"Senior brother, what is the dean looking for you?" Qin

Ye had just walked out of Dean Zhou Jianming's office, and Yu Xiaowei didn't know where to run out and said.

Qin Ye was really shocked by her sudden appearance at first.

But after thinking that Yu Xiaowei's identity was not simple, he was relieved.


"How did you end up here?" "

Is there something wrong?"

Qin Ye did not directly answer Yu Xiaowei's words, but led the topic to her.

Sure enough, Qin Ye's words made Yu Xiaowei forget about his previous question all of a sudden.

He said

, "Oh, it's such a junior. "

Didn't we just come back from

the secret realm?" "The head of the school asked me to find out what was going on inside the secret realm.

"That's why I'm here. Qin

Ye is actually just just finding a random topic to divert the conversation.

I didn't really know what Yu Xiaowei was doing here.

But I didn't expect Yu Xiaowei to explain it again.

However, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, since Yu Xiaowei said so, he continued to talk about this topic.

"Is there any plan for the school to do anything about the secret realm

?" Yu Xiaowei glanced at Qin Ye with some incredulity, and then muttered

, "Senior brother, did you hear any rumors in the principal's office?"

Where did Qin Ye have such an ability, he just saw Yu Xiaowei's somewhat sad face, so he guessed at random.

But now looking at Yu Xiaowei's reaction, Qin Ye really couldn't make up his mind.

Because he found that it was most likely that he had guessed correctly.

Yu Xiaowei showed this expression.

So he said in an unquestionable tone

: "Senior sister, am I right?"

Yu Xiao glanced at Qin Ye slightly, and replied angrily:

"Didn't you just hear something from the dean."

"What do you have to be so good?

"It's like I don't know what's going on.

Qin Ye smiled bitterly, he just said it casually, how could he have thought that he would be right.

So he hurriedly explained:

"Senior sister, don't believe what you said.

"I really didn't hear anything from the dean.

"The reason why I say this is just casually.

"Who would have thought that I would be right?

Yu Xiaowei actually didn't believe what Qin Ye had just said, but she couldn't find a reason to refute it.

So in the end, I could only reluctantly believe Qin Ye's words.

But she still didn't spare Qin Ye and continued to fight with him.

"I didn't expect you to have such ability, junior brother!"

"It seems that I underestimated you." Qin

Ye is too lazy to debunk Yu Xiaowei's nonsense now, anyway, now the two of them are just pure boredom, just looking for gossip.

Therefore, he did not debunk Yu Xiaowei's reason.

"Senior sister, isn't it obvious that you said this matter?"

"Wasn't the reason why our human side shrank up before because no one could break the current deadlock?"

"But now it's different, the school must know that I can solve the genius among the demon beast clan, so I have this kind of thought."

Yu Xiaowei didn't expect Qin Ye to be able to analyze these things.

But after she glanced at Qin Ye, she felt normal again.

So she didn't say anything at all, just nodded and responded:

"In that case, you go on."

Qin Ye's expression froze, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Uh... Senior sister, I'm done. "

Don't have anything to say?"

Just as Xiaowei was about to speak, the school's emergency assembly sound sounded without warning.

"Woo woo......"

For a while, Qin Ye was stunned.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaowei on the side was still awake, and after she heard this voice, she immediately pulled Qin Ye to run to the school playground.

In Qin Ye's bewildered expression, she opened her mouth to explain as she ran:

"This is the school's emergency gathering alarm, it is estimated that something big has happened!"

"Otherwise, this voice would not have sounded."

Although Qin Ye understood what he meant, he still didn't understand it.

So he also asked while running towards the school playground:

"Senior sister, under what circumstances does the school's emergency assembly alarm sound?" "

There shouldn't be anything big happening in China recently!"

Yu Xiaowei glanced at Qin Ye and knew Qin Ye's thoughts.

So he explained:

"The school's emergency assembly alarm is also graded. "

This is the third level, and it should be the reason why the demon beast clan invaded our country's neighbors and needed our country's troops to help.

When Qin Ye heard this, he instantly lost much motivation.

A little speechless said:

"In that case, then what do we have to hurry."

"Just take your time. "

I don't think the school will let us go abroad to fight, right?"

Yu Xiaowei was also stunned when she heard this.

A little speechless, he

said, "Although what you said is good, junior brother, we can't do this.

"After all, the biggest enemy of our human race right now is the demon beast clan.

"So we are still united in our strength and united in the outside world.

Qin Ye was finally persuaded by Yu Xiaowei, and reluctantly ran after her towards the playground.

But he didn't forget to ask

, "What about the

second level of alert and the first level of alert?" Yu Xiaowei didn't think much about it, and explained as he ran,

"The second alert means that the demon beast army has come to our country. "

Level 1 alert: I don't think I need to say it, you should know what's going on. Of

course, Qin Ye listened to Yu Xiaowei's explanation, and he also understood what the first-level alert meant.

But he didn't say it, and silently followed Yu Xiaowei and ran towards the school playground.

After a while, the two of them rushed to the school playground.

Although only a few minutes have passed, there are already many people in the school playground.

Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei casually found a place and stood down, and they didn't know what the situation was now.

They won't know what is going on until the sirens are over.

Within a few minutes, the sirens finally ended.

Under the gaze of Qin Ye and the others, Dean Zhou Jianming's voice finally came out.

"Dear teachers, students and students, our school has received the latest notice.

"Just now, the army of the demon beast clan raised its troops and began to attack the Southern Bang Country.

"The country of Nanbang has now sent a request to our country, hoping that our country will send troops to help.

"As a human camp, we can't die without help.

"Therefore, the teachers of our school whose combat power is above the seventh order of gold, please be prepared.

"Except for the necessary number left, the rest of the people will set foot on the territory of the Southern Bang Country to fight against the demon beast army.

Qin Ye was shocked by the news.

Unexpectedly, the Nanbang Kingdom was hit in the secret realm just now, and now even his own country can't escape this fate.

For a moment, Qin Ye didn't know whether he should be happy or sympathize with them.

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