"By the way, as a partner of our teleportation center, this is a privilege given to you." Just when Li Qian thought that the cooperation was almost over, Li Sukuan suddenly took out a card.

He gently let go of his hand, and the card with seemingly complex patterns floated over on its own.

The card floated towards Li Qian on its own, which made him feel a little surprised, because he glanced left and right and did not see the existence of the pet beast.

However, Li Qian quickly subdued his surprise and calmed down again.

In this beast-controlling world, there are not only thousands of pet beasts, of all types and attributes, but also the beast-controlling talents.

Perhaps, this move was done by the opponent using his beast control talent.

In addition, Li Qian also heard that when the level of a beast master increases to a certain level, the evolutionary feedback and contract feedback received will not only improve physical fitness, but also be more likely to obtain various benefits. magical ability.

So his shock only lasted a moment.

Li Sukuan saw Li Qian regaining his composure so quickly, and the admiration on his face became even more obvious.

Li Qian did not hesitate, took the floating card, and cast an inquiring look at Li Sukuan.

The latter did not keep him waiting for a long time and directly explained, "This is the VIP card of our teleportation center. With this VIP card, you can ride the teleportation array three times for free every month."

After hearing this, Li Qian's face instantly showed a look of interest.

This is a good benefit, and at least it can bring great convenience to Li Qian.

Overjoyed, he immediately asked: "Can it be teleported across the country?"

Li Sukuan laughed dumbly, "You don't want to use the teleportation array to go to Shazhou City, do you?"

"Isn't it possible?" Li Qian looked at Li Sukuan with a smile.

Since you are talking about the whole country, Shazhou City is naturally within the scope.

Of course, in terms of distance, it is indeed a bit far.

It's a bit like taking advantage of a loophole in the rules.

So Li Qian was still a little embarrassed.

Bringing it up now is just the right time to get a definite reply.

"Since we said it's the whole country, as long as we don't leave the Eastern Xia Federation, it's okay." After a slight smile, Li Sukuan gave an explanation.

Li Qian nodded with satisfaction, something suddenly occurred to his mind, so he asked again, "What about other countries?"

"Uh..." Li Sukuan was stunned for a moment when he heard Li Qian's question.

Other countries, you can think of it.

Do you know how much it costs to take a teleportation array to go abroad?

Li Qian saw Li Sukuan's reaction and smiled awkwardly.

He also knew that his request was a bit excessive, so he scratched his head in embarrassment.

After looking at Li Qian and smiling again, Li Sukuan said lightly: "The same free transmission rights three times a month are not impossible if you want to cover the entire Ancestral Star."

At this point, his expression became a little playful again, "Unless you can provide ten extremely fierce air-escape eagles to the teleportation center every year."

"Are there ten Extremely Fierce Escape Eagles every year?"

Li Qian chewed on the condition proposed by Li Sukuan.

After thinking for a moment, he discussed with the latter.

"How about five extremely fierce escaping eagles?"

He kept talking and continued: "For the remaining five, I can replace them with other pet beasts with emperor-level potential."

"After all, I'm just a student. I can't spend a lot of time every year evolving the Extreme Air Escape Eagle."

After listening to Li Qian's words, Li Sukuan's eyes suddenly lit up, "Have you mastered the evolution methods of other emperor-level pet beasts?"

"Not yet, but I am indeed studying the evolution method of another pet beast. I believe that it will not be long before the evolution is completed." Li Qian said confidently.

"If someone else said this, I would definitely sneer at it, but if it were you, I choose to believe it."

The surprised expression on Li Sukuan's face flashed away.

He continued to speak and asked: "May I ask, what kind of pet beast are you currently studying?"

"Water system, life system."

After answering Li Sukuan's question, Li Qian spoke again and explained the situation, "Actually, this pet beast is the same as the Extreme Sky Escape Eagle. I exchanged the evolutionary method with others."

"The evolutionary method itself is relatively complete, but there are still some problems with the details."

"I see!"

"You are really confident enough to exchange the evolutionary method you have mastered for the flawed evolutionary method of others." Li Sukuan listened to Li Qian's words and commented sincerely.

"By the way, since the matter here is over, there is still something going on at the Zhonghai Teleportation Center, so I will go back first."

Feeling that the time was almost up, Li Sukuan was about to leave. Before leaving, he suddenly turned around and asked, "Do you want to go back? If you want to go back, I can give you a ride."

Li Qian looked at the motionless Li Sukuan, confused.

He said he wanted to leave, how?

It's impossible to go back on one's legs. If that's the case, why should I take him with me?

Looking at Li Qian's puzzled eyes, Li Sukuan smiled mysteriously.

At the moment when a smile appeared on his face, a silver-white butterfly about the size of a ball slowly appeared.

This silver-white butterfly caught Li Qian's attention as soon as it appeared.

The butterfly is very beautiful and dreamy, with a silvery white body and a faint golden pattern around its wings.

Li Qian has seen many butterfly beasts, and this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful one.

It's too beautiful to be alive, just like a piece of art.

Looking at this beautiful butterfly, while admiring it, Li Qian couldn't help but guess.

I don’t know what species this butterfly is or what its attributes are?

As Li Sukuan's pet beast, its strength should be terrifying.

This is what Li Qian guessed, and the facts proved that his guess was not wrong.

Because in his shocked eyes, he saw a silver-white butterfly gently flapping its wings, emitting a faint glow.

The void was shrouded in radiance, and then, like a mirror cracking, a gap opened in the void.

"Dimensional rift!"

This scene brought back some memories of Li Qian, causing him to blurt it out subconsciously.

However, after blurting out, he quickly reacted, "No, it's not a dimensional rift, it's a void shuttle!"

"It also……"

Seeing the crack in space appearing out of thin air, Li Qian opened his eyes wide, and the shock in his pupils could no longer be suppressed.

Li Sukuan saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

This time, let’s see how you can remain calm and composed?

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