In the cabin of the airship, all the passengers felt relieved when they saw large groups of gray pigeons and storm eagles falling one after another.

Just when they thought that things were about to pass, just like every flight experience they had encountered before, an accident suddenly happened...

A strange black wind blade suddenly shot out from nowhere. It was extremely fast and struck Yunyan Jiuqi's hull in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly hit by the black wind blade, the entire spaceship suddenly shook violently. Even though the passengers inside the spaceship were all beast masters, they couldn't help but stagger around, and some even almost fell directly against the bulkhead. .


"Damn it!"

"How is this going?"

"Isn't it all over?"


Inside the airship, all the passengers screamed and screamed. After the ship became a little more stable, they all looked outside the cabin to see what was happening outside.

Then, they saw an extremely shocking scene. They saw countless wind blades pouring down like raindrops.

Boom boom boom...

Outside the cabin, explosions sounded like firecrackers.

It was actually those mechanical locusts.

They had almost no power to fight back. They were swept by this storm feather blade and completely destroyed.

In fact, if the captain had not had the foresight to open the defensive barrier in advance, the Yunyan Nine Seven would have been greatly affected.

Everyone was horrified and stunned.

"Look!" Someone looked in the direction of the attack and quickly discovered the culprit.

It was a flying pet beast that looked like a storm eagle.

It is almost twice the size of a common storm eagle.

Normally, most of the feathers on the Storm Eagle's body are cyan, but most of the feathers on this strange Storm Eagle are black.

The remaining feathers on the tail and wing tips are also not the usual white color of the storm eagle, but an extremely eye-catching red.

Li Qian also followed the sound.

Soon, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

Because he discovered that the eyes of this strange storm eagle were actually glowing red. This scene made him instantly recall something.

Some not so good stuff.

Black God Cult!

Yes, the scene in front of me was very similar to when the cultist of the Black God Sect attacked him with the violent salamander.

At the same time, where Li Qian didn't notice, under her sunglasses, the beautiful woman sitting next to him suddenly shrank her eyes.

In the cockpit of the spaceship, the captain and the young pilot also discovered the existence of the strange storm eagle.

The captain immediately ordered the young pilot, "Immediately send a signal for help to the base, saying that there are cultists attacking Yunyan Jiuqi."

After that, he focused his eyes on the central control screen in front of him, "Yunyan Jiuqi, launch a counterattack immediately, life or death."

"Yunyan Jiuqi understands and has launched a counterattack. There is no limit to the strength of the counterattack!" On the central control screen in front of him, a cold mechanical sound rang again.

With the sound of a mechanical sound, rows of thick gun barrels suddenly protruded from the side of the spacecraft.

Da da da……

Countless spitting fire snakes, bullets, machine guns, and energy beams were poured out as if they were free.

These attacks were so dense that they directly covered the past, forming an airtight fire network that enveloped the strange Storm Eagle.

Li Qian was also watching this scene.

Just when he thought that Yunyan Jiuqi would definitely achieve something by launching such a fierce attack, the reality was beyond his expectation.

I saw that the strange storm eagle suddenly flashed and disappeared. When we saw each other again, it had already appeared outside the fire coverage net.

Seeing this, Li Qian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He was very familiar with this skill of suddenly disappearing and reappearing. He had seen it on Tie Lao's four-winged mantis not long ago.

However, what was covered by the airship's firepower net was the Storm Eagle, not the four-winged mantis. Its attribute was wind, and teleportation was a skill exclusive to the space system.

Such a strange scene appeared in front of Li Qian like this, how could he not be surprised and surprised.

Surprised, suddenly, his head felt as if someone had hit him hard with a heavy hammer.

A buzzing sound sounded in his mind.

It dawned on him.


That's right, teleportation!

Gray Bean Pigeon can evolve into an Escape Eagle. Even if it is related to the Kongming Stone, and even if it passes through the space teleportation array, it cannot escape from the fact that he has the potential in this regard.

Otherwise, no matter how much resources are piled up, there will be no change.

Therefore, teleportation may be the key to the evolution of the Gray Bean Pigeon into the Escape Eagle.

As Li Qian was thinking like this, a mission reminder suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Inspiration value +5]

[Task 1: How to evolve from the Gray Bean Pigeon to the Escape Eagle. The current task progress is 96%! 】

Li Qian was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound in his mind.

After he came to his senses, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

If it weren't for the inappropriate situation at this moment, he couldn't help but laugh.

"It's true that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. I didn't expect that such a good thing could happen." After muttering to himself, he withdrew his mind and focused his gaze outside the spaceship again.

Yunyan Jiuqi tried a few more attacks, but for the strange storm eagle that had mastered the teleportation skill, the attacks were not a threat.

It was easily avoided.

Faced with such a crisis, Li Qian gave up the joy of gaining inspiration and began to worry.

In the cockpit of the spaceship, the captain and the young pilot also discovered this scene.

They all frowned and looked serious.

"Warning, warning, it is found that the energy intensity of the target exceeds Yunyan Jiuqi and reaches the overlord level. Please apply to activate the overload mode." Yunyan Jiuqi sent out a detection wave and soon discovered the opponent's strength. This made the captain and the young pilot The officer's expression became more solemn.

The captain gave the order directly without any hesitation, "Enable overload mode."

After giving the order, he looked at the young pilot and continued his instructions without hesitation: "You control Yunyan Jiuqi."

After that, he no longer hesitated and directly pressed a red button next to the driver's seat.

"Captain, you..." Seeing the captain pressing the red button, the young pilot made a surprised sound.

Amidst the surprised voice of the young driver, a circular platform suddenly slowly rose up in the cab.

The captain stood on the circular platform and slowly rose. At the same time, a passage suddenly opened on the top of the cockpit.

The captain slowly ascended towards the entrance of the passage. He looked at the battle outside and his eyes became extremely firm. "I have to go out and fight with it!"

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