After finishing the call with Tie Lao, Li Qian did nothing for the rest of the time. Except for dinner, he basically rested.

That night, he also rested very early. After dinner, he took a simple walk and went to bed.

He set an alarm clock and was woken up by the alarm clock at three o'clock in the morning.

Without wasting time, he put on his clothes, drove away from the breeding base.

His father Li Chengyang and mother Han Yuying also left with him.

Their destination was the pet animal laboratory not far from the Jiaoyang breeding base.

It is called the pet animal laboratory, but because the abandoned amusement park has been bought, it is better to say that it is an experimental base than a laboratory. After all, no laboratory is so large.

The breeding base is not far from the laboratory.

In addition, it was still three o'clock in the morning. At this time, there were basically no vehicles, so it was very convenient and fast to drive.

In just over ten minutes, the car had arrived at the pet animal laboratory.

After getting off the car, Li Qian walked straight and walked into the laboratory.

The lights were bright inside the laboratory. It was obvious that under the leadership of An Hounian, the preparations for evolution were all ready.

After a quick glance, Li Qian did not waste time and started the evolution work directly.

An Hounian immediately dismissed all the staff near the water slide.

Only Li Qian and his family of three were left.

Seeing this, Li Qian nodded with satisfaction.

He released Qizai directly.

Qizai, who had reached the elite high level, attracted the attention of all the koi in the pond as soon as he appeared.

These koi have good qualifications.

But koi are koi after all.

Potential determines their spirituality and wisdom.

Of course, they still have the instinct to admire the strong.

So when they looked at Qizai, in addition to fear, there was also a strong envy.

Li Qian used Qizai as a translator and picked out a koi first.

This koi was the most active.

Before Li Qian approached, it jumped out of the water.

Being so active is both a good thing and not necessarily a good thing.

Seeing it so active, Li Qian didn't think much and chose it directly.

It seems that letting it take the lead should be a good choice.

With this in mind, a bag of dragon bone powder has been fed to it.

The koi didn't hesitate, it swallowed all the dragon bone powder into its stomach.

As the dragon bone powder entered its stomach, a faint light of evolution began to emerge from its body.

Driven by Li Qian's gesture, the koi rushed directly to the water slide.

Seeing this, Li Qian didn't stay.

He walked slowly to the back of the water slide, took the elevator, and came to the top.

Although he was not very optimistic, the preparations that should be done were still necessary.

If the evolution failed because of his own reasons, he would definitely blame himself.

The koi kept sprinting, using climbing skills, and the height was constantly rising, but after rising to 80 meters, it was obviously lacking in strength.

"Alas!" Li Qian sighed helplessly when he saw this.

Judging from the current situation, it is basically impossible for this koi to complete its evolution.

Li Qian has evolved so many green-scaled dragons, so he still has this judgment.

Soon, his judgment was verified.

When it rushed to about 95 meters, the koi finally reached its limit.

There was no strength in the whole body.

In the end, it had no choice but to fall back again.

The first koi did not complete its evolution, but Li Qian was not discouraged.

The first evolution was already difficult, and it was obviously too excited and overexerted, so it was reasonable to fail.

After a simple consolation, Li Qian asked the koi to rest nearby.

In the end, he would definitely give it another chance.

If it failed to seize the two opportunities, it would have to wait for the next time.

Li Qian could not accommodate the very few individuals over and over again.

After the first koi was defeated, the evolution of the second koi began soon.

The same dragon bone powder was fed, and the same waterfall climbing skill was used to sprint.

As the height increased, Li Qian showed a gratified smile on his face.

Unlike the koi that took the lead, the second koi was obviously more calm.

There was no sign of overexertion.

In this way, there was a great chance to complete the evolution.

With so many successful experiences, Li Qian's judgment was still very accurate.

The second koi really climbed up the 100-meter waterfall steadily, and under Li Qian's accurate feeding of wind chime fruit, it successfully evolved into a green-scaled dragon.

"Ang Ang..."

The green-scaled dragon evolved successfully and roared excitedly.

Seeing this, Li Qian shook his head helplessly.

If possible, he naturally hoped that these successfully evolved green-scaled dragons could be more low-key.

However, he could understand why the other party was so excited.

After all, it was an extremely important life transformation.

It was normal to be unable to suppress emotions.

Ignoring the green-scaled dragon that had already completed its evolution, Li Qian continued to work step by step.

Perhaps it was inspired by the successful case of the second koi, and the evolution went much more smoothly afterwards.

After a round, only the first and eighth koi did not complete the evolution at one time.

Li Qian was very satisfied with this result.

A full eight green-scaled dragons were enough for the breeding base to cope with for a while.

Besides, the remaining two koi might not have no chance.

At nearly half past five, Li Qian gave them a second chance.

Perhaps they listened to Li Qian's words, perhaps they saw the successful case, or perhaps their previous experience played a certain role. The next time, the two koi also completed their evolution.

Ten koi all evolved into blue-scaled dragons. Li Qian couldn't help showing a proud expression on his face when he saw this scene.

"I told you all, you don't have to come with me."

After finishing his work, Li Qian came to his parents, spread his hands, and said in a relaxed tone: "You came here at more than three o'clock in the morning, you might as well stay in the base and have a good rest."

"Especially mom, don't forget that women are prone to wrinkles when they stay up late when they get older!"

Hearing Li Qian's teasing, mother Han Yuying shook her head indifferently, "I'm this old, isn't it normal to have wrinkles?"

"The evolution of koi is a big deal for our breeding base, but if you come to see it, we will both be worried." Li Chengyang echoed.

Li Qian nodded, "Okay, you can see that the evolution was successfully completed. All ten koi have evolved into blue-scaled dragons. Now, you can rest assured. I got up at more than three o'clock in the morning. I'm really sleepy. Let's go back early!"

After completing the evolution work, the family of three did not stay in the laboratory for long.

After handing the finishing work to An Hounian, they returned to the breeding base.

After a simple breakfast, Li Qian went back to his room in Building No. 1 and fell asleep.

He was going to make up for his sleep.

That's what Li Qian thought, but unfortunately, his idea was soon interrupted.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, his mother Han Yuying knocked on his door.

"What the hell? The vice president of Zhonghai Yushou University came here and wanted to talk to me?" Being awakened from his sleep by his mother, listening to her statement, Li Qian had a huge question mark on his forehead.

Yesterday, he was joking with Tie Lao, but he didn't expect that today, this joke would come true.

This vice president of Zhonghai Yushou University is most likely the one who called him two days ago.

Li Qian didn't have a very good impression of him.

However, his mother didn't know that since the other party was the vice president of Zhonghai Yushou University, a well-known figure, it was normal for the former to wake him up.

Already awake, his sleepiness had been disturbed, Li Qian simply got up, put on a simple dress, and prepared to go downstairs to meet the vice president.

Soon, Li Qian came to the reception room of Building No. 1 with sleepy eyes and a nest of messy hair.

"Hello, classmate Li Qian!" Seeing Li Qian appear, the middle-aged and fat Vice President Yu Jinhai immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Hello!" Li Qian yawned, and then politely returned a greeting.

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