When Li Qian heard this familiar voice, his face immediately showed a hint of joy.

This voice was all too familiar to him.

Isn't it none other than Senior Li Sukuan of Zhonghai City Teleportation Center?

Along with the sound, a figure suddenly appeared.

As soon as Li Sukuan appeared, he focused his attention on someone.

Seeing this, Uncle Liao trembled and couldn't help but cursed, "Damn it!"

Although I don't know Li Sukuan, I can tell from the way he appears that this guy is definitely not someone I can match.

Instantly, he thought of retreating.

Although he was very unwilling to do so, he knew that if he retreated, he would be completely cut off from his natural blood essence.

But he knew better that if he was forced to stay, his life would probably be decided directly here.

"The green hills remain unchanged and the green waters always flow, brat, we'll see you next time."

Uncle Liao is also a decisive person.

After making some calculations, I stopped wasting time and took action immediately.

I saw that he suddenly took out something like a talisman from his body.

The command talisman was crushed by him in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a strange white light suddenly appeared and enveloped his body.

In this strange white light, Li Qian clearly saw that the old dog's body, Uncle Liao, was becoming more and more unreal.

"No, he's going to run away!"

Li Qian felt anxious at this scene and immediately spoke to remind him.

Hearing this, Li Sukuan smiled faintly, with a look of contempt on his face.

"I don't know who gave you the courage to use the Void Teleportation Talisman in front of me."

The sarcastic voice fell.

Then, in Li Qian's expectant eyes, a huge butterfly-like beast suddenly appeared.

It was the Phantom Deep Space Butterfly who had met once before.

The Phantom Deep Space Butterfly suddenly appeared and then flapped its wings gently.

As the wings flapped, a silver bolt flew out at lightning speed.

The bolts streaked across Liao Bo's body, which was glowing with white light.

Li Qian was slightly shocked when he saw this, because this extraordinary-looking silver chain didn't seem to cause any harm to the latter.

"Hahaha..." Uncle Liao couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw this.

"It turns out to be a silver wax gun tip!"

Uncle Liao laughed unbridled, but this laughter did not last long and soon stopped abruptly.

Because he finally discovered something was wrong.

The white light that originally enveloped his body gradually dimmed.

This made him a little dumbfounded.

The one-time void teleportation talisman was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the man in front of him.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

The horror in my heart has reached its extreme.

Unable to teleport away, now, we really have become the flesh and blood of others.

Seeing Uncle Liao's laughter stop suddenly, the corners of Li Sukuan's mouth curved slightly as he suddenly appeared.

"Laugh, keep laughing, why don't you laugh?"

Hearing this, Uncle Liao's voice trembled as his two limbs trembled, "Senior...if I said...that all of this...is a misunderstanding...would you believe it?"

There was a smile on his face, but the smile was uglier than crying.


Li Qian couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, "Old dog, weren't you very rude just now? Why don't you continue?"

Li Qian's words made Uncle Liao's face look horribly gloomy.

He didn't hesitate at all and gave the order directly in his heart.

The next moment, four pet beasts, including the demon boy who had been blasted into the wall by the shock wave, rushed over desperately.

They abandoned the opponents they were dealing with and all attacked Li Qian.

As for Sun Ruirui, beside her is Jin Feng, who has the potential of an emperor-level race, and his strength has reached the overlord level. It is simply impossible to break through in a short period of time.

So Liao Bo directly targeted Li Qian.

In his opinion, as long as he hijacks Li Qian, the nurturing genius, and lets the newly emerged mysterious strong man throw a rat weapon, he still has a chance of survival.

Uncle Liao thought so, but the facts proved that everything was just a delusion.

I saw the sapphire-like pupils of the phantom deep space butterfly suddenly turn, and then I saw that Liao Bo's four pet beasts, the green kapok bird, the devil boy, the dark night dog, and the poisonous frog were all covered with blood. There was a faint silver light.

Immediately afterwards, under Li Qian's surprised gaze, the four beasts, wrapped in silver light, soared into the air uncontrollably.

"Woo woo woo... cluck... woof woof woof... woah woah woah..." The four pet beasts were controlled by the phantom deep space butterfly and soared into the sky uncontrollably. When they reached a certain height in the air, they actually looked like shooting stars. Generally, it fell down at a very fast speed.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The four beasts fell down and hit the ground, instantly causing four terrifying explosions.

The dust raised in an instant also suddenly blocked the view of an area.


Liao Bo spat out a mouthful of red blood as soon as the explosion occurred.

Visible to the naked eye, his entire aura was sluggish.

Seeing this, Li Qian could roughly judge that the blow just now must have caused very serious injuries to the four beasts.

In all likelihood, they have directly lost their combat effectiveness, or even entered a state of near death. Otherwise, there would be no such serious contract backlash.

After killing Liao Bo and his four pet beasts with one blow, and confirming that they were already toothless tigers and no longer a threat, Li Sukuan said directly: "Little guy, I'll leave this to you."

After saying that, after saying the next sentence, the figure flashed and disappeared, "I'm going to see another place."

"Creak, creak, creak..." Seeing this, Li Qian clenched his fists and raised a cruel arc at the corner of his mouth.

"How could you pass up such a good opportunity to beat up a drowned dog? Beat him, hard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out...

Immediately afterwards...

The fists as big as sandbags were like raindrops, pounding down continuously.

After a while, Li Sukuan returned, looked at Uncle Liao who was almost out of shape, and clicked his tongue.

When Li Qian saw Li Sukuan returning, he immediately asked, "Senior Li, how is the situation over there?"

Li Sukuan said with some regret: "We were a little late. The big guy over there realized something was wrong and ran away desperately."

After that, he added, "But if he was hit by me, he must have suffered serious injuries, and the guy's condition must not be much better."

Finally, he focused all his attention on Sun Ruirui, "By the way, this little girl's situation doesn't look very good..."

When he said this, he couldn't help but frown.

He could see the problem with the little girl, but he was not an array mage and couldn't solve the problem at all.

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