Helpless, Qin Ye could only give up the challenge for the time being.

Although it is very important to farm monsters, eating and sleeping are equally important things for Qin Ye.

Of course, it's not that Qin Ye doesn't want to directly throw Yan Hong and Nuo Bai in the secret realm to continue the challenge.

However, this secret realm has mandatory requirements, and the beast master cannot leave the secret realm alone.

If the Beast Master leaves the Secret Realm, then the Beast will also be forcibly withdrawn.

It was precisely the restriction of this rule that made Qin Ye unable to stay in the secret realm for such a long time.

Now that he has reacted, Qin Ye has no intention of staying any longer.

He said to Yan

Hong, "Yan Hong, let's go."

"Your master, I'm hungry.

"I'll come back another day." "

Yan Hong and Nuo Bai are having fun, I didn't expect Qin Ye to call them at this time.

"Master, why don't you wait for us to play for a while?" Before

Yan Hong could speak, this guy Nuo Bai jumped out first, stared at Qin Ye with a pair of pitiful eyes, and opened his mouth to say the little bit of Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

Qin Ye glanced at Nuo Bai and didn't give him face.

opened his mouth and said

, "Nuobai, are you itching again?" Nuo

Bai didn't expect that Qin Ye would not leave him any affection.

But it's not stupid, knowing that Qin Ye is not someone to mess with.

So he didn't lose his temper because of this, although he was still a little reluctant in his heart, he didn't object to Qin Ye's words again.

And Yan Hong was another image, she barely gave Qin Ye any reluctant expression.

As soon as Qin Ye's voice fell, she returned to Qin Ye's side.

Qin Ye did not hesitate and decisively withdrew from the secret realm.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, he found that Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui had found the door again.

He wondered why the two had just left their dormitory in the morning.

He came back to look for himself at night, but he still opened the door and let the two of them in.

Qin Ye was very surprised when he saw the two of them, because he saw that Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui actually came with dinner.

"Senior sister, what's the matter

with you?" "Why did you bring dinner?" "

Or do you know that I didn't have dinner and brought it to me on purpose?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were also used to Qin Ye's way of greeting, so they weren't surprised.

But the content of Qin Ye's words made the two of them a little puzzled.

So he couldn't help but ask

, "It turns out that you didn't have dinner either, junior brother

?" "Then let's eat together?"


This made Qin Ye a little overwhelmed.

"Senior sister

, what's the situation with you?" "Why haven't you eaten at night?"

Yu Xiaowei took out the food in his hand and put it on

the table, and said, "It's not that recently, the demon beast clan doesn't know what is crazy, and they always provoke our Xia Kingdom Beast Master.

"So the school released the point task, so that the capable students can go to the secret realm to kill the monsters. "

No, your senior sister Rui and I just came out of the secret realm.

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaowei suddenly remembered what Qin Ye had just said, so he turned around and said

, "Senior brother, what are you doing again?"

Qin Ye originally wanted to hear Yu Xiaowei talk about the situation of the demon beast clan, but found that she asked so.

There was no good way to do it, so I could only say,


" "I went to the secret realm of the school's ring. "


?" "Aren't you a freshman, junior brother?" "

The points competition is not over yet, junior brother, you shouldn't be qualified to enter the secret realm yet, right?"

Yu Xiaowei was quite surprised when she heard Qin Ye's explanation, so she asked.

And Qin Ye was not surprised, after all, the routine of the school was like this.

So he hurriedly opened his mouth and explained

, "Senior sister, I'm going to find the dean.

"When he heard that I was going to the secret realm, he gave me the highest authority without saying a word.


" "Sure enough, it has to be you, junior brother!" "

It was so easy to get the highest authority to enter the secret realm of the school."

"I guess that's how the whole school is treated like you.

After listening to Qin Ye's explanation, Yu Xiaowei should even be a little envious.

But Qin Ye didn't care so much, he still wanted to know about the demon beast clan that Yu Xiaowei said before.

So he asked again

: "Senior sister, you tell me about the demon beast clan you talked about before!" Yu Xiaowei raised his head and glanced at Qin Ye before he spoke:

"It seems that junior brother, you have an idea about the demon beast clan?" "

Otherwise, you

wouldn't be able to ask me this."

Just when Xiaowei was about to continue, Nie Xiaorui said next to her:

"Okay, you two should eat first!"

"It's really not good, you can talk and talk at the same time."

"Otherwise, the food will be cold in a while."

Yu Xiaowei and Qin Ye were also a little embarrassed.

The two of them had just been talking and had completely forgotten about it.

So now when they hear Nie Xiaorui say this, the two of them are really a little red.

But fortunately, the three of them are already familiar.

After starting to eat with a bowl here, Yu Xiaowei continued to speak:

"Actually, this provocation of the demon beast clan is also a provocation within the normal range.

"Every year when it's time for the new students to report, the demon beast clan will come to do this.

"For hundreds of years, Xia Guo has also been accustomed to their provocations.

"But they seem to be a little crazy this year, and there have been a lot of school casualties since yesterday.

"This was rare in previous years.

"Senior sister, didn't you say that you came back from the

secret realm?" "Could it be that the provocation of the demon beast clan is in the secret realm?"


"I forgot to tell you to my junior brother."

"The riots of the demon beast clan at this time are almost all aimed at the younger generation of beast masters in the Xia Kingdom.

"And almost all of the beast masters of the younger generation of the Xia Kingdom are in school, so they can only play a role in this way.

"Of course, after so many years of research.

"We humans also know that the reason why they do this is because the demon beast clan also wants to hone their offspring in this way.

"So, over time, the two sides have formed a tacit understanding.

"In order to avoid the two sides from dispatching the masters of the older generation, the two sides turned a special secret realm into a battlefield 30 years ago.

"In the future, at this time of year, both sides will send a beast master under the age of 22, or a demon beast of this age, into this secret realm to have a special duel. "

Now junior brother, you should understand, right?"

Yu Xiaowei said so much in one breath, and he couldn't help but feel a little dry.

So I stopped and took a sip of water.

"Well, that's a big deal.


As soon as Yu Xiaowei heard this, she knew what Qin Ye meant.

But she didn't explain at the first time, but swallowed a lot of rice in one go.

wanted to fill his stomach first before explaining, Qin Ye saw Yu Xiaowei's appearance, and knew that he was too anxious.

So he didn't ask any more questions, and also lowered his head and began to pull the food in the bowl.

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