly coldly reject a man who is fascinated by me.”

As if interrupting Claude, Philia answered. For some reason, she started to feel excited. As if she was just an ordinary lady enjoying the moment.

Claude understood what Philia was talking about. So he accepted the last chance she gave him.

Hearing Philia’s answer, Claude began to smile brightly. It was the same smile he had after he first heard her confession towards him, that she liked him.

“You have given up the throne as the previous Crown Prince, became the Grand Duke. But now you have given up even that?”

“What are you talking about?”

Claude asked as if he didn’t know anything. Seeing that witty appearance, Philia burst out laughing out of absurdity.

Claude was lying quite desperately. What should she do? She decided to play along.

“No, it’s nothing.”


“Then, please be with me today.”


“Because I was also fascinated by your appearance. At first sight.”

In fact, that’s what Philia wanted to say when she first saw Claude.

Upon hearing it, Claude widened his eyes. Then, he immediately bent his eyes brightly and bowed towards her.

“Well, it is an honor.”

That’s how they got to know each other properly. Philia felt something lodged in her throat as she was choked up, and something filled her.

In fact, her dishonesty was the same as his. It was true that she had seen Claude and was fascinated by him when she had been a saint in the temple.

If she had told the truth, what would have their relationship been like? It must have turned out a little different. But now, she doesn’t have to think about it. Perhaps she will find out if they continue this not-so-funny, theatrical relationship.

What will happen to those who are fascinated by each other?

Claude took Philia’s hand and walked forward. It was such a light grip that she could easily twist her hand away if she didn’t want it. There was no coercive force, and surprisingly, a warm feeling was left.

Philia was happy with it. Surprisingly, she felt happy as she moved forward, thinking it was a fresh start in her relationship.

“So, what is your name?”

Even though she knew it, Philia asked.


“Claude, what a wonderful name.”

It was the most beautiful new beginning.



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