"Uh..." Li Qian was stunned after hearing this. He obviously didn't expect that Li Sukuan would be so naughty.

Yes, Li Sukuan was indeed joking, because he soon started laughing.

He smiled and joked: "Haha, I'm joking with you, young man, don't be so serious. Also, you shouldn't let me call you 'young man' or 'young man' all the time."

Li Qian also laughed after hearing this.

He knew that he needed to introduce himself, so he said: "Senior Li, student Li Qian, from Jiangnan Province."

"Coming from Jiangnan Province, you didn't choose Jiangnan Beast Controlling University or Zhonghai Beast Controlling University, but chose Shazhou Beast Controlling University. Could it be that you fell into Lao Pu's beauty trap."

"Ahem..." Li Qian coughed softly after hearing this, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Li Sukuan's words reminded him of Xue Huaiyu, the mature and glamorous admissions teacher at Shazhou Yushou University.

Is this a honey trap? Maybe forget it!

However, Li Qian's choice was not affected by this aspect.

The reason why I chose to study at Shazhou Beast Control University was because they were the most sincere and gave me too much.

"Senior Li was joking."

Li Qian simply explained, "The reason why this junior chose Shazhou Beast Control University is because... they offer the most generous conditions."

"When you are not familiar with anything, the juniors will naturally think that whoever gives the most is the most sincere."

Li Sukuan didn't expect that Li Qian would say such a thing, and was a little surprised. When he realized what he said, he immediately laughed heartily, "Boy Li, what you said is sincere, and it's to my liking."

"Any talk of history or glory is all nonsense in the face of real interests."

"I like your pragmatic attitude very much. Now, I want to talk to you about cooperation based on this pragmatic attitude."

Li Qian had a guess, but he didn't say it directly. Instead, he pretended not to know and asked, "What kind of cooperation?"

"For our teleportation center, space-based pet beasts are very rare, and they are also the most suitable."

Li Sukuan did not beat around the bush, but went straight to the point and explained his purpose, "So, I hope that you can cultivate a batch of extremely fierce air-escape eagles for our teleportation center."

The content of the cooperation proposed by the mustached man did not exceed Li Qian's expectations.

Li Qian knew that he was very strong, but no matter how strong he was, he could not be indifferent to a pet beast with dual attributes of space and wind, whose racial potential had reached the imperial level.

The cooperation content proposed by Li Sukuan was within Li Qian's expectation, but it also made him think deeply.

After a moment, he said: "We can cooperate, but there are some situations that must be explained clearly in advance."

Before Li Sukuan could speak again, he continued: "Since seniors already know that I am a high school student who has just graduated, it should also be clear that I will not be able to stay in Zhonghai City for long."

"According to my estimation, and also based on time, we can only cultivate another batch of Extremely Fierce Escape Eagles at most."

Li Qian took his time and told the real situation, "The evolution method of the Extreme Sky Escape Eagle is quite special. Its success depends on whether it has space talent. If it does not have this talent, no matter how much investment it takes, it will be useless." It’s nothing but trying to draw water from a bamboo basket.”

"So even if there is still time to carry out a cultivation, I am not sure whether the Extremely Fierce Sky-Escape Eagle can be evolved or how many Extremely Fierce Sky-Escape Eagles can be evolved."

Since cooperation has been mentioned, Li Qian is ready to state the situation clearly at once, "And even if it cannot evolve into the Extreme Sky Escape Eagle, some expenses are indispensable."

What Li Qian is talking about is naturally the evolutionary process from the gray bean pigeon to the extremely violent storm eagle. This process cannot be omitted.

"In addition, if you want to evolve the Extreme Sky-Escape Eagle, there is another indispensable condition..."

Before Li Qian finished speaking, Li Sukuan guessed what he was going to say, so he directly took over the conversation, "Don't worry, I will prepare a teleportation array that meets the requirements for you, and I guarantee that no outsiders will disturb you."

Having had a glimpse of Xiao Hui's evolution, he knew exactly what Li Qian said was the necessary condition.

In fact, this is also a very important reason why Li Qian prefers to cooperate with Li Sukuan.

With Li Sukuan's support, the problem of the teleportation array can be easily solved.

Otherwise, if you keep using the traffic teleportation array, even if you are not discovered now, problems will occur sooner or later.

Just as the two were talking, two birds chirped, and Xiao Hui, who had been having fun for a while, fell from the sky and landed on the ground not far from Li Qian.

In fact, it had already discovered the sudden appearance of Li Sukuan, and was a little wary at first. However, considering that he and Li Qian had a happy conversation, it did not take immediate action.

Of course, there was another reason why it didn't take action. The human beast master in front of it gave it a very dangerous feeling.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed a very good pet beast."

Li Sukuan looked at Xiao Hui, the Sky-Escape Eagle, and also made a sound of admiration.

Finally, he focused his attention on Li Qian, "Of course, you are the better one. I am very optimistic about your future."

"Don't worry, our teleportation center will definitely give you a price that satisfies you for the extremely intense sky-escape eagle that you have cultivated."

Li Qian had no doubts about this at all.

Just one transmission, and the distance from Zhonghai City to Qianshan City is not long, the cost is as high as more than three million. From this aspect, it can be seen that even if the transmission center is not a money printing machine, it is not much different.

They will definitely not be short of money, but Li Qian has other considerations, "I believe that Senior Li will definitely give me a price that satisfies me."

"But compared to this matter, what I care more about is that in the future, the Extreme Sky Escape Eagles that come out of my hands will be well cultivated."

Li Qian would say such words, and the implication was very obvious.

He agreed to Li Sukuan's request for cooperation.

In fact, there is no reason to disagree. Not to mention that at this moment, he is faintly weaker than others and has to bow his head. Just making friends with the teleportation center is a very valuable thing.

"Hahaha..." Li Sukuan laughed heartily after hearing this, "You can rest assured on this point. Although our teleportation center is not short of money, we are not so luxurious that we can waste the talents of emperor-level beasts at will. The point.”

"Don't worry, as long as the news is released, I believe that the boys and girls in the transmission center will definitely fight for it."

Li Qian nodded, with a satisfied look on his face.

For a breeder, in addition to expecting the pet beast he cultivates to bring him wealth and fame, he also hopes that it will be treated properly and cultivated seriously.

Li Qian naturally thought so too.

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