After having a cordial and friendly exchange with Uncle Liao for a while, Li Qian stayed as generously as he said that day.

Uncle Liao was quite angry when he saw this, but there was nothing he could do.

He is just the housekeeper of the Red Bridge Manor. To put it bluntly, it is just an employment relationship. He is not qualified and cannot manage Li Qian.

Especially when Sun Ruirui, the owner of the manor, readily agreed.

Regardless of whether Uncle Liao's face looked good or not, Li Qian was in a very good mood. He was comfortably reading information in the manor, observing pet beasts, and chatting with Sun Ruirui...

Soon, the time came that night.

When night fell, Li Qian arrived at the small bay in the northeast corner on time.

As soon as we arrived at the small bay, the tidal sea spirit Ahai surfaced.

"You're here." Ah Hai looked at Li Qian and once again made a boyish voice.

"Yeah!" Li Qian nodded, and then glanced around.

Ahai knew what he was scanning and groaned softly.

The soft moan fell, splash, splash, two sounds of water sounded one after another, and then, under Li Qian's scrutinizing gaze, two golden pearl buds also surfaced.

Ah Hai glanced at the two golden pearl buds that appeared at the same time, and then focused his eyes on Li Qian, "I'll leave these two children to you!"

"Hope you……"

It continued, but was interrupted by Li Qian waving his hand, "Don't worry, I'm just communicating some things with them, and I won't do anything to them, and my strength doesn't allow it."

After that, he didn't waste any time and directly took out two beast control balls and threw them out.

The red light flashed away, and the two golden pearl buds entered the beast control ball.

After doing this, he waved his hand again, "Let's go, wait for my notification."

Ah Hai looked at Li Qian's back as he walked away and murmured to himself, "Oh, I don't know if trusting you is a wrong decision..."

"I hope you won't betray my trust."

As it spoke, it unconsciously cast its gaze in a certain direction, "Ruirui has endured too much over the years, and it's time to get relief."

After accepting Ah Hai's two younger brothers, Li Qian left the Red Bridge Manor early the next morning and returned to the Sky Realm Training Base.

Although Shi Guifang's breeding base is named after the Sky Realm, it is not full of flying beasts. There are also other types of beasts.

In fact, in order to increase the diversity of pet beasts in the breeding base, Shi Guifang dug a pond in the breeding base some time ago to raise water-type pets.

Then, before the water beasts could start cultivating, this pond became a temporary place for "Golden Wind" and "Golden Rain".

After returning to the Sky Realm Breeding Base, Li Qian put the two of them here, squatted next to the pond, and communicated with them.

The manager of the training base is in charge of all miscellaneous things. She is a young woman in her thirties. Seeing this scene, she asked Shi Guifang beside her with some confusion, "What's wrong with him?"

"Why did you start tinkering with water beasts again?"

Shi Guifang was also watching this scene, and she said speculatively: "Maybe it's his new research."

The two women were muttering not far away. Nearby, next to the pond, Li Qian was communicating with Jin Feng and Jin Yu.



The sounds made by Jin Feng and Jin Yu made Li Qian confused. He had no choice but to resort to the old method again.

Summon Qizai and let him act as a translator.

Unfortunately, perhaps because the racial differences were too great, Qizai could only understand it half-understood this time.

Just when Li Qian felt that he was in trouble, Shi Guifang's voice suddenly sounded from behind, "Do you want to talk to this Jinzhu Beilei? Maybe I can help you."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, and a headset appeared in her palm.

"This is?" Li Qian asked, not knowing what it was.

Handing the headset to Li Qian, Shi Guifang immediately gave an explanation, "The latest pet translator, try it on?"

Li Qian didn't hesitate and immediately put on this pet translator that looked exactly like the earphones.

After putting it on, the voice of "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu..." came again, but after being translated by the pet translator, it became a human language that Li Qian could understand.

"This thing is good." After understanding the meaning of the sounds made by the two golden pearl buds, Li Qian's face showed a hint of joy.

When Shi Guifang saw that Li Qian liked it, she didn't hesitate at all and just gave it to her, "Then I'll give it to you, Master Li."

"I'm so embarrassed." Li Qian laughed and said something embarrassing, but he didn't show any sign of refusal.

Shi Guifang smiled lightly, complimented her, and dedicated her own value. Not long after, after leaving a few words, she left the pond and took away the base manager who was watching not far away, "Then I won't disturb you." Li Shiqian conducted research."

After all, they are conducting research on pet animals. It would be embarrassing if they were mistaken for peeking into secrets.

After seeing Shi Guifang and the base manager all leave, Li Qian immediately focused his attention on the two golden pearl buds, "Do you want to evolve into a tidal sea spirit like A Hai?"

Jin Feng spoke, and through the translator, Li Qian understood its meaning, "It's useless. Boss Ahai's beastmaster has tried many times, but failed every time, and every time he fails, someone of the same kind will be affected." harm."

"Just because your boss Ahai's beastmaster can't do it, doesn't mean I can't do it."

Li Qian chuckled and released Xiao Hui directly, giving an example, "Have you seen it? Not long ago, it was just an ordinary gray bean pigeon, but now it has become an extremely powerful flying eagle with emperor-level potential. "

As he spoke, he directly gave the order, "By the way, you may not know what a gray bean pigeon is. It doesn't matter. Xiao Hui, go catch one and show it to them."

Xiao Hui received the order without any hesitation. He was as fast as lightning and disappeared in the blink of an eye. After a few breaths, he turned back.

Seeing a panicked gray bean pigeon held in its claws, Li Qian said lightly: "Did you see it? The gap is like clouds and mud."

"If you choose to believe me, within three days at most, I will let one of you Jinzhu Beilei evolve into a tidal sea spirit. Of course, you also know the cost. The other Jinzhu Beilei will lose the golden bead."

"But I can make a promise. In the future, when the Golden Pearl Bud that has lost its golden beads condenses the golden beads again, I will help it evolve into a tidal sea spirit."

After telling his conditions, Li Qian ignored them and left the pond, "Now, you can start discussing who will evolve into a tidal sea spirit, and who will give up his golden beads... "

Let the two of them discuss it themselves. No matter what the outcome of the discussion is, each other's acceptance will definitely improve. By then, they should be able to "willingly" perform some PUA, no, persuasion, on the bead presenter. .

Also, in response to this matter, Li Qian had held back a big move, just waiting to be unleashed to test its power!

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