After arguing with Fatty An for a while, they went out for dinner together in the evening. In the following time, Li Qian finally had some free time.

Finally, he finished the important things and could relax for a few days.

Except for occasionally paying attention to the training of the Extreme Storm Eagle, he was playing or resting, or visiting relatives and friends.

Their family did not have many relatives in Lingshui City, but there were many people who were related.

He took advantage of this free time to visit several teachers in high school, especially Chu Xiran and Zhu Bingqing, and Zhou Weiping from the Public Security Bureau.

In this way, time flew by and it was the night of September 2nd. Inside the breeding base, Li Qian sighed helplessly when he saw the Extreme Storm Eagle still training hard in the evolution test field.

He comforted her, "Don't worry, even after I leave, you can train with Xiao Hui."

Yes, Li Qian planned to leave the Extreme Fierce Sky Eagle Xiao Hui in the breeding base. In fact, not only Xiao Hui, but also Qizi and Xiaoliu, he did not plan to take other pets with him.

With his spiritual power level, he may be able to break into the commander level this semester, but he has many contract options.

Whether it is the Extreme Storm Eagle or the Tidal Sea Spirit, they can be the contract objects, or other pets developed in the future.

Even if he really wants to contract the Extreme Sky Escape Eagle, he is not not coming back, and he can choose to contract when he goes home during holidays.

Leaving the pets in the base can not only allow them to receive better training, but also protect the safety of the base.

For pets like Xiao Hui, who have the potential of the emperor level and the strength level of the commander, the combat power is still considerable.

Finally, it is his father Li Chengyang. If you ignore his talent for controlling beasts, it is not impossible to contract when his level is about to break into the commander.

With a plan in mind, Li Qian continued to talk: "You continue to train, and you may reach the conditions for evolution when you come back next time."

"Let's take a step back. Even if you don't have the talent to evolve into the Extreme Fierce Sky Eagle, don't worry. I will definitely be able to research other types of evolution of the Extreme Fierce Storm Eagle in the future." Although he comforted the Extreme Fierce Storm Eagle, Li Qian could clearly see that its mood was still affected and it was a little unhappy.

Li Qian still has a lot of feelings for the gray bean pigeon that has been with him since childhood, oh no, it should be the Extreme Fierce Storm Eagle now, so if possible, he naturally hopes that the other party can complete the evolution, but unfortunately, it is not what he wants.

After comforting the Extreme Fierce Storm Eagle, Li Qian did not stay any longer and went straight back to Building No. 1.

That night, Li Qian went to bed very early. In fact, it has been like this for the past few days. He thought he could sleep peacefully until dawn.

But he didn't expect that something went wrong in the middle of the night and woke him up.

To be precise, this is a good thing, a good thing that was completely beyond Li Qian's expectations.

In the middle of the night, two loud bird calls suddenly sounded very close to Building No. 1.


Because on weekdays, Building No. 1 is basically Li Qian's research room and lounge. His parents are worried about disturbing his research, so they live somewhere else. There are many houses in the breeding base, so these two loud bird calls, except for waking Li Qian directly, did not disturb others.

In a daze, Li Qian opened his sleepy eyes, walked to the window sill, and looked out subconsciously.

This time, he soon found a familiar scene.

I saw that a fierce storm eagle was in the air outside, quite close to the window sill. Its figure flickered like a ghost, and then it suddenly appeared in another piece of air dozens of meters away.

In addition to this fierce storm eagle, Li Qian also saw another fierce eagle in the air not far away.

There is no doubt that these two pets are Xiao Hui and his mother's Fierce Storm Eagle.

Seeing the two pets appear, especially when he saw the Fierce Storm Eagle perform the "teleportation" skill, Li Qian couldn't help rubbing his eyes, almost thinking that he was dazzled and had an illusion.

How did his mother's Fierce Storm Eagle master the "teleportation" skill?

During the day, looking at its training progress, it was obviously still very backward, and it could even be said that it had basically not touched the threshold.

It has only been a few hours, and it has mastered this iconic skill of the space system?

Li Qian felt incredible and shook his head subconsciously.

It was not until he saw the Fierce Storm Eagle perform the "teleportation" skill again, disappearing in front of him, and suddenly appearing in another direction in his field of vision that Li Qian was 100% sure of this fact.

"Fierce Storm Eagle, you actually mastered the 'teleportation' skill!" After confirming that his mother's Fierce Storm Eagle had mastered this skill, Li Qian couldn't help but make a happy voice.

Even from the current situation, it is not very proficient, and it is a bit stumbling when it is used, but as long as it is learned, it will be fine.

The second stage of evolution only needs to confirm whether the Extreme Storm Eagle has spatial talent, and there is no requirement for the proficiency of the "instant movement" skill.

In addition to being happy, Li Qian did not care whether its chirping disturbed his sleep.

Li Qian's face was full of smiles, and the Extreme Storm Eagle was also very excited.

"Chirp!" It chirped twice again and used the "teleportation" skill several times, as if it wanted to vent its emotions.

Li Qian smiled and looked at this scene, and immediately responded, "Okay, very good, since you have mastered the skill of 'teleportation', it proves that you have a talent for space. In this way, I can take you to complete the second step of evolution tomorrow!"

After listening to Li Qian's arrangement, it was also a response. The Fierce Storm Eagle circled in the air excitedly.

After a few more words of encouragement, it didn't take long for the Fierce Storm Eagle and Xiao Hui to fly away from the vicinity of Building No. 1.

It has been confirmed that the Fierce Storm Eagle has mastered the skill of "teleportation", and there is no point in staying here.

Looking at the figures of the two pets leaving, Li Qian stood there, speechless for a long time, and fell into deep thought.

The situation of the Fierce Storm Eagle was a bit beyond his expectations.

According to the previous training, Li Qian had already concluded that it should not have spatial talent.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to show that it was difficult to get started, which was completely different from Xiao Hui's situation.

But if it did not have spatial talent, how did it learn the "teleportation" skill in these few hours?

This puzzled Li Qian. It was impossible that it suddenly became enlightened and realized it under extreme circumstances, right?

Can the subjective will of a pet reach this level? Can it change the objective physical talent?

Or, each extremely fierce storm eagle actually has spatial talent, and it only depends on whether the subjective will is strong enough to force it out?

Unable to figure it out, Li Qian simply stopped thinking about it. Perhaps, his mother's extremely fierce storm eagle is just a special case.

This incident caused a certain impact on Li Qian, but to be honest, it did not affect him much, so not long after, he shook his head, cleared his mind, and went back to chat with Zhou Gong.

"Mom, do you want to go out for a trip to Zhonghai City?" The next morning, while eating breakfast, Li Qian suddenly asked.

"Why do you want to travel to Zhonghai City? I don't have the time?" Mother Han Yuying refused without thinking.

While refusing, she was also a little puzzled. Why did her son suddenly bring up the idea of ​​traveling?

"Do you still want the Extreme Storm Eagle to evolve again?" Li Qian said casually while eating breakfast.

Han Yuying was even more puzzled when she heard this. She cast a suspicious look at her son, "Evolution, hasn't it already evolved?"

Han Yuying knew that her gray bean pigeon had already evolved through evolution feedback.

As for the subsequent evolutionary body, that is, the Extreme Sky-Escape Eagle, because Li Qian did not explain it in detail, she was not very clear, so she did not think too much.

So when she heard this at first, mother Han Yuying was still a little confused.

Li Qian smiled and briefly explained to her the information of the Extreme Storm Eagle and the Extreme Sky-Escape Eagle.

After listening to Li Qian's explanation, Han Yuying suddenly realized what was going on.

It turns out that the Extreme Sky-Eagle is the subsequent evolution of the Extreme Storm Eagle, and my pet just has this evolution qualification.

"In this case, I have to go to Zhonghai City..." After listening to Li Qian's explanation, Han Yuying pondered for a moment, and then nodded.

For the initial pet that has accompanied her for so many years, Han Yuying naturally hopes that it will achieve higher achievements.

In the past, there was no hope and I had to lie down. Now, there is an opportunity, how could I miss it.

But according to my son, he has to go to Zhonghai City for evolution. I can't let him go to Zhonghai City, complete the evolution, and then specially send the pet back to Lingshui City. It's too troublesome to go back and forth, which may affect his enrollment time.

In this way, I have to go there.

"Since you have been to Zhonghai City, if you don't go shopping, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity?" Seeing that his mother agreed, Li Qian continued to persuade her.

"In this case, we can indeed go and have some fun..." Han Yuying nodded and agreed, with a look of relief on her face.

She would definitely not go to Zhonghai City just for fun, but if she went there on the way, it would be fine.

Anyway, we have already gone there, it would be a pity if we don't go for a walk.

After making the decision, Li Qian and his mother Han Yuying did not waste time. After breakfast, they set off directly.

Since Li Qian was planning to go to Shazhou Beast Taming University today, his luggage had been packed long ago.

As for his mother Han Yuying, even if she wanted to go out for a trip, she would not stay for too long, so there was no need to pack much.

The same is true for his father Li Chengyang.

Li Qian was definitely worried about letting his mother go out for a trip alone, so his father naturally had to follow.

At about 8:30, the family of three took a taxi and came to the high-speed railway station in Lingshui City.

Just after arriving at the high-speed railway station, Li Qian saw two beautiful scenery lines from a distance in the square outside the station.

The reason why it was so eye-catching was that next to the two beautiful scenery lines, there was a fat figure who kept waving at Li Qian, and it was hard not to notice it.

Needless to say, the fat figure was Li Qian's best friend Fatty An. He was also one of the people who went to Shazhou Beast Taming University to study.

But now, the situation has changed, and Li Qian can only walk with them for a short distance.

After seeing Fatty An, Li Lanying, and Tu Jiaojiao, Li Qian did not hesitate, walked over quickly, and joined them.

"Sorry, I had something to do and kept you waiting for a long time." Although he was not late and could catch the train he bought in advance, because he had agreed in advance to meet up early, Li Qian immediately apologized.

"It's okay, we arrived early." Tu Jiaojiao glanced at Li Qian and Li Qian's father and mother behind him, and was not surprised. His parents also came to see him off before, but they were sent away by her after arriving at the station.

If they were not sent away, the two elders would probably nag here again, complaining about why he applied for Shazhou Beast Taming University, which is so far away.

It's okay to complain at home, but there are two classmates here. It's inevitable that they will be embarrassed if they hear it, after all, they also applied for this school.

"Uncle and aunt, are you here to send Li Qian off?" Li Lanying naturally saw Li Qian's parents. Because she had interned in the training base for a month, she was quite familiar with them and greeted them warmly.

"No, we are going to Zhonghai City." Mother Han Yuying glanced at Li Lanying, then at Tu Jiaojiao, and then explained with a strange expression.

"By the way, there is something I need to discuss with you. I should only be able to go with you to Yunlan City." After the reunion, the group began to enter the station. Li Qian said as he walked, "I will take a detour to Zhonghai City, and then take the teleportation array from Zhonghai City to Shazhou City."

Finally, he spread his hands and said helplessly: "So we can only meet in Shazhou City."

Li Lanying glanced at Li Qian, then at Li's father and mother, and roughly guessed that it was probably related to their affairs, so she waved her hand and said with a smile: "Then you go and do your own things, it's okay with us, we can meet in Shazhou City."

"Then it's settled!" Li Qian heard this, and before he spoke, Fatty An beside him couldn't wait to interrupt.

Li Qian could only go to Yunlan City together, which was definitely a good thing for him, as he could spend more time with his two classmates.

If they were four people, the two beauties would definitely not focus on him along the way.

Now it's good, a godsend opportunity!

The group was chatting and laughing, totally unaware that in the waiting hall not far away, a pair of gloomy eyes were staring at them.

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