Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 258: Poaching the Future, Fatty An Returns

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

After all, he was here to recruit him, and he was also the vice president of one of the best beast-controlling universities in the country. Li Qian was naturally quite polite.

Of course, this politeness only remains on the surface.

After saying hello, the group started chatting animatedly.

Seeing that the greasy middle-aged male vice-principal in front of him kept meandering around and refused to get to the point, Li Qian simply started arguing with him.

Anyway, it’s not you who is anxious.

The big deal is just a waste of time.

After chatting for about half an hour, Yu Jinhai couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to get to the point.

Li Qian could afford it, but he couldn't afford it.

Moreover, Li Qian never mentioned business matters, so he couldn't take the initiative.

So he had to take the initiative to get to the point.

Of course, there must be a lot of slander in my heart.

How is this what a high school student should look like?

There is no difference from a veteran who has been in society for more than ten years.

In short, it is difficult to deal with.

"Classmate Li Qian, it's like this..."

After organizing his words a little, Yu Jinhai started talking about the business, "Some time ago, the achievements you made in our Zhonghai City were very surprising."

"That speaks volumes about your talent."

He kept talking and continued: "You must have heard of our Zhonghai Beast Control University!"

"In our Eastern Xia Federation, and even in the entire Ancestral Planet, it is one of the best beast-controlling universities. Even the Kyoto Beast-controlling University, in the eyes of our insiders, is slightly inferior."

After hearing Yu Jinhai's words, the corners of Li Qian's mouth twitched slightly.

What does it mean to you insiders?

What's the point of being an insider?

Li Qian complained in his heart like this. Of course, he also knew that this was just Yu Jinhai's negotiation method.

To put a premium on yourself and your school.

In fact, in Li Qian's view, Zhonghai Beast Control University and Kyoto Beast Control University are at the same level, and there is no difference.

It's only better than the other six.

The actual difference is not that big.

This is what Li Qian thought. Of course, he did not speak to refute Yu Jinhai's words. In this situation, it was just a casual statement, and there was no need to be serious.

What really matters is, what conditions can he offer?


This point seems not to be very important to Li Qian, who has already chosen Shazhou Beast Control University...

Just listen to it for fun.

Thinking like this, he continued to maintain a listening attitude on his face.

Seeing this, Yu Jinhai's eyes flashed with hope.

"We, Zhonghai Yushou University, can give you the greatest training, Li Qian."

“Whether it’s courses, resources, or other aspects, we can meet your needs!”

"We can improve the conditions given to you by Shazhou Beast Control University by another 50%!"

Li Qian was slightly surprised after hearing this.

On the basis of the conditions provided by Shazhou Beast Control University, it is increased by 50%. This sincerity cannot be said to be insufficient.

You know, the conditions offered by Shazhou Beast Control University are already very outrageous compared to ordinary high school graduates.

While surprised, Li Qian couldn't help but shake his head.

The conditions are indeed very attractive.

But it's a pity that he has already agreed to Shazhou Beast Control University and signed an admission agreement.

The most important thing is the bond with Tie Lao, which is unmatched by any number of conditions...

Just when Li Qian was about to refuse, Yu Jinhai said something else, "There is one more thing. I hope you can consider it carefully."

"Whether it's the Extreme Storm Eagle, the Extreme Sky Escape Eagle, or the Tidal Sea Spirit, they were all researched by you in Zhonghai City. This is enough to show that you and our Zhonghai are very destined."

"Sometimes things like metaphysics cannot be explained clearly..."

Yu Jinhai's words were clearly a reminder to himself.

Zhonghai City is his lucky place. If he leaves Zhonghai City, he may not be able to continue his research smoothly.

In this regard, Li Qian remained polite on the surface, but he was scornful in his heart.

Neither the Blue Scale Dragon nor the Frost Fire Salamander were researched in Zhonghai City.

Is it possible that Lingshui City is also my lucky place?

In the final analysis, this guy just wanted to deceive himself.

Li Qian naturally wouldn't care about this.

Li Qian can also understand why Yu Jinhai said this, because some breeders believe in this set of things when it comes to research.

Without picking up trouble from Yu Jinhai, Li Qian shook his head, and then said in a regretful tone: "Principal Yu, Zhonghai Beast Control University is the best beast control university in our Eastern Xia Federation. I have also expressed your sincerity. Feel."

"However, one cannot stand without trust. Since I have agreed to Shazhou Beast Control University and signed the admission agreement, I will not go back on my word!"

Li Qian's rejection was obviously expected by Jin Hai, who said without hesitation: "What Li Qian said makes sense, but you have to believe that we at Zhonghai Beast Control University will help with this matter." If you solve it, you won't get a reputation of treachery."

Seeing Li Qian cast an inquiring look at him, Yu Jinhai chuckled, and then continued: "It's just a matter of exchanging some resources between schools. Anyway, you have to believe that we can help you settle this matter. No. It affects your reputation.”

"So you don't have to worry about anything, right?"

This way you really have no worries.

And Li Qian believes that Zhonghai Beast Control University also has such ability.

After all, they are one of the best beast control universities in the entire Eastern Xia Federation.

It is not difficult to solve this matter by paying some price.

After finishing his words, Yu Jinhai looked at Li Qian expectantly.

In his opinion, Zhonghai Beast Control University has shown enough sincerity and has promised to help him resolve the admission agreement. The latter should be unlikely to refuse.

But the fact surprised him.

Li Qian shook his head again, the rejection in his eyes still very firm.

"Sorry, I do feel the sincerity of Zhonghai Beast Control University, but the relationship between me and Shazhou Beast Control University is not just an admission agreement."

Seeing Yu Jinhai's puzzled eyes, Li Qian continued: "When we signed the enrollment agreement, Shazhou Beast Control University sent a senior to protect my safety."

"During that time, some accidents happened. That senior helped me save my life, so I'm sorry..."

Yu Jinhai was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

He really didn't expect that there was such a bond between Li Qian and Shazhou Beast Control University.

A life-saving grace!

How to dig this?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face.

In desperation, he suddenly thought of something, so he immediately said, "Oh, it's also my fault that the admissions teachers under me didn't realize in advance that you are a genius like Li Qian. What a pity..."

"Your school is the best beast-controlling university in our Eastern Xia Federation. It will definitely recruit better students than me." Everyone carried the sedan chair. Seeing Yu Jinhai praising him so highly, Li Qian also offered a timely compliment. If it meets expectations.

Yu Jinhai could only smile bitterly at this.

Just after graduating from high school, he was able to research the evolution methods of three overlord-level potential pets and two emperor-level potential pets. Geniuses can only be cultivated like this. How could he find a student more talented than him? Maybe this In one term, Li Qian was the biggest legacy.

At least that's the case for Zhonghai Beast Control University.

While smiling bitterly, his voice did not stop, "But life is a long road and learning is boundless. University is only a small part of our beast master's life."

"On top of this, there are also graduate and doctoral levels. Our Zhonghai Yushou University sincerely invites you. I hope you, Li Qian, can consider applying for our school's graduate or doctoral programs in the future."

"Of course, our school's doors will always be open for you even after graduation."

"When the time comes, you are also welcome to come and teach with us!"

After hearing this, Li Qian couldn't help but call him a good guy in his heart!

Really good guy!

This is the present when you can’t poach yourself, and you are ready to poach yourself in the future!

I don’t know what Shazhou Beast Control University will think after hearing about this incident.

Ignoring what the Shazhou Beast Control University would think or what they would think, Li Qian felt that it was enough to just do his own thing well.

The conversation lasted about an hour.

It ended around half past ten.

After the end, Yu Jinhai and his party left the Jiaoyang Training Base with the courtesy of Li Qian and his family.

"Principal Yu, if we go back like this, it might not be easy to explain to the school, right?" After leaving the Jiaoyang Training Base, a young male admissions teacher in the group asked with some worry.

When Yu Jinhai heard this, he glanced at him coldly, "Can you explain it to me? I don't know what to do?"

"It's just that the matter has come to this, what do you want me to do? Or do you have a better way?"

After Yu Jinhai finished speaking, the scene immediately became audible.

Li Qian had made it so clear that they all understood that this matter had reached an irreversible point.

At least that's the case for them.

After questioning, Yu Jinhai felt a surge of anger again in his heart. He looked around for a week and couldn't help but reprimanded, "In the final analysis, it's not the fault of you bunch of losers."

"If it weren't for the fact that you guys are doing nothing, why would I have to make this trip myself, and how could I be scolded by Principal Xia!"

After that, he flicked his sleeves and walked straight out of the gate of the Sun Training Base and got on a roller coaster.

That afternoon, Li Qian became busy again.

Early this morning, under his auspices, all the koi that met the standard evolved into blue-scaled dragons.

In addition to the batch of koi whose evolution target is the blue-scaled dragon, there is also a batch of koi whose evolution target is the frost fire demon salamander, with a larger number of twenty-five.

Li Qian needs to help them complete their evolution as soon as possible.

After all, he doesn't have much time to stay in Lingshui City.

Unlike the nearly 100% success rate of evolving into a blue-scaled dragon, there is a nearly half chance of failure when evolving into a frostfire dragon.

The price of failure is to lose the possibility of evolution forever.

Li Qian was still a little worried about this.

Arranging intimidation training can certainly improve the willpower of these koi.

But Li Qian knows better that even if his willpower is improved, it can only increase the success rate of evolution.

It is almost impossible to complete evolution 100%.

Li Qian had been mentally prepared for a long time, so when failure really came, his mood did not fluctuate much.

What's more, strictly speaking, the situation this time was very ideal. Twenty-five koi fish evolved into sixteen frost fire salamanders.

Much higher than expected.

Li Qian was quite satisfied with this.

After completing the evolution, it was almost dusk, and Li Qian was about to return to Building 1. At this moment, a figure hurried over.

"Qianzi, you're finally back!" Fatty An came over with a smile on his face and patted Li Qian on the shoulder.

Li Qian glanced at him angrily, "I should be the one who said this."

Fatty An laughed. He scratched his head and said naively: "I wanted to come back early, but the place I went to is a bit far away and it's not convenient to rush back."

"I think you are too happy to miss Shu." As he said that, Li Qian looked at Fatty An carefully.

"It's only been a summer since I last saw you. Not only did your kid swell, he also turned black. Tell me honestly, where have you been?"

Fatty An didn't hide anything, and a smile appeared on his fat face, "I went to Crescent Island..."

At this point, he deliberately lowered his voice, "Let me tell you, the beaches there, the beauties, the bikinis..."

When Li Qian heard this, he slapped him in the face and said, "Dirty, your mind is full of things. Next time, remember to take me there with you."

Fatty An immediately cast an "I understand" look, "Don't worry, I've already found out the location. Next time, I'll make arrangements in advance to ensure that you are satisfied and comfortable, brother."

Li Qian nodded imperceptibly.

He smiled and changed the subject, "You boy, you are good, you can actually manage to go to Shazhou Beast Control University."

"What kind of operation, brother, I rely on real results." After hearing this, Fatty An immediately raised his tail.

It can be regarded as a chance to show off.

Hearing this, Li Qian glanced sideways at him. The latter immediately became discouraged and added, "Of course you, Tie Lao, and our old man also played a little role."

The corner of his mouth twitched, but Li Qian didn't care about it.

"Brother, when are we leaving?" After pretending, Fatty An knew enough was enough and brought the topic back on track.

"September 3rd." Li Qian said calmly.

"So late?" Fatty An was a little surprised.

"School starts on September 5th. I'll go there on September 3rd and take the teleportation array. I'll arrive on the same day. It's totally in time." Li Qian continued to say calmly.

After Fatty An heard this, he lost his composure for a moment, "What, take the teleportation array over there, you kid, did you win the jackpot by buying a lottery ticket?"

"Are you going to sit down?" Li Qian asked instead of responding to Fatty An's shock.

"Well, in order to help me enter Shazhou Beast Control University, our family..."

Seeing Fatty An chirping, Li Qian said directly, "Monitor Tu Jiaojiao and Li Lanying are going together."

"Go, you have to take the teleportation array!" Upon hearing this, Fatty An immediately made a 180-degree turn in his attitude.

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