The captain rose out of the cockpit, and a mecha slowly covered his body. It was obvious that he was ready for battle.

The young pilot looked at the captain who was ready for battle, his heart was surging, and he wished he could take his place.

His lips pursed and he hesitated to speak.

The captain finally left the cockpit of the spaceship, wearing a mecha, flames sprouted from the soles of his feet, and quickly flew out of the defensive barrier.

The familiar summoning circle appeared, and a wolf vulture and a flamingo appeared out of thin air, both of which were commander-level pet beasts.

Coupled with Yun Yan Jiuqi, who has reached the peak of leadership, the captain's strength cannot be underestimated.

After leaving the spaceship, he did not hesitate and commanded the wolf vulture and flamingo to pounce directly on the strange storm eagle.

In addition to the two pet beasts, the captain's body also did not rest. He wore a mecha and began to deal with the gray bean pigeons and storm eagles around him.

Inside the spaceship, on the seat, Li Qian turned his head and looked at the scene, frowning. Just as he was about to say something, the cabin broadcast suddenly rang.

"Dear passengers, I am Gao Linsheng, the pilot of this airship. I believe you have seen through the portholes that the Yunyan is currently in an unprecedented crisis."

"Support Captain, fighting off these gray bean pigeons and storm eagles is our only option at the moment."

"On behalf of all the crew members of this flight, I ask you to join us in fighting this crisis."

At the moment when the in-cabin announcement sounded, two cabin attendants at both ends of the passenger cabin pressed a virtual button on their watches without hesitation.


As the button on the watch was pressed, active metal slowly covered their feet, and almost in the blink of an eye, two mechas appeared.

There is no doubt that the two service personnel on board have also entered combat mode, preparing to support the captain who is already involved in the battle.

The sizzling sound also appeared in front of all the passengers, which was a screen rising from the side armrest.

On the touch screen, a bright red virtual button is clearly visible.

In the cabin, the voice of the radio was still playing, "All passengers, please be aware that if you touch the button on the screen, active metal will cover your entire body."

"This is a combat mecha specially designed by the federal government for every passenger. It has extremely strong defensive capabilities."

"If there is a beast master among you who has contracted a flying pet beast, please make your choice carefully."

The sound of the announcement fell, and the two flight attendants rushed out and joined the captain.

Li Qian saw this scene clearly, and his heart was touched. There was no doubt that the risk factor would increase exponentially if they rushed out, but they did not hesitate.

Looking around, Li Qian wanted to see how everyone would react.

Soon, a scene that surprised him appeared.

I saw that the beautiful woman sitting in front of him pressed the virtual button on the screen without hesitation.

Without any surprise, she put on the active mecha and was sent out of the cabin.

The summoning circle appeared, and three pet beasts appeared in front of the woman, all of which were flying beasts.

Except for this beautiful woman, everyone else in the spacecraft cabin fell into hesitation.

Seeing this, Li Qian pressed the virtual button without hesitation.

It’s not that he is noble, fearless, or unafraid of life and death, but that he understands one thing: no eggs are left intact after the nest is overturned.

If the Yunyan falls, no one in the entire spacecraft cabin will be spared.

In the final analysis, it's not that he doesn't want to stand by and watch, but that he simply can't stand by and watch.

Wrapped in active metal and put on a mecha, Li Qian was also teleported out. With a thought, the mecha's feet spurted fiery snakes.

The mecha that breathed fire snakes supported Li Qian suspended in mid-air, which looked quite extraordinary.

Li Qian did not dare to delay any longer and summoned Qizai through the beast control contract almost as soon as he left the spaceship.


Qizai left the beast-controlling space and came to the outside world, roaring excitedly.

"Don't get excited, look at the situation in front of you, the situation is not optimistic." Li Qian reminded.

Qizai was suspended high in the air, scanning the dragon's eyes, taking in a panoramic view of the scene ahead.

When it saw the densely packed gray bean pigeons and storm eagles, as well as the strange leader of the storm eagles, not only was there no fear in its eyes, but there was a look of surprise in its eyes.

It had long been tired of sparring with Xiao Liu and the other blue-scaled dragons and frost-fire demon salamanders every day.

It craves worthy opponents.

The situation in front of him was exactly what it wanted.

"Qizai, let's get to work." Commanding Qizai, Li Qian immediately launched an attack.

Under his command, Qizai rushed into the group of gray bean pigeons and storm eagles at extremely fast speeds.

Dragon claw, dragon claw...

As long as he catches him, he can use his "Dragon Claw" skill without hesitation. The gray bean pigeon and storm eagle that just took off again are no match for him.

Three times, five times and two times, Qizai defeated a large area.

Qizai's attributes are wind and water. In this high sky, using the water attribute will undoubtedly achieve twice the result with half the effort.

As for the wind element, it has relatively limited effect on the Gray Bean Pigeon and Storm Eagle, which are both wind elements, so Li Qian ordered Qizai to directly use the simplest and crudest "Dragon Claw" skill.

As several people joined the battle, the situation was immediately reversed. There were almost no gray bean pigeons or storm eagles that could fly over to cause trouble.

When the captain saw this scene, a smile appeared on his face, and he gave the order directly, "Yunyan Jiuqi, turn on the top speed mode immediately and lead the passengers out of here."

As his order was issued, the flames spurted out more violently from Yunyan Jiuqi's tail.

Its speed doubled almost instantly.

Yunyan Jiuqi entered the extreme speed mode, and before long, she left all the Storm Eagles and Gray Bean Pigeons behind.

In Yun Yan Jiu Qi's cockpit, the young pilot was a little at a loss. Yun Yan Jiu Qi didn't listen to his orders at all and was still acting according to the captain's instructions.

"Not far ahead, it should be Nandu City. Call the Nandu City Public Security Bureau for support immediately." Suddenly he saw the electronic map and saw the city mark gradually appearing in the northwest corner, so he immediately started to have concerns.

Not daring to hesitate or delay at all, the distress signal was launched frantically.

Seeing Yunyan Jiuqi go away, the captain felt a lot more at ease and began to concentrate on dealing with the situation in front of him.

The captain ordered, "Let's go down and deal with them. It's easier on the ground."

After saying that, he took the lead and dived down.

Behind him, the strange storm eagle was still chasing after him.

Li Qian, the beautiful woman and the two flight attendants also dived without hesitation after receiving the captain's reminder...

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