Looking at Xiao Hui flying freely in mid-air, Li Qian was quite emotional.

Thinking about it, after completing the evolution, it should be equally excited at this moment.

This can be seen from the fact that it keeps hovering in the air and makes a "chirp" sound from time to time.

Looking at Xiao Hui in mid-air, Li Qian took a long breath.

This is an imperial-level pet beast.

Although, Li Qian is confident that with the help of Golden Finger, he will definitely be able to develop more pet beasts with emperor-level potential in the future.

However, after all, he was the first Sky-Escape Eagle, so he still had some ups and downs in his heart.

Just when Li Qian looked at the pet beast in mid-air and felt quite emotional, a strange voice suddenly rang out, "This pet beast looks a bit like it was developed by Professor Yan from Shazhou Beast Control University." Escape Eagle."

Li Qian was startled when he suddenly heard this, and he quickly looked in the direction where the sound came from.

There, on the field ridge, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties and had a mustache was also looking up at the sky.

To be precise, he was looking at Xiao Hui flying in mid-air.

"Who are you?" Li Qian was startled when he heard this, and a look of vigilance immediately appeared in his eyes.

I had just arrived here, and I had clearly scanned the surroundings. There was no one at all, but when did the mustache in front of me appear?


It's like it appeared out of thin air!

Such a strange way of appearing completely evaded his own perception. The mustached man in front of him was probably very unusual.

Not only is his identity and background not simple, but his strength is probably not simple either.

The man with a mustache who suddenly appeared did not answer Li Qian's question, but withdrew his gaze and looked at Li Qian.

"Little guy, do you know that using the teleportation center's remote teleportation array to evolve is a very dangerous thing."

After hearing this, Li Qian's eyes were still wary, but his vigilance had been reduced a lot.

Since the other party mentioned the "Transmission Center", in fact, it was equivalent to telling the origin.

Nine times out of ten, they are the powerful federations who are sitting in the teleportation center of Zhonghai City or Qianshan City.

"Senior, it's the junior who didn't know the key and took the liberty. I apologize to senior here for the trouble it caused to the teleportation center." After guessing the general identity of the man with the moustache, Li Qianhao lowered his vigilance. Don't hesitate to apologize.

Not to mention the terrifying strength of this moustachioed man who suddenly appeared and probably came from the federal teleportation center. Regardless of right or wrong, this matter is also his own responsibility.

Being inferior to others in strength and unreasonable, Li Qian decisively chose to give in.

After all, he is a strong man in the Federation, not some evil heretic. Li Qian believes that the other party will not care about this kind of thing.

And it can be judged from the tone of the mysterious strongman's just words that even if Xiao Hui's evolution has had a certain impact on the teleportation array from Zhonghai City to Qianshan City, the impact should not be big.

And when I think about it carefully, I realized that I didn't think carefully about this matter and didn't consider some deep-seated issues.

Although the cultivation information given by Professor Yan recorded the evolution method from the Gray Bean Pigeon to the Escape Eagle, which focused on describing the function of the teleportation array, he did not say what teleportation array was used in the evolution method.

Perhaps it is not a general traffic transmission array, but a transmission array specially used for experimental research.

No, not maybe, but a high probability.

In addition, the Extreme Sky-Escape Eagle is different from the Sky-Escape Eagle after all. Its potential has broken through to the emperor level, and the space fluctuations caused by it should be more severe than the latter.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Is this the Sky-Escape Eagle researched by Shazhou Beast Control University?" The man with the mustache did not respond to Li Qian's apology, but continued to ask.

Li Qian saw that he didn't care very much, and he probably wouldn't pursue the matter. He breathed out silently and replied in a respectful tone: "Senior's eyes are like a torch. This is indeed a slight modification I made based on Professor Yan's research on the Sky-Escape Eagle. , developed and evolved pet beasts.”

"A slight change, I'm afraid, it's not that simple, right?"

The man with the mustache looked at Li Qian with a smile, "What is the name of this eagle in the sky? The racial potential seems to be not simple. It should have broken through to the emperor level."

Hearing this, Li Qian replied respectfully again, "Senior, you have such a good vision. Xiao Hui has just completed his evolution. The name of this evolved body is Extreme Escape Eagle. Its potential has indeed broken through to the emperor level, but it can only reach the emperor level." "

If it was a close guess before, now Li Qian is 100% certain.

The mustachioed man in front of him was indeed a big shot, and his beast control talent was definitely not the Eye of True Seeing. In this case, it was really scary to be able to judge Xiao Hui's racial potential based on his eyesight and experience alone.

"Is it possible to reach the first level of an emperor? Being able to reach the emperor level is already very impressive!"

The man with the mustache looked at Li Qian, and the more he looked at it, the more he admired it, "What's more, this extremely fierce sky-escape eagle also has a space system. What's especially rare is that you are young and should still be a student. Tell me quickly, Which beast-controlling university are you a student at?"

Hearing this, Li Qian spoke directly about his situation without hesitation, "Senior, I misunderstood. I have just graduated from high school and am not yet a student of Yushou University. However, I have signed an admission agreement with Shazhou Yushou University and will be graduating in September." I will go to Shazhou Beast Control University.”

After explaining his situation, Li Qian seized the opportunity and asked, "I wonder what you call me, senior?"

"Hahaha... high school graduates, interesting, interesting..."

"There hasn't been a high school graduate like you in many years. Lao Pu really got a big deal."

The man with the mustache smiled cheerfully at first, and after sighing twice, he introduced himself, "My name is Li Sukuan."

Although he was not sure who "Old Pu" was, and there was no teacher named "Pu" among the Shazhou Beast Control University teachers he had contact with, Li Qian still respectfully called "Senior Li".

"Um, Senior Li, do you know if Xiao Hui's evolution will have a big impact on the teleportation circle?" Li Qian asked without forgetting what happened before.

Li Sukuan waved his hand. As Li Qian had guessed, he didn't take this matter to heart.

"It's not a big problem, I've already settled it for you."

When Li Qian heard the exact news, he couldn't help but let out a long breath, and then thanked him again, "Thank you, Senior Li, for your help!"

"Then I wonder how you are going to repay me?" As soon as Li Qian thanked him, Li Sukuan continued in a playful tone.

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