"Senior Li, can you..." Li Qian looked at Sun Ruirui, whose whole body continued to emit milky white light, and his heart was full of anxiety. He instinctively focused his eyes on Li Sukuan for help.

Among all the people present, Li Sukuan was the strongest. If anyone on the scene could save Sun Ruirui, only Li Sukuan had such a possibility.

Facing the current situation, although Li Qian still had a final response plan, this response plan had not been tested after all, and he didn't know whether it would work.

So if he could make it in time, Li Qian would definitely prefer to prepare again to ensure that the evolution was completed without any mistakes and to ensure that the problem of Sun Ruirui was solved safely and without worries.

Based on this idea, he placed his hope on Li Sukuan, expecting Li Sukuan to come up with a solution.

Li Sukuan immediately understood what Li Qian meant when he heard this. He looked at Li Qian and shook his head helplessly, expressing his helplessness. "Sorry, I'm not a formation master, and according to my judgment, the problem with the little girl is beyond the ability of ordinary formation masters to solve. So although I really want to help, I'm sorry, I can't do anything." When he said this, Li Sukuan spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face. Just as the two were talking, a blue figure flashed by, and then Ah Hai appeared in front of everyone. Ah Hai suddenly appeared. He looked at Sun Ruirui, who was emitting a strong white light all over her body, and said with a worried tone: "Damn it, damn it, how could this happen?!" "No, I must find a way to cure Ruirui, I can't let her get into trouble!" Ah Hai looked at Sun Ruirui's situation, his face was full of worry, his voice was full of determination, but his hands did not move. Because the skills of pets cannot be used on humans casually, so at this moment, although it is anxious, it has no way. "It's okay. Actually, I've thought of this result a long time ago and I've prepared myself mentally." Sun Ruirui looked at everyone and saw that everyone was concerned about her and worried about her. A relieved smile appeared on her face.

"It's not the end of the road yet." Li Qian saw that Sun Ruirui was about to give up treatment and immediately encouraged her.

After that, he reminded her, "I remember you said that you still have a life potion on you."

"This life potion was specially prepared for me by my third uncle. I always carry it with me, but it can only last about five minutes." Sun Ruirui nodded and took out a test tube while speaking.

"Five minutes, enough." Li Qian looked at the light blue special life potion in the test tube, and his eyes suddenly became firm.

"Believe me, I won't let anything happen to you." Looking at Sun Ruirui, whose light emanated from her body became increasingly strong, Li Qian knew that there was not much time left for him.

"You are Sun Hongyi's niece, right?" Li Sukuan roughly guessed the identity of the little girl, and he also persuaded, "At this point, you can only choose to believe Li Qian, otherwise you can only sit there and wait for death!" "Believe me, nothing will happen." Li Qian continued to repeat what he just said. This was said to Sun Ruirui and also to encourage himself. Sun Ruirui saw the determination in Li Qian's eyes, and her heart was much more stable. She looked at Li Qian and nodded without hesitation, "Well, Brother Qian, I believe you." After persuading Sun Ruirui, seeing that there was not much time left, Li Qian immediately took action and focused his eyes in a certain direction, "Jinfeng, Jinyu, come here." After calling Jinfeng and Jinyu, Li Qian immediately told them, and his tone was unprecedentedly serious. Jinfeng and Jinyu all felt Li Qian's seriousness. After listening to his instructions clearly, they were shocked and nodded without hesitation. Just when Li Qian had just finished explaining, on the other side, the milky white light on Sun Ruirui's body had become extremely blazing, and even formed a beam of light that shot up into the sky.

Without waiting for Li Qian to start giving orders, Sun Ruirui directly injected the special life potion into her arm.

Seeing this, Li Qian immediately reminded, "Ruirui, now, sign a contract with Jin Yu immediately!"

Sun Ruirui trusted Li Qian 100%.

Without any hesitation, she signed a beast control contract with Jin Yu according to Li Qian's instructions.

Beside him, Ah Hai saw this, and while he was confused, he couldn't help but remind him, "This, Li boy, what are you doing? Be careful, don't hurt Ruirui!"

Li Sukuan glanced at Li Qian lightly, "If Li Qian does nothing, he will hurt her!"

After saying that, seeing that Li Qian was going to save Sun Ruirui through evolution, he consciously left the scene.

Although Li Sukuan was not a trainer, he knew the rules of trainers very well.

Li Qian was slightly surprised by Li Sukuan's "self-awareness".

In an emergency, he made decisions based on his own will.

In fact, at this moment, he didn't care whether the evolution method would be leaked.

Of course, he wouldn't say anything if Li Sukuan left on his own will.

He looked at Ah Hai and gave an order, "Ah Hai, use the skill 'Life Rain'!"

"You want Jin Yu to evolve at this time, but Jin Yu has already sacrificed his own golden beads, how can he complete the evolution?!"

Ah Hai heard this and immediately understood Li Qian's intention, and he subconsciously questioned.

"Ah Hai, now that things have happened, do you have a better way?" Li Qian looked at Ah Hai and said firmly: "Instead of watching Ruirui fall, it's better to try it once."

"Interesting, interesting..." Not far away, Li Sukuan heard the voice coming from behind and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Classmate Li Qian, I'm waiting for your good news."

He stepped away.

His eyes were full of expectation from unknown time.

On the other side, Li Qian looked at Ah Hai and took a long breath, "Let's start!"

Seeing this, Ahai stopped saying anything and directly used the "Rain and Dew of Life" skill.

At this point, there is no other way but to believe in Li Qian.

As Ah Hai displayed the "Rain of Life" skill, a faint light of evolution emerged from Jin Yu's body.

Li Qian stared at this scene closely, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Theoretically, the evolution from Jinzhu Beilei to Tidal Sea Spirit only requires Jinzhu Beilei to reach the limit of racial potential.

There are no special requirements for Jin Zhubeilei's condition.

Although Jinyu has lost its golden beads, strictly speaking, this will not have any impact on its apparent level.

Theoretically, it will not affect its evolution!

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