After explaining the situation to Fatty An and two female classmates, they checked their tickets and entered the platform soon.

Because they bought the tickets this morning, Li's father and mother were not in the same carriage with the four of them.

The high-speed train entered the platform. Unlike the previous times, this time they were not riding the Thunderbolt, but the Thunderbolt.

After entering the carriage and finding a seat, Fatty An took out a lot of snacks from the storage equipment just after sitting down.

Looking at the snacks piled on the small table, Li Qian couldn't help laughing, "No wonder you gained weight after not seeing you for a summer vacation. With the way you eat, it would be strange if you didn't gain weight."

"Hehe, sitting on the train without eating anything is so boring." Fatty An didn't care at all after hearing Li Qian's teasing. While talking, he handed a bag of French fries to Li Qian.

Li Qian didn't hesitate to take the French fries and started eating.

Fatty An followed suit and handed out some snacks to Li Lanying, who sat next to Tu Jiaojiao.

It was strange that Fatty An's seat should have belonged to Tu Jiaojiao, but when she just found a seat and before she could speak, Li Lanying suggested, "Let's sit together, it's more convenient."

Tu Jiaojiao was about to say something when Li Lanying made the first arrangement, "Junjie, you can sit with Li Qian."

Fatty An was a little dizzy when Li Lanying called him "Junjie" before, and he sat next to Li Qian subconsciously.

When he realized that he had missed the opportunity to sit with Li Lanying, he was actually a little distressed.

However, since he had already sat down, it would be even more embarrassing if he stood up at this time. Thinking of this, even if he was distressed, he could only accept the result of the change of seats helplessly.

The distress did not last long and was soon thrown out of his mind.

After regaining his sanity, he also learned to think and probably guessed the purpose of Li Lanying's doing so.

Most likely, he wanted to stop Li Qian and Tu Jiaojiao from sitting together, which was exactly what he wanted.

As for Li Lanying, it was clear from the fact that she went to Jiaoyang Cultivation Base for internship during the summer vacation that she had no chance.

Instead of eating what is in the bowl and looking at what is in the pot, it is better to concentrate on attacking the monitor. Maybe with a burst of luck, he can break through a little.

Li Qian sat in his seat, a seat by the window, and after sitting down, he was in a trance.

As for the intrigue between the two girls, he vaguely felt it, but didn't care.

He opened the bag of French fries, took out one, and started eating. While eating, Li Qian looked forward to the life of the beastmaster university in the near future.

It should be very exciting. Just when he was a little absent-minded, the sound of Fatty An chewing shrimp strips reached his ears.

He glanced sideways, then continued to joke, "If you keep getting so arrogant, be careful that no girl will like you."

When saying this, Li Qian also deliberately glanced at the seats where Tu Jiaojiao and Li Lanying were sitting, and the implication was already very obvious.

After hearing this, Fatty An shook his head helplessly, "There's nothing I can do. I stutter a lot. It's more painful for me to go on a diet than to kill me."

"And with my body shape, I think dieting alone won't work." Fatty An said with self-awareness.

Li Qian curled his lips and continued to joke, "So you're just going to give up?"

"It's not really giving up. I have my own way." Fatty An said with a grin.

Li Qian was a little curious and asked, "What's the way?"

His words not only aroused Li Qian's curiosity, but also attracted the attention of the two women.

Seeing this, Fatty An said his own plan with some satisfaction, "For the second pet, I plan to contract a fighting type."

"Fighting Boy, Ninja Frog, Iron Boy, and other pets?" Li Qian immediately understood Fatty An's thoughts, "You want to use the evolutionary feedback of the fighting type to improve your body shape?"

Although Li Qian asked, his attitude was actually very clear.

"That's it..." Fatty An smiled and admitted openly.

"This is indeed a good idea." Li Qian thought about it for a while, and then asked.

The evolutionary feedback of pets has a lot to do with the characteristics of the pets themselves.

For example, the evolution of the Green Scale Dragon can not only improve physical fitness in all aspects, but also have a certain increase in lifespan.

The reason is very simple, dragon-type pets have always been synonymous with longevity.

For example, if the Extreme Fierce Sky-Eagle is contracted, it will make the beastmaster appear as light as a swallow.

And the fighting type pets are basically strong and muscular. If they are contracted, it will have a great effect on improving the body shape of the beastmaster.

Fatty An planned this way, which was indeed a solution, but Li Qian was very worried. According to his unrestrained eating habits, contracting only one fighting pet might not be enough.

Unless he could evolve this fighting pet to the emperor level.

Along the way, they talked and laughed, and time passed quickly. At noon, the group arrived in Yunlan City.

They had a simple lunch in Yunlan City, and then went straight to the transmission center.

"By the way, is there any discount for this card?" When Li Qian arrived at the transmission center and bought a ticket, he took out the VIP card given by Li Sukuan.

"You can get a 20% discount." The ticket seller saw the VIP card that Li Qian took out, and a surprised expression appeared on his face. Then he immediately answered with a more respectful attitude.

"Li Qian, what kind of card is this? It can actually get a 20% discount?" Tu Jiaojiao was also very surprised when she saw this scene, and she couldn't help asking.

Li Qian explained casually, "This was given by a senior in the teleportation center. I don't know what it is for. I just asked casually. I didn't expect that it can really get a discount."

He didn't hide anything. He really didn't know this.

At the beginning, when Li Sukuan gave the card, he only said that he could take the teleportation array three times a month for free.

And it was only limited to the person himself. As for the other functions of this card, he didn't say, and Li Qian didn't ask.

With a 20% discount, two tickets can save a lot of money.

"Thank you, two teleportation tickets to Zhonghai City." After thanking the ticket seller, Li Qian directly bought two tickets.

At the same time, on the counter next to them, Tu Jiaojiao and Li Lanying had already bought teleportation tickets to Nandu City.

Yunlan City does not have a teleportation array that goes directly to Shazhou City, so it is necessary to go to Nandu City instead.

Originally, Li Qian also planned to go this way, but now, there is no other way, so he has to go to Zhonghai City instead.

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