"How about

it?" "Do you kid think you can do it?"

Wang Cheng still thought that Qin Ye used a good method,

but he didn't expect Qin Ye to use this method.

This really made it impossible for him to reproduce it, so he could only laugh dryly,

"Uh... Brother Ye, sure enough, big brother, your method is a kid, I can't reproduce it. "

I just don't know if Brother Ye, do you have any other better ways?"

At the same time, Wang Cheng also noticed Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui on the side.

For his own points, he also fought hard, regardless of thirty-seven twenty-one, he opened his mouth and asked the two

of them: "Senior sister, I don't know if you have any good ways to share it with junior brother and me?" Seeing Wang Cheng's

appearance, the three of them smiled unkindly.


" "I didn't expect your kid to beg in a low voice." "

It's really rare?" Facing

Qin Ye's ridicule, Wang Cheng didn't care.

still said stupidly:

"Brother Ye, senior sister, don't laugh.

"I was really looking for a way to find a scorecard quickly.

"If you know any good way, just tell me!" Qin

Ye touched his nose a little embarrassed, and then said helplessly:

"Xiao Chengzi, you Brother Ye and I don't have any good way.

"After all, I've only been competing in the points contest for one day.

"But I can tell you something about the rules of the scoreboard. Sure

enough, hearing Qin Ye say that he didn't have any good solutions, Wang Cheng was still a little disappointed.

However, when he heard that Qin Ye had a message to tell him about the law of the scoreboard, he immediately regained his spirit, looked at Qin Ye with a strange expression and asked

, "Brother Ye, what law are you talking about?"

Qin Ye didn't expect Wang Cheng to be so excited.

But he didn't care so much, just glanced at him helplessly, and then said:

"You kid don't need to be so excited, you don't necessarily be able to use

the news I said?" Wang Cheng thought that the news that Qin Ye said this time should be the same as the one he said before, and it would only have an effect on Qin Ye alone?

Brother Ye, you won't say that there are any restrictions on this news again, right?"


" Qin Ye glanced at Wang Cheng innocently, and said with some amusement:

"You kid thinks too much, where did you get so many restrictions."

"The rule I want to say is that the distribution of the score board is generally related to the strength of the demon beast. "

The school should place the score board according to the strength of the monster.

"Of course, the pattern I'm talking about was only discovered in the last points competition.

"So, I don't know if the schools will still use this method in this points competition. Hearing

what Qin Ye said, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were also a little surprised.

Although they have participated in the points competition, they really haven't noticed this phenomenon.

Therefore, if Qin Ye hadn't said it, they really wouldn't have known that the original school's scoreboard was not placed randomly.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaowei suddenly had a bold idea.

"Junior brother, if you say so, wouldn't it be that we can find the score card as long as we find the demon beasts in the secret realm?"


" At this time, Nie Xiaorui also said:

"It seems to be like this!" "

In retrospect, all my score cards were really found in the monster beast pile!"

At this moment, several people present couldn't help but be surprised as if they had discovered some new continent.

But Wang Cheng's words silenced them again.

"Brother Ye, isn't there all demon beasts in the secret realm?"

"It's almost difficult to find a place where there are no demon beasts, and there aren't so many points. "

So there's no way there's a scoreboard where there's no monster, right?"

a few people thought about it, and it was really what Wang Cheng said.

There are more demon beasts in the secret realm than there are score cards, so their kind of thinking is not very reliable.

However, several people are also understanding people, and they all know that this is just a way of thinking, and it is not a standard answer.

"Okay, if you kid has this strength at that time, you don't have to worry about not being able to find the score card.

"It's not perfect, but it's the right idea.

"As long as you follow this line of thought, you will not be wrong.

Qin Ye saw that there was still a tendency for several people to continue the discussion, so he didn't think much about it, and hurriedly interrupted the topic.

He didn't want to go on with it.

When the three of them saw that Qin Ye said this, they didn't think much about it.

Especially Wang Cheng, he felt that he had earned it this time.

After all, if this continues, he won't have to wander around aimlessly in the secret realm anymore.

So he felt that he had picked up a big bargain, so he arrogantly invited Qin Ye and the three of them to lunch.

After lunch, Yu Xiaowei and the three of them said goodbye and left Qin Ye's dormitory.

After the three of them left, Qin Ye was not idle.

He came to the secret realm of Kyushu in a flash.

Today's Kyushu Secret Realm has also changed slightly.

Although I didn't find the kind of strange grass that Wang Cheng said at the beginning that could increase the talent level.

But after so long, he has also had an effect by purchasing some of the exotic flowers and plants planted in the market.

The demon beasts inside were almost cleaned up by Yan Hong, and even if there were some fish that slipped through the net, they were also isolated by Qin Ye.

After inspecting the things in the secret realm, Qin Ye returned to the secret realm hall.

Today's Secret Realm Hall is no longer the same hall where there was nothing at the beginning.

The biggest change is that there is furniture inside, and it is no longer as empty as before.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't come for a vacation, so after entering the main hall.

He released Yan Hong and Nuo Bai from the Imperial Beast Space Tower.

As soon as Yan Hong and Nuo Bai came out, they circled around Qin Ye several times.

After Yan Hong came out, she greeted Qin Ye affectionately:


Qin Ye touched Yan Hong's head with his hand, and then said

, "Yan Hong, how is the spirit stone digested."

"There's no way, it's the beast master who hopes that his beast can improve his strength as soon as possible. Of

course, Qin Ye will not be an exception.

However, Yan Hong was obviously a little embarrassed, and he said hesitantly

: "Master, because there is no battle, so Yan Hong is only digesting a small half of the spirit stone now?"

Qin Ye thought about it and didn't get angry, and spoke again:

"It seems that the master needs to arrange some special training for you, otherwise your strength will grow too slowly." Yan

Hong didn't react, after all, Yan Hong has always been obedient.

But Nuobai is different, as soon as this guy heard that his master was going to arrange special training for him, he immediately became angry.

stared at Qin Ye with a pitiful look, wanting Qin Ye to open the net.

However, Qin Ye didn't care about it, and arranged a special training plan on his own.

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