Jifa completed his evolution and became a golden-crowned red-feathered chicken.

Although there are not many changes, there are some.

After discovering his own evolution, the chicken chirped "cluck-cluck" and made an excited sound.

It was majestic and high-spirited, taking steps that no one would recognize.

Everyone can see the strength of that person.

Seeing the cocky look on his face, Li Qian couldn't help but shook his head, and said with a smile: "Stop snarling, continue training, and use the 'Light Energy Absorption' skill."

When Chicken Hair heard Li Qian's words, it was still feeling smug and instantly lowered its head, looking dejected.

Even though he had evolved and become stronger, Jifa still couldn't bring up the slightest thought of resisting Li Qian's orders.

Looking at Xiao Liu's "ferocious" appearance, and then looking at his own relatively "weak" figure even though he had completed his evolution, he understood that he was still far away from being able to escape from the clutches of the devil.

Therefore, it did not dare to hesitate at all and directly followed Li Qian's order and used the "Light Energy Draining" skill.

When the skill was used, the slightly exaggerated comb of the golden-crowned red-feathered chicken instantly glowed with bursts of white light.

In the void, milky white light spots appeared again, dotted with stars, and the number was much more than before.

"I barely used this skill." Seeing this scene, Li Qian's lips curved slightly.

Just as he was muttering to himself, the prompt sounded again in his mind.

[Inspiration value +3%, mission two: Evolution method of red feather chicken, current mission progress is 90%! 】

A 3% increase in progress value is nothing to this task.

However, the meaning it represents is completely different.

At least it proved that Li Qian was on the right track.

The evolution of the Golden Crown Red Feather Chicken is indeed inseparable from the light system and the two skills of "Light Energy Absorption" and "Light Energy Storage".

Moreover, the fact that the chicken can learn the skill of "light energy absorption" is enough to show that the golden-crowned red-feathered chicken is probably just a transitional form, just a prerequisite for its higher-level evolutionary form.

"We have reached 90%. What should we do next?"

The evolution of Chicken Hair made him feel happy, and after the joy, he felt a little confused.

Li Qian shook his head and thought no more.

He was very satisfied with being able to advance this task to 90% in a short period of time.

Next, what he has to do is to slowly accumulate and study slowly.

I believe that it won't be long before this task can be completed normally.

But if you want to exceed the quota, it will be a bit difficult.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time!"

After waving his hand and letting Jifa leave, Li Qian didn't waste any more time. He walked back to the small white building where he was staying temporarily.

After returning to Xiaobailou, he simply packed up his things and looked in a certain direction not far away.

"Moreover, they don't seem to trust me very much. Maybe they think I'm just talking nonsense and being blindly arrogant..." After muttering to himself, he already made a decision in his heart.

Everyone has their own choice. Unlike me, Gao Yaxin and the others have golden fingers and can see clear directions. It is normal not to believe their own inferences.

But understanding is understanding, and he was still a little unhappy in his heart.

It’s not like I came here to seek cooperation.

It was you who proposed the cooperation. It's you who doesn't trust my inference. What kind of trouble are you going to make?

Suppressing the slight discomfort in his heart, Li Qian put on the VR glasses again and looked at the training materials provided by the Mu family.

Time flies, and soon the sun is setting in the west.

Looking at the time display point above the VR glasses, the time has reached five o'clock in the evening. Li Qian took off the VR glasses, rubbed his eyes, walked out of the Xiaobai Building, and walked towards the complex building.

Just when Li Qian had just left Xiaobai Building and was about to walk towards the complex building, a strange, slightly feminine voice suddenly sounded not far from his side.

"Who are you?"

The owner of the feminine voice walked quickly towards Li Qian and said as he walked, "Why do you appear in the Changfeng Breeding Base?"

"Why can't I appear in this breeding base?" Looking at the tall and thin man who suddenly appeared and the unkind look in his eyes, Li Qian said calmly: "Who are you? I appeared What does it have to do with you here?"

"I..." Hearing Li Qian's unceremonious reply, the tall and thin man's face instantly became a little ugly.

He subconsciously prepared to reply, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that he didn't know how to reply.

Seeing this, the disdain on Li Qian's face became even more obvious.

At this moment, he had roughly guessed the identity of the tall and thin man in front of him.

In all likelihood, it is the licking dog of Gao Yaxin, Lu Xiaoli and Wen Wan, one of the three girls.

And there is a high probability that it belongs to Gao Yaxin.

There is no other reason. Among the three women, Gao Yaxin is the most outstanding one in terms of family background and appearance.

"Brother Li Qian, it's time to eat." Ignoring the tall and thin man's incompetent barking, Li Qian walked straight towards the complex building. As soon as he took a step forward, Lu Xiaoli called out not far away.

She had a smile on her face, looking like the sister next door.

After calling out, she looked at the tall and thin man and said with some surprise: "Hey, Xu Yue, you are here too!"

"I didn't expect you to be here, just in time. Let me introduce you." Lu Xiaoli walked over quickly and said as she walked, "This is classmate Li Qian, a genius cultivator."

After that, she specially added, "Yaxin took the initiative to ask him to come over and help."

Her words seemed to be praising and flattering Li Qian, but the latter could detect a faint hint of provocation.

Facts have proved that his guess was not wrong. The next moment Lu Xiaoli said these words, the face of the tall and thin man Xu Yue became even more ugly.

He opened his mouth and made a sarcastic voice, "These days, if you just join a breeding base and study some trivial things, you can always call them geniuses or monsters. It's really ridiculous."

"Classmate Li Qian, do you think what I said makes sense?"

"Haha, I don't know." Li Qian smiled faintly, and then said the next sentence in a nonchalant manner, "I only know that if it were me, before causing hatred and ridicule, I would definitely investigate first and see. What achievements has the other party made? Otherwise, he will look like an idiot clown!"

After that, he ignored Xu Yue and walked straight over without even looking at Lu Xiaoli.

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