Dong Sheng's words silenced everyone.

As beastmasters at the lowest and imperial level, how could they not have thought about this issue.

But thinking is thinking, no one will challenge it after all.

It is estimated that the idea of ​​"if you don't listen, if you don't listen, the world will be peaceful" is somewhat involved.

However, now that the matter has been revealed, even if you want to deliberately avoid it, you can no longer do it.

Yes, no matter what, in the dimensional plane, the concentration of heaven and earth energy is definitely higher than that of the ancestral star.

Then, why do these emperor-level and holy-level beasts sacrifice the best for the inferior?

This is extremely unreasonable.

Seeing that Dong Sheng's words made the scene audible, Qiu Sheng opened his mouth to ease the atmosphere, "Don't think so much, everyone. There are only two reasons why these emperor-level and holy-level beasts invaded the Ancestral Star. The possibility, first, is that the Ancestral Star has a great attraction for them, and second, there is something wrong within the dimensional plane.”

With a smile on his face, he continued: "No matter what the situation is, for us, as long as the soldiers come to block the water and the earth covers it, it will be enough."

Finally, he added, "Since the trend is irreversible, all we have to do is follow the trend."

Yue Sheng also spoke in agreement, "And don't forget, we once unearthed a lot of documents from the ruins inside the dimensional plane."

"There are records in it that there used to be human civilization in the dimensional plane, and perhaps it still exists now, but the dimensional plane is too vast and is a multi-dimensional space nested layer by layer, so it has not been discovered by us. "

"I believe that since human civilization in the dimensional plane can coexist peacefully with extraordinary creatures, there is no reason why we cannot find a similar way of getting along with each other in our era."

As for completely suppressing or killing these extraordinary creatures that invaded the ancestral planet, he has no such idea, because there is simply no way to kill them all.

And it is not easy to kill an emperor-level extraordinary creature.

Not to mention the Holy Spirit level.

"Sheng Yue is right, we can definitely find a way to peacefully coexist with extraordinary creatures." Qiu Sheng nodded.

After scanning the people in the conference room, he began to summarize his speech, "However, we must be prepared to guard against beasts, so in the coming days, I hope everyone will be alert and work hard to guard the area where they are stationed."

"Because there is a Sifang Barrier inside Zhonghai City, various high-tech equipment is also running, and with the existence of Zhonghai Beast Control University, there is no need to worry, but the small cities around Zhonghai and even the nearby sea area are Have to guard against it.”

"This is also one of the most important reasons why we organized everyone to come here this time."

"We are going to rebuild the nineteen towers and divide the warning areas. Every emperor-level beastmaster must regularly guard the warning areas to prevent accidents."

"at last……"

After pausing for a moment and glancing at everyone, Qiu Shengfang continued: "We are going to choose an opportunity to announce this matter to the general public."

"In fact, this is also the decision of the federal high-level and the Beast Masters Association."

"Old Mo" who was named by Yue Sheng before was a man who looked like an old farmer. He nodded in agreement, "It must be announced, otherwise ordinary people without any vigilance may still encounter him if they still walk around casually as before. All kinds of dangers.”

"Dear senior beast masters in Zhonghai City, our Public Security Bureau, the five federal corps, the Federal Guards, and the Beast Masters Association will provide you with full assistance. Under normal circumstances, our security officers, vigilance officers, and guards will patrol and guard. When encountering Seniors will be notified only in special emergencies." At this moment, a young man in military uniform came out.

He is also an emperor-level beast master, coming from the Central Wutu Army of the five major federal armies, referred to as the Central Army.

His speech directly represented the official attitude. In fact, the five major federal legions, the Security Bureau, the Guards, and the Beast Masters Association basically covered the vast majority of the official forces.

When Lao Mo, who looked like an old farmer, saw this man speaking, he immediately thought of something, so he asked: "Your five legions are also involved in this matter. Where was the battlefield outside that day?"

Everyone knows that the main forces that open up the Tianwai battlefield are the five legions. If they return to support the Ancestral Star, the layout of the Tianwai battlefield will definitely be affected.

"It's not a big problem. On the outer battlefield, we human beast masters are the dominant ones after all. There is no problem if we temporarily shrink for a while." The young officer did not speak very carefully, but just explained vaguely. One sentence.

After the young officer spoke, the matter was almost settled, and everyone continued to talk for a while. After the meeting was over, a figure rushed out of the tower first.

"Professor Sun, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Shi Yulian asked curiously when she saw the figure leaving in a hurry.

They are both professors at Zhonghai Beast Control University, even if they are from different colleges, they must know each other.

"There's something going on at home." He hurriedly said a word, and Sun Hongyi's figure disappeared.

There was no other way. If he didn't go back, the wild boar would eat up the cabbage at home, so he couldn't help but worry.

Shi Yulian didn't pay attention, and after a while, she also left the tower council chamber.

Inside the Red Bridge Manor.

Li Qianzheng was chatting with Sun Ruirui, and he discovered that the little girl did have a talent for nurturing.

What he said before, "second only to Professor Sun," was somewhat of a compliment.

But after chatting for a while, he could already confirm this. The little girl was indeed very knowledgeable in the way of evolution from Jinzhu Beilei to Tidal Sea Spirit.

To describe it as "second only to Professor Sun" is not an exaggeration at all.

"As you saw before, Professor Sun's research was stuck at the last step."

Without wasting any more time, Li Qian started to get to the point according to his own ideas.

"Strictly speaking, evolution has actually been successful. The reason why it degenerated in the end should be just some details."

"I wonder if you and Professor Sun have discussed this aspect?"

After hearing this, Sun Ruirui shook her head helplessly, "No, Third Uncle basically doesn't let me touch these things."

"He took all these things on himself. In fact, the reason why I know so much about the evolution from Jinzhubeilei to Tidal Sea Spirit is that in addition to often witnessing the evolution process, it is mostly my own thinking, and of course Combined with the books you read on weekdays.”

After hearing this, the surprise on Li Qian's face flashed away.

"You are indeed very talented in this area. After you solve the problem of the Apocalypse, you can consider developing in this area..."

As soon as Li Qian finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly rang out, "You don't need to worry about this."

"Ruirui wants to learn cultivation, so I will teach her. Even if my ability is limited and I can't teach her, I have the entire training academy of Zhonghai Beast Control University behind me."

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