Time flies.

Soon, graduation day came.

Because he promised Fatty An that he was going to take graduation photos and attend the graduation party, Li Qian waited at the entrance of the base early in the morning.

During this period, although many things happened, these things had little impact on Li Qian.

The first is Li Lanying.

She successfully convinced Jin Yi.

Take Jin Yi away.

The pet beasts in the base can find a good home, and Li Qian is also happy for them.

Therefore, he is naturally happy to see this kind of thing happen.

Perhaps because they knew the needs of the base, both Li Lanying and the earlier Mu Qianqian gave thoughtful feedback in addition to the transaction itself.

Their feedback is simple.

Just give away a batch of koi with good potential for free.

It is precisely because of their feedback and the tireless search by father Li Chengyang and mother Han Yuying that the number of koi in the base is increasing day by day.

This made Li Qian quite happy.

Because as the number of high-potential koi continues to increase, the offspring produced by these koi are becoming more and more outstanding.

Li Qian believes that as time goes by.

Sooner or later, his own Sun Breeding Base will become the largest and most powerful koi-blue-scaled dragon-frost fire salamander breeding base in the entire Eastern Xia Federation, and even the entire Ancestral Planet.

In addition to Li Lanying's transaction, many other things also happened in the base during this period.

Since Jinyi and Motian completed their evolution, another group of koi in the base have completed their evolution.

Zhou Weiping's big one is among this batch of koi.

Because it evolved towards the blue-scaled dragon, there were no surprises in its evolution.

It was completed smoothly.

During this process, something happened, which was a small episode, somewhat beyond Li Qian's expectation.

Li Qian originally thought that after seeing the terrifying power of the Frostfire Demon, the Lingshui City Public Security Bureau would change its cooperation partner to the Frostfire Salamander.

But the fact is that, like Li Lanying, they still chose the blue-scaled dragon.

"The blue-scaled dragon has three habitats: water, land and air. It is adaptable to a variety of combat sites. For the security officers of the Public Security Bureau, it is more suitable than the frost fire salamander."

Li Qian listened to their explanation.

He nodded and expressed his understanding.

Incidents involving Li Lanying and the Lingshui City Public Security Bureau occurred one after another, and Li Qian had to re-examine the Green Scale Jiao.

After reviewing it again.

Li Qian discovered that it was exactly what Zhou Weiping and the others said.

The blue-scaled dragon does not have any very obvious flaws.

It can be regarded as a hexagonal pet beast.

Plus the potential is high.

It makes sense that he would become the first choice of security officers.

In addition to the koi, a more important family member has also completed evolution.

Rodeo bears.

Yes, father Li Chengyang’s enclosure bear has evolved.

Evolved into a titan bear of both metal and earth elements.

In addition, after evolution, the potential of the clay doll can also reach the overlord level.

Father Li Chengyang can be said to have exchanged a shotgun for a cannon.

Both potential and strength have been greatly improved.

Finally, there is the pet beast research task.

In this regard, Li Qian could only smile helplessly.

There is no progress in the evolution from the gray bean pigeon to the escaping hawk.

The progress is still stuck at 91%.

Although this was within his expectation, it still made him a little helpless.

Generally speaking, this period of time was relatively uneventful, and no unexpected events occurred.

The Mechanical Profansion Society has completely fallen into silence.

Maybe they also know that after the last attack, they have no chance at all in Lingshui City.

From now on, until the unstable rift passes its active period, people from the three major families and the Federation should be heavily guarding the area.

If they rush in at this time, they may be caught in a trap.

Clearly, they're not stupid.

You will not go to the tiger mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountain.

Finally, it is his strength.

Li Qian tested it.

His mental strength has reached the elite third level.

It is estimated that it will not be long before he can advance to the elite fourth level.

During this period, Qizai and Xiaoliu's improvement did not fall behind.

Qizai has reached the elite sixth level, and Xiaoliu is close behind, probably soon.

The overall strength is no less than that of ordinary commander-level pet beasts.

Li Qian stood at the door of the breeding base and recalled what happened during this period. After a while, the sound of a car engine sounded from far to near.

In his sight, a sexy red sports car was speeding towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"Come up." The red sports car stopped accurately next to Li Qian, and Fatty An whistled in greeting.

Li Qian curled his lips.

After sitting in the passenger seat, Fatty An stepped on the accelerator and the red sports car rushed out at extremely fast speeds.

Li Qian sat in the passenger seat and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Fat An, take it easy, tens of billions of assets are waiting for you to inherit, don't risk yourself."

"Don't worry, you know my skills, he's at the level of a car god."

Li Qian rolled his eyes when he heard this.

Your ability to brag is god-level.

"By the way, have you chosen a school?" Li Qian asked in the car.

Fatty An said nonchalantly: "Brother, I can't go to the Eighth University anyway. It doesn't make any difference to me which one I go to for other beast control universities."

Li Qian thought for a while and suggested: "I suggest you go to Yunlan Beast Control University."

Seeing Fatty An's questioning look, Li Qian explained: "First, Yunlan City is not bad. It is a first-class city second only to a special city like Nandu City."

"Secondly, Yunlan City is adjacent to Lingshui City and is very close to home."

"Thirdly, Captain Liu Changfeng of the Special Operations Team of the Yunlan City Public Security Bureau is our friend. He can help us if we need help."

There was one thing that Li Qian didn't say.

Yunlan City is the residence of the Mu family in the secret realm of Senran.

Take the relationship between Li Qian and Mu Qianqian.

Please take care of me, there should be no problem.

"Listening to what you said, Yunlan Beast Control University is indeed a good choice."

Fatty An said reluctantly: "It's just that I finally went to the Beast Control University. It's so close to home, so I feel a little bit shortchanged!"

Li Qian: "..."

What kind of thinking are these?

Being close to home is not good.

This matter fell to him. If it weren't for the generous offer from Shazhou Beast Control University, he would never have considered going to such a remote place in the Western Region Province.

The car was speeding, and not long after, it arrived at Lingshui City Yushou High School.

He hadn't been here for a while. As soon as he entered the school gate, Li Qian was still in a daze.

After today, you have graduated.

Although this date has long since ceased to exist for him, it still feels a little different after entering the school.

The atmosphere of graduation season hit him, which made him feel a little emotional.

Doing the math, it has been more than three months since I traveled to this world.

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