That night, it rained in Zhonghai City, a moderate rain. When he got up in the morning, Li Qian went to take a look in the pond.

Two golden pearl buds surfaced when he first arrived.

Li Qian took out the pet translator and said with a smile: "It seems that you have made your choice."

Just when he said these words, Jin Feng swam towards the shore, while Jin Yu remained motionless.

The results are already very obvious.

Through the pet translator, Li Qian quickly confirmed this.

Jinfeng was given the opportunity to evolve into a tidal sea spirit, but Jinyu chose to sacrifice his golden beads.

"Now that you have made your choice, come with me." Li Qian threw the two beast control balls out without hesitation.

After a while, he returned to his research room, a spacious research room with an area of ​​200 square meters.

This is a research laboratory that belongs exclusively to Li Qian and is also a manifestation of the sincerity of the Sky Realm cultivation base.

After entering the research room, Li Qian locked the door and immediately released Jin Zhubeilei again.

This time, instead of releasing the golden wind that had been given the opportunity to evolve, he released the golden rain.

Although Jin Zhubeilei is a shell beast, because her strength has reached the peak of leadership, nothing will happen to her even if she stays on the shore for a year or two, let alone leaving the water.

After entering the research room, Li Qian looked at Jin Yu who had been released by him, and said in a serious tone: "My evolution method is different from that of your boss A Hai's beast master."

"As long as you follow my instructions, I can guarantee that Jin Feng will 100% evolve into a tidal sea spirit. Of course, if you fail to follow my instructions, the consequences will also be very serious."

"What are the consequences?" Jin Yu made a voice, and Li Qian understood its meaning through the beast translator.

Li Qian looked at Jin Yu and said in an unhurried voice: "You will die! If you don't follow my method, there is a high probability that Jin Feng will die directly!"

This is what Li Qian calls the trick and the secret weapon he talks about.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is just an act of deception. Even if the evolution fails, at most it will degenerate back, which will not endanger life at all.

However, Jin Yu didn't know that this gave him room for flexible operation, and it was not uncommon for pet beasts to die due to evolution, and it would happen from time to time.

The reason why he said such alarmist words was actually to foreshadow the importance of what would happen next.

Although he couldn't see the change in Jin Yu's expression, after all, he was just a shell after all, Li Qian seemed to be able to feel the panic and shock in his heart.

Compared with Li Qian's 100% success, at this moment, its head was filled with the word "death".

Ignoring Jin Yu, who seemed to be standing still, Li Qian started tinkering with various equipment in the research room seemingly casually.

I have to say that a rich woman is a rich woman. The equipment in the research room is all the latest, and they are basically high-end products of the same type.

While tinkering with the equipment, Li Qian said casually: "I will go to Red Bridge Manor again this afternoon. If you agree, tonight is the time for evolution. If you don't agree, we can go back tonight." In the future, even if there is a chance to evolve, it will not fall on you and Jin Feng."

The meaning of Li Qian's words is very obvious. Both of you will be prosperous and suffer.

"Zhuzhu..." After a few minutes of silence, Jin Yu suddenly opened the tulip-shaped shell and made a sound.

"What do you need me to do?" Li Qian was wearing the pet translator and naturally understood Jin Yu's voice.

By saying such words, Jin Yuhui had already expressed its attitude. Li Qian was not surprised at all when he learned of its choice.

Without wasting time, after saying that one of the necessary conditions for evolution is to be 100%, without a trace of distracting thoughts or a trace of reluctance, Li Qian ignored Jin Yu's shock and collected it again. In the beast control ball.

By the time it was released together with the golden wind, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the location was the northeast corner of the Red Bridge Manor, where the small bay is located.

"Brother Qian, have you really completed the research on the evolution from Jin Zhubei Lei to Tidal Sea Spirit?" After hearing what Li Qian said when he arrived in the afternoon, Sun Ruirui still found it incredible even now.

My third uncle spent so much time, invested so much resources and energy on this matter, but failed to complete it, was it so easily defeated by Li Qian?

Yes, if you look at the time spent alone, it’s not “easy”.

Incredibly, at the same time, there was a hint of expectation in her eyes.

As the two came to the beach of the small bay, Ahai appeared again. She looked at Li Qian, "Are you ready?"

"You can start at any time." Li Qian smiled and released the golden wind and golden rain.

At this moment, the two golden pearl buds were in a strange state. Jin Yu was motionless and waiting quietly, while Jin Feng was a little...unsure.

"Now that you're ready, let's get started." Ah Hai didn't waste any time. After finishing his words, he turned his attention to the two golden pearl buds.

The golden wind slowly approached, temporarily giving up any confusion.

A Hai saw that the evolved pet beast was Jin Feng and didn't say much.

In its view, there is no difference between golden wind and golden rain.

What it wants to confirm is that the evolutionary method Li Qian talks about is feasible and effective.

Nodding slightly, seeing that Li Qian, Jin Feng, and Jin Yu were all ready, it directly displayed the perfection-level "Life Rain and Dew" skill.

As the skill was used, the light blue rain curtain appeared again and enveloped Jin Feng's head.

The rain curtain fell, and Jinfeng, who was very familiar with it, did not hesitate at all and directly used the limit-breaking "Blooming" skill to absorb the energy in the rain curtain.

The energy was absorbed by the "Buddling" skill, and like a flower about to bloom, Jin Feng's body began to glow with a faint light of evolution.

Of course, just saying this is definitely not enough. This step has long been practiced by Sun Hongyi.

It can indeed trigger the emergence of the light of evolution!

Before Li Qian made any new moves, both Ah Hai and Jin Feng kept releasing their skills.

Li Qian stared at the evolving Jinfeng. After a moment, he felt that the time was almost up, and he threw out a few resources.

In addition to the Life Water Drops, Yunling Crystals, Jade Dragon Fruit and Biyou Grass, Li Qian also put in a few more materials.

The reason why Li Qian put out a few more materials had no other purpose than to confuse the audience.

After being instilled with knowledge after submitting the mission, Li Qian knew everything about the evolution method from Jin Zhubeilei to Tidal Sea Spirit, but it was not much different.

It is easy to cover up without affecting the evolutionary results.

But this may bring considerable misleading effects to Comrade Sun.

Who makes him guard himself like a thief every day? Li Qian is not an open-minded person.

After helping Sun Ruirui solve the problem of the Apocalypse, if Comrade Sun continues to evolve the Tidal Sea Spirit, he will inevitably have to ask for it from himself.

Li Qian imagined, "Such a scene would definitely be interesting."

Of course, he can also be stubborn and not ask for help. Li Qian estimates that it will also be a more interesting thing...

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