After leaving gracefully, Li Qian ignored Lu Xiaoli and Xu Yue at all. Seeing this, the latter two looked a little ugly.

"Let's go there too." Glancing at Xu Yue, Lu Xiaoli hesitated, and finally said a reminder.

"Tonight's meal is very rich." When he arrived at the complex, he looked at the meals prepared by the logistics staff and said with a smile.

"..." Seeing that Li Qian was so calm and composed, as if he were at home, some of the logistics staff looked a little strange.

"Our Changfeng Training Base, among other things, has never lagged behind others in terms of treatment." After hearing Li Qian's words, Gao Yaxin walked out slowly and responded.

"As the saying goes, if you want to keep a person's heart, you must first keep his stomach. It seems that Sister Yaxin knows this well. No wonder you can keep this Changfeng breeding base in order." After reading it. Li Qian glanced at Gao Yaxin and complimented her.

Some things are just like this. If you don't think them through before, you will often look forward and backward, and hesitate. After you think them through, you will suddenly become enlightened.

At this moment, Li Qian was in this state. He originally wanted to say "prosperously" directly, but considering the actual situation of the training base, he changed his statement.

Seeing this, Gao Yaxin frowned slightly. She was keenly aware of Li Qian's change.

Everyone will say compliments, especially from the mouths of people who are not familiar with them. When they say such words, they often mean politeness and alienation.

‘Alas~! ’ Sighing in her heart, Gao Yaxin roughly understood the reason for Li Qian’s change of attitude.

Strictly speaking, Li Qian cannot be blamed for this matter. After all, they were the first to change their attitude. The other party just chose to retreat after noticing the change.

Gao Yaxin actually felt uncomfortable. Her instinct told her that if she did this, she would probably regret it in the future.

But the matter has come to this, and at this time, even if it is to be restored, it is already too late.

Moreover, Li Qian did not give her a chance to redeem herself. Just when Lu Xiaoli, Xu Yue, Wen Wan, and Wu You all arrived, Li Qian spoke directly and expressed his decision, "Well, since everyone is here, I’ll announce something.”

"I have already bought the airship ticket and will leave Nandu City tomorrow." He said directly without hiding it.

"Here, classmate Li Qian, why are you preparing to leave so suddenly? Don't we still have cooperation?" After hearing Li Qian's words, Wen Wan made a somewhat surprised sound.

The three of them did question Li Qian's research and the direction he gave, but even if they didn't quite believe in the latter's judgment, they never thought of treating them poorly.

After all, the latter's status as a talent cultivator is real and cannot be faked. Making friends with such a genius cultivator will definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages to Changfeng Training Base.

It's just that they don't know what Lu Xiaoli and Xu Yue did, otherwise they wouldn't think so.

As for Li Qian, his idea is very simple. Since we can't be like-minded, it's better to part ways early and maintain a friendship when we meet again in the future.

Of course, this is limited to Gao Yaxin and Wen Wan. As for Lu Xiaoli and Xu Yue, it is simply impossible.

It was a great honor for him to remain superficially polite with these two people.

"Think of the cooperation thing as a joke. I procured so much training materials for nothing and didn't give any substantive suggestions. There are really countless cooperation partners." Li Qian smiled and took the initiative to mention it.

"This..." There is a hint of meaning in these words. The implication is that if you don't believe it, what's the point of me staying? Faced with this implication, both Wen Wan and Gao Yaxin are a little confused. How to respond.

At this time, if they continue to deny it, say that they have no distrust, and persuade the other party to stay, it would be too false, and they cannot say this.

"Since the cooperation has been reached, even if it is only verbally reached, it cannot be canceled so easily. Don't worry, we will look for high-potential koi for your breeding base in Nandu City." Without thinking more, I felt a little sorry. Li Qian's Gao Yaxin said firmly.

"Then...thank you sister Yaxin." After thinking about it, since Gao Yaxin insisted, Li Qian said nothing more.

At worst, he would give him a little more money and just treat it like asking someone to help him buy it normally. Anyway, his breeding base is not short of money now.

Next to him, Xu Yue listened to the conversation between Li Qian and Gao Yaxin with a strange expression.

To be honest, they were just talking about cooperation, and there was nothing involved.

'But, even so, just now, this guy was too disrespectful to himself. ’ After understanding the general story of the matter, Xu Yue still felt indignant. No one in Nandu dared to be so presumptuous in front of him.

Just now, he had learned from Lu Xiaoli that this boy was just a country bumpkin who came from a small city in the countryside.

Even if he has some talents in nurturing, he probably doesn't have much family background. I'll take a chance tomorrow to teach him a lesson.

So that this guy understands, don't be arrogant in Nandu City, otherwise, the end will definitely be miserable.

Li Qian just couldn't hear his voice, otherwise he would definitely be very speechless.

I just don't want to pay attention to this idiot, how can I become arrogant?

The dinner ended in this somewhat weird atmosphere. In the end, Gao Yaxin still didn't ask to stay.

He knew very well that with Li Qian's pride, now that this matter had been spoken out, there was no room for redemption.

"By the way, Sister Yaxin, I have something to ask you for a favor?" Li Qian suddenly said before leaving after dinner.

"What's the matter?" Gao Yaxin asked directly without hesitation.

"Sell me the chicken, I want to continue research." After thinking for a while, Li Qian expressed his thoughts.

He just casually mentioned that it would be best if he could buy it. After all, Chicken Hair's potential was still very good. If he couldn't buy it, it didn't matter.

The value of the red feather chicken is not high, it can be said to be very cheap. Even if the chicken hair is gone, he can buy another one at any time.

The reason why he made this request was because the two days of training really brought a lot of "unforgettable memories" to Jifa, and Li Qian wanted to make up for it.

"No need to buy it, I will give you the red-feathered chicken directly!" After hearing Li Qian's request, Gao Yaxin was stunned for a moment, and then directly expressed her decision.

It's hard to say anything else. She can still afford to give him a red-feathered chicken, no, now it's a golden-crowned red-feathered chicken.

Li Qian originally wanted to insist on buying it, but Gao Yaxin refused because "he looked down on her as a sister by giving her money."

Since Gao Yaxin said so, Li Qian didn't refuse anymore. He just did it casually, there was no need to talk about it over such a trivial matter.

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