Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 209 It’s scary to think about it carefully

At the same time, while Li Qian and Sun Ruirui were having a heated chat, at the seaside not far from Hongqiao Manor, the owner of the manor, Sun Hongyi, was frowning at this moment.

He was discussing something with a group of people of different ages. This group of people could be regarded as the most powerful group of people in Zhonghai City.

At this moment, they were in one of the nineteen tall towers in Zhongtan Beach, in the conference hall on the top of the tower.

Coincidentally, this incident happened to be related to an attack that Li Qian suffered some time ago.

During that attack experience, Li Qian saw a real high-level battle in Zhonghai City, which also made him understand his own weakness.

Yes, it was the incident in which the four beasts headed by the two-headed evil dragon launched a brazen attack on the city. That incident opened the eyes of many people and also sounded the alarm in their hearts.

Let them understand that this world is not the peace and stability they imagined. It is also full of crises, even on the Ancestral Star.

Doing the math, it has only been more than half a month since the four beasts attacked the city. More than half a month can eliminate many things, and it can also make some things continue to ferment and become more and more intense.

The occurrence of the attack on the city not only touched Li Qian, but also made Zhonghai City's real high-level combat forces uncomfortable.

Although Qiu Sheng deliberately allowed the pet beast to get close to the coastline for a special purpose, this does not mean that Zhonghai City can sit back and relax.

Of course, only Qiu Sheng knew best whether he had the purpose of fishing and law enforcement when he allowed the three beasts, namely the Screaming Shark, the Mosasaurus and the Cloud Whale, to approach Zhongtan Beach.

But judging from the results, he did catch the fish, but the fish was a bit big and broke free from the constraints of the fishing line.

After the attack on the city, Qiu Sheng took the lead and immediately formed an elite team to raid the Milo Trench.

They prepared to use thunderous means to launch a sudden attack, directly sealing the dimensional crack that suddenly appeared.

More than half a month has passed, and the operation has long ended. However, looking at their dejected looks at this moment, it is clear that the results of the operation are not ideal.

In the center of the conference hall, Qiu Sheng was sitting on a chair. He looked around, cleared his throat, and said, "I'm not calling you here again today to summarize the results of the last action."

"The result, there is nothing to summarize." He continued, "The dimensional crack near the Milo Trench, at least a dozen Holy Spirit-level beasts emerged from it. They were not our team at all. Can handle it.”

Having said this, Qiu Sheng sighed helplessly.

The last action was really beyond their expectations. They thought that there would be at most two or three Holy Spirit-level beasts near the dimensional rift. Who would have thought that there would actually be seven or eight of them.

A beast master with a Chinese character face who had not appeared in the last attack on the city asked: "Sheng Qiu, are we just letting things go?"

After listening to the question raised by the Chinese-faced beast master, someone immediately echoed, "Yes, Qiu Sheng, a dozen holy beasts are terrifying, but it is not impossible to solve them by gathering our team of beast masters in Zhonghai City."

Qiu Sheng did not speak again. Yue Sheng, who was standing next to Qiu Sheng, took over the words, "It can indeed be dealt with, but how many casualties will there be? We have to think about whether it is worth it."

At this time, someone thought of a name and raised it loudly, "We can ask Yin Chuanchuan for help..."

The Flower Saint standing with Yue Sheng was a woman. When she heard the name mentioned by the beast master just now, she objected directly and solemnly, "No, Yin Chuanchuan is in charge of Tianhai City. You should know that it is not as important as Zhonghai City is low, so you can’t turn to Yin Chuanhua for help unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

"Then what should we do?" This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, a beast master asked helplessly.

Qiu Sheng smoothed things over and eased the atmosphere at the scene, "This matter is indeed not something that should alarm Yin Chuanhua."

Yue Sheng understood what Qiu Sheng meant and took over the conversation again, "I called you here today just to tell you what we are going to do next."

"Everyone sitting here has at least reached the emperor level. They are the backbone of our Zhonghai City. We need to bear more responsibilities in the upcoming changes."

He organized his words and began to explain, "Just now, Lao Mo was right about one thing. If we gather the power of most of the high-end beast masters in Zhonghai City, we can indeed suppress or even seal the dimensional rift."

"If we do that, the casualties will definitely be huge, but I believe that everyone here has the courage to fight to the death for their hometown."

After taking a deep breath, he suddenly changed the subject, "But what I want to say is that there is no point in doing this."

"Maybe some of you already know some information, and maybe some of you still don't know the situation. Let me explain it here."

Seeing everyone's reaction, he told the ground-breaking news in a hurry, "In just half a month, the Far North Icefield, the Shiwanda Mountain, the Kansai Tombs and the Flowing Fire Island in the South China Sea appeared one after another. Dimensional rift."

"Some of these dimensional cracks are no lower than the ones in Milo Trench."


The moment Yue Sheng said these words, many beast masters in the conference hall couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"How can this be!"

"What happened to Ancestor Star?"

Some beast masters even made disbelieving sounds. You must know that those present at the meeting were at least emperor-level beast masters. With their strength, they had never seen any big storms, but after hearing the news, their hearts Still couldn't help but stir up waves.

"It's not what happened to the Ancestral Star, but what happened inside the dimensional rift!"

Dongsheng, who had been silent until now, was wearing a non-mainstream Taoist robe. At this moment, he couldn't help but said: "I believe you all know that plane fusion is an irreversible trend. Why didn't many people worry about it before? "

"Because everyone knows that when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places, and pets are not stupid. Compared to the dimensional plane, the Ancestral Star is a barren land."

After glancing around, he sighed, and then said something with a complicated expression that made everyone's hair stand on end, "But, for such a remote and barren land, why are there so many pet beasts passing through?" Dimensional cracks are pouring out, and there are many holy beasts among them, and there are quite a lot of them. Isn’t this matter terrifying to think about?”

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