Li Qian was stunned for a moment when he heard Uncle Liao's exclamation.

He knew about the extraordinary treasure.

Basically produced in dimensional planes and outer battlefields, most are naturally formed.

However, it is said that it can now be forged using some cutting-edge technological means.

In short, it is extremely precious.

At that time, when the white light appeared, Li Qian could see it very clearly... The white light shot out from Sun Ruirui's wrist.

The bracelet on her wrist should be an extraordinary treasure.

The extraordinary treasure weapon was activated at this critical moment and exploded with extremely terrifying power.

Not only did he destroy the formation that surrounded Sun Ruirui, he also seriously injured the devil boy with one blow.

It almost lost its combat effectiveness.

"What a surprise. I didn't expect that guy Sun Hongyi would actually leave such a trump card on you."

The demon boy was knocked away by the shock wave after the formation was broken, and crashed into the wall, which shocked Liao Bo.

However, the shock did not last long, and his tone soon returned to calmness.

"But it's all in vain. I've stayed in this Red Bridge Manor for so many years, and I'm not wasting my time."

"The biggest function of this formation is to activate the sealing formation on you."

"Now, the sealing formation on your body has been loosened. After so many years of suppression, the natural energy accumulation of Ocean Disaster has reached an extremely terrifying level. At this time, it is difficult to recover."

Uncle Liao spoke calmly, not panicking because the formation was broken.

Li Qian jumped down from the top of the building and threw a beast control ball in mid-air.

The light of collection flashes.

Jin Yu appeared in front of Sun Ruirui.

The blue light flashed away from Jin Zhubeilei's body.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of water appeared, holding Li Qian firmly.

Li Qian used the water flow to join Sun Ruirui. Both of them looked solemnly at Uncle Liao not far away.

The two of them met.

In the other two places, whether it was Qizai, Xiao Hui, and Xiao Liu versus the Kapok Bird, or Golden Wind versus the Dark Night Dog and the Poison Frog, they were all evenly matched.

It seemed that the situation had improved, but the solemn look on Li Qian's face had not diminished at all.

"Ruirui, is the seal really what this old dog said?"

Li Qian asked in a low voice.

Sun Ruirui said helplessly: "If Grandpa Han was here, there might be a chance. Now..."

The girl didn't finish her words, but Li Qian completely understood what she meant.

As for Grandpa Han, although Li Qian didn't know who he was, he guessed that he should be a very powerful formation master.

Maybe he was also involved in sealing Sun Ruirui's beast-controlling talent.

"How long will it take until the seal is completely broken?"

Li Qian racked his brains to think and asked at the same time.

Although Sun Ruirui didn't know what Li Qian wanted to do, she still answered truthfully: "Looking at the situation, I can hold on for about five minutes at most."

"What about in five minutes?" Li Qian continued to ask.

"If I was injected with the life potion that my third uncle specially bought for me, I should be able to last for about five minutes."

Li Qian nodded and immediately grasped the key information, "In other words, we still have about ten minutes."

"It's useless. The seal has been loosened. This process is irreversible..." Sun Ruirui knew what Li Qian wanted to do, and she said a little disappointed.

Li Qian could hear that there seemed to be a hint of relief in the loss.

"Don't give up, we still have a chance." Li Qian said without hesitation.

"However, before we can solve your problem, we need to clean up this garbage first."

While speaking, Li Qian had already focused his gaze on Uncle Liao.

All the pet beasts were restrained, and now Uncle Liao was alone.

On Li Qian's side, although Jin Yu has lost the golden bead, his level and realm are still there. Although his strength has declined, it is still more than enough to deal with a human.

Of course, even so, he did not relax his guard.

This guy has been dormant in Hongqiao Manor for so many years. Even if his appearance breaks some plans and makes a hasty move, the arrangement may be more than that.

Li Qian's guess was not wrong.

Because soon, he discovered something was wrong.

As the rustling sound came out, one after another the pet beasts emerged from the surrounding woods, shrubs, and grass.

These are the pet beasts in Red Bridge Manor.

At this moment, they all had red eyes and looked like they had lost their minds.

"What's wrong with you, Qingfeng Wolf, Waverider, Purple Cloud Snake, and Fighting Monkey? Wake up quickly..."

Sun Ruirui shouted loudly.

However, these pet beasts that she usually raised and were very close to her showed no reaction at all.

They still had red eyes and were getting closer step by step.

"It seems that they are controlled by this old guy. Now, they are in trouble."

Li Qian analyzed.

Fortunately among misfortunes, the strength levels of these controlled pet beasts are not very high.

It’s just that there are too many of them.

Even if Jin Yu had a level advantage, it would probably be very difficult to deal with him.

"Golden Rain, use Water Curtain Tianhua."

Although the situation was very critical, Li Qian did not lose control.

He ordered directly to Jin Yu.

Although Jin Yu was not contracted by him, her trust in him was no different from that of a contracted beast.

It followed Li Qian's instructions without hesitation and used the Water Curtain Tianhua skill.

The Water Curtain Tianhua skill was used.

A light blue light curtain appeared, covering the two people and one beast.

The next moment after the Water Curtain Tianhua appeared, the pets with red eyes launched an attack.

Various skills bombarded like they were free.

The light blue light curtain formed by the Water Curtain Tianhua skill was soon distorted by the bombardment.

Li Qian saw this, his face was full of solemnity.

"Brother Qian, you should find a way to leave. His target is me. As long as I stay..."

Sun Ruirui once again thought of sacrificing herself to create life for Li Qian.

In her opinion, she was a dying person, and there was no need to get involved with Li Qian, a talented trainer with a bright future.

"Don't talk nonsense, we still have a chance. I have notified two very powerful seniors. Just delay for a while."

Li Qian interrupted the girl directly, and then said in a firm tone.

The trump card has not been used yet. In Li Qian's opinion, it is far from the end of the road.

As for the helpers notified, they are naturally the two masters Shi Yulian and Li Sukuan.

In Zhonghai City, apart from these two, he does not know any other masters.

And he believes that with Li Sukuan's spatial attainments, it will not take long for him to get here.

This is what Li Qian guessed.

Facts have proved that his guess is not wrong.

Because soon, a familiar voice sounded out of thin air, "The cultists of the Ancient God Cult dared to appear in Zhonghai City so openly, which is really rampant..."

"But since you are here, don't leave, stay!"

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