Of course, this special training Qin Ye has already found a good place.

Qin Ye had learned before that the reason why the Xia Kingdom Imperial Beast Master Academy had a high mortality rate was because the academy had mastered a lot of secret realms.

Among them, there is a combat secret realm that is very suitable for the training of the beast - the ring challenges the illusory realm.

One of the reasons why this secret realm is very suitable for the training of imperial beasts is because the demon beasts and imperial beasts that enter this secret realm are all illusory from the secret realm.

Of course, this does not mean that the illusory is completely safe.

Although in this secret realm, combat training will not lead to direct death.

But they can get injured and even fall down the ranks.

And the advantage is that the illusory imperial beast has almost completely copied its own strength.

The advantage of this is that the imperial beast can not only give full play to its own strength in the secret realm, but also play the purpose of training itself.

It is even more possible to exit the secret realm at any time, without affecting things in reality.

Of course, what Qin Ye values is the benefit that it can farm monsters infinitely.

So, after deciding to go to this secret realm.

Qin Ye didn't procrastinate, because he was still a freshman and didn't have the qualifications to enter this type of secret realm.

Therefore, if he wants to enter this secret realm, he really needs to go to Dean Zhou Jianming.

What he didn't expect was that Dean Zhou Jianming didn't say much, and heard that Qin Ye wanted to enter the secret realm to train.

Directly waved his hand and raised Qin Ye's authority to the highest.

It can almost be said that the current Qin Ye only needs to go to the secret realm controlled by the school, as long as it is not a special situation.

He can do whatever he wants.

What Qin Ye didn't expect was that the No. 1 dormitory where he lived could be seamlessly connected to various secret realms.

In other words, he doesn't need to run to the entrance of the secret realm like everyone else to enter the secret realm.

He only needs to open the corresponding secret door in the basement in the dormitory, and he can teleport to the secret realm.

When he knew this, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Only then did he realize that he had lived in the dormitory for so long, and he didn't know anything about his dormitory.

But fortunately, Qin Ye felt that it was not too late for him to know.

After hurrying back from the dean's place, he plunged headlong into the basement to find the secret place he was going to this time.

With a flash of figure, Qin Ye entered the secret realm he wanted to enter.

As soon as he entered this secret realm, Qin Ye heard the prompt voice of this secret realm:

"Hello dear beast master, welcome to the secret realm of the illusion realm.

"Since you're entering for the first time, the Uncharted Elves will scan your combat power stats for you.

Immediately after, just as Qin Ye had a strange expression, a white light enveloped him.

A few seconds later, Qin Ye actually found that a person who was exactly the same as himself appeared in front of him.

What shocked him even more was that Yan Hong and Nuo Bai were also embodied next to him.

Seeing this scene for the first time, Qin Ye was still quite shocked.

It was at this time that the voice of the secret elf appeared again.

"Hello dear beastmaster, since you are entering for the first time, please give yourself a name.

Qin Ye had to sigh at the magic of this secret realm, which actually gave him a feeling of entering the game.

However, he was not slow, and it only took him a moment to think of his name.

"Hello Secret Elf, let's call it Baiye!" The

secret elf still sounded with the cold sound of the machine.


Immediately after, Qin Ye discovered that he had already connected with the body conjured up by this secret realm elf.

Qin Ye, who was curious for a while, couldn't help but play for a while.

And at this moment, the voice of the secret realm elf interrupted him again.

"Hello dear beastmaster, this elf's mission has been completed. "

The Elves of the Secret Realm are here to wish you a pleasant trip to the Secret Realm. "

That's it, before Qin Ye could react, this secret realm spirit disappeared.

For a while, Qin Ye didn't know what to say.

Qin Ye, who was really boring, thought about it, and then hit Yan Hong again.

"Yan Hong!" What

surprised Qin Ye a little was that Yan Hong's voice actually came from the conjured body in front of him.

"Master, is there something wrong

?" "Yan Hong, what's the situation with you?"

Just when Qin Ye was still unclear, Nuo Bai, who was concretized next to him, also spoke.

"Master, Nuo Bai is also here?"


Fortunately, Yanhong didn't continue to sell Guanzi.

"Master, this body seems to me more like our doppelganger.

When Qin Ye heard this, his mood was also much better.

However, thinking that I am here to engage in special training, if it does not play any role in itself, it will be in vain.

Therefore, Qin Ye opened his mouth and asked again

, "Yan Hong, does this clone of yours have an impact on your body?"

After all, it was a clone, and Qin Ye now began to doubt whether his decision was correct.

Fortunately, Yan Hong didn't think much about it at this time, and had already given Qin Ye an affirmative answer.

"Master, don't worry!"

"I've just experimented with it, although it's a doppelganger.

"But it's consuming its own energy.

Qin Ye was also a lot relieved when he heard this answer.

Getting the result he wanted, Qin Ye didn't think about it anymore.

With a wave of his hand, he took Yan Hong and Nuo Bai to the secret realm.

As its name suggests, this secret realm is a secret realm of the ring.

The Beast Master who comes in needs to complete the clearance task by adjusting the monsters in the ring.

It is said that there will be corresponding rewards for clearing the customs for the first time, but Qin Ye has not broken through this secret realm, so he doesn't know if it's true or not.

There are three waves of monsters in the ring in each level, corresponding to three difficulties.

For Qin Ye, he didn't care so much, his purpose was to quickly consume the energy in his body by Shang Yanhong and Nuobai.

So he came up and began to command Yan Hong and Nuo Bai to fight.

The demon beasts that came out from the first level to the tenth level of the secret realm of the ring were all bronze level strength.

The demon beasts that came out from the eleventh to the twentieth level were of silver level strength.

The rest of the levels follow this rule.

Originally, Qin Ye wanted to start directly from the twenty-first level, because he felt that the previous level was no longer of much use to Yan Hong and Nuo Bai.

But alas, this secret realm of the ring has to start from scratch.

So there was no way, he could only let Yan Hong and Nuo Bai turn on the horizontal push mode and start from the first level of the ring.

Fortunately, this was Qin Ye's first time breaking through the level, so from time to time he could still receive a few rewards from a few lower-grade spirit stones.

Although it doesn't do much for him, it can pass the time.

At first, Qin Ye still felt a little novel, but later on, he found that this ring was too time-consuming.

Although Yan Hong and Nuo Bai can kill their opponents in seconds, what makes Qin Ye doubt his life is that there is actually a time limit for the monster farming in this ring challenge mode.

After each level, it takes 5 minutes to spawn the next wave of monsters.

This simply made Qin Ye's egg ache from the beginning.

He finally stayed up until eight o'clock in the evening, and found that he had only reached the eleventh level.

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