The two entered the school.

Soon, I received a lot of strange looks.

Both Li Qian and Fatty An are celebrities in the school, so it is normal for them to receive strange looks.

Fatty An, together with Lu Kuihuan and Sun Shuhe, are known as the three rich second generations in their class, and they are "pretty famous" in the entire school.

It's abnormal if no one pays attention.

As for Li Qian, let alone that. After being specially recruited to Shazhou Beast Control University and studying the evolution method from koi to green-scaled dragon, and from koi to frostfire salamander, he has long been a famous figure in the school.

When the two of them entered the school like this, they naturally attracted strange looks and whispers.

The two walked side by side, and Fatty An said with envy: "Qianzi, you are now a legend in our school."

Li Qian curled his lips and said in a helpless tone, "I would rather not have this 'legendary' reputation. It's too uncomfortable to be visited like a monkey wherever I go."

Fatty An shook his head and did not agree with Li Qian's view. He pointed secretly in a certain direction not far away and reminded: "You really don't know how lucky you are in the midst of blessings. Look at those girls over there. That's right, I guess they will take the initiative to embrace you as long as you hook your fingers."

Li Qian looked in the direction of his finger. There were indeed a few little girls looking at where they were from time to time.

Li Qian even heard them saying things like "He is Li Qian" and "So handsome".

Hearing these words, he felt slightly relieved.

However, this emotion only flashed away, and he quickly suppressed it.

In addition to Li Qian not being interested in this kind of thing now, those girls also have a big reason.

Her looks are average, not to mention comparable to Chu Xiran, Gao Yaxin, and Tu Jiaojiao, but even compared to her classmate Li Lanying, who doesn't look stunning at first glance, she is also far behind.

Naturally, he couldn't attract Li Qian's attention.

He rolled his eyes at Fatty An angrily, "If you're interested, you can try to hook your fingers."

Fatty An made a somewhat depressed voice when he heard this, "I thought so too, but unfortunately, it's useless. Those superficial girls are here just for you."

Li Qian struck mercilessly: "What does 'superficial' mean? It only shows that people's aesthetics are normal."

Fatty An clutched his chest and deliberately made a grief-stricken voice, "Damn, are we still brothers? Don't be so heartbroken!"

While chatting and laughing, the two of them had already arrived in front of the teaching building for the third grade of high school. They walked straight up without stopping.

It didn't take long for them to arrive on the third floor, where their class classroom was located.

Along the way, they met many classmates from the same class or from the next class.

Some walked by and pretended not to see them. They also treated these classmates Li Qian and Fatty An with an indifferent attitude, without any intention of saying hello.

What's more, there are many classmates among them who are really unfamiliar with them. At most, they are just acquaintances.

Some students also took the initiative to say hello to them. To these students, Li Qian and Fatty An both responded.

Or smile and nod, or say hello.

While talking and laughing, the two of them had already entered the classroom.

As soon as he entered, he attracted almost all the attention in the class.

Li Qian felt a little embarrassed when he saw this scene. He immediately pulled Fatty An to find his seat and sit down.

"Li Qian, I heard that you have been specially recruited to enter the Beast Control University."

"Li Qian, Li Qian, which beast control university did you go to? Is it the Eighth University?"

"You idiot, with Li Qian's talent, you must have entered the Eighth National University, no need to ask!"

"Li Qian, can you summon the blue-scaled dragon and show it to me? Is it really as powerful and domineering as you see on TV?"

"Li Qian, I heard that you are now an intermediate trainer?"


The students were chattering and bombarded with all kinds of questions, which made Li Qian's head hurt a little.

Some questions and requests were so bizarre that he didn't know how to respond.

For example, let him summon the blue-scaled dragon to have a look...

What a request!

With Qizai's size, summoning him in this classroom would probably be an accident.

Facing the overwhelming questions and demands, Li Qian was also a little bit difficult to deal with.

After all, they are all classmates, so it would be too unkind to say nothing.

So he had no choice but to respond perfunctorily:

"It's Bada."

"Which school has not yet been determined."

"It's inconvenient to summon the blue-scaled dragon."

"Yes, yes, we will take care of each other from now on."


In a corner, squad leader Tu Jiaojiao saw a scene and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Li Lanying, who was standing next to her, showed a half-smiling expression.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, a few familiar coughs rescued Li Qian from all kinds of messy questions and requests.

At the door, headed by teacher Lu Xinmin from the pet knowledge class, all the teachers including Zhu Bingqing and Chu Xiran filed into the classroom.

Seeing the messy classroom, Teacher Lu Xinmin couldn't help but speak out to maintain order.

The cough just now was made by him.

Teacher Lu Xinmin looked like an old scholar. He was quite serious on weekdays and had accumulated a lot of prestige. So after he spoke out, order was quickly restored in the classroom and it became quiet.

Teacher Lu Xinmin nodded with satisfaction and then stepped onto the podium.

"Cough cough cough..."

After clearing his throat, he was the first to speak: "Strictly speaking, your courses are over and you have graduated, but today is very special..."

Teacher Lu Xinmin Balabala talked a lot, which was either sentimental or encouraging.

If these words were said normally, many students, including Li Qian, would definitely become drowsy after listening to them.

But at this moment, with this situation, it makes people feel inexplicably sentimental.

Maybe this is the indispensable parting mood during the graduation season.

"... No matter which path you embark on in the future, whether you go to the Eighth National University or an ordinary beast-controlling university, whether you become an adventurer or a worker in all walks of life, I hope you will remember that you must uprightly conduct yourself and cultivate yourself. Cultivate virtue!”

After hearing this, Li Qian couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Although the old scholar is a little more rigid, a little more flexible, and his lectures are a little boring, I have to say that he is really dedicated to teaching.

After Teacher Lu Xinmin, four teachers, Zhu Bingqing, Chu Xiran, Hu Minghua, and Guo Sheng, also took the stage to give speeches.

Some of them spoke long words, while others only spoke a few sentences.

But none of them are their life insights or teaching insights.

If you listen to it, you will definitely benefit a lot in your future life.

But it’s unclear how many people will listen to it and how many will forget it in a few days.

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