
" "Junior, what's wrong with you?"


, sigh!" As soon as Yu Xiaowei turned his head, he heard Qin Ye's sigh.

So I couldn't help but ask.

Qin Ye waved his hand helplessly and said

, "I'm lamenting that the Nanbang Kingdom is too miserable, I was just abused by the demon beast clan in the secret realm, and when I look back, I still have to be abused by the demon beast army.

"I now suspect they won't be able to hold on.

Yu Xiaowei was stunned by Qin Ye's words.

With a stunned expression, he looked at Qin

Ye and said, "Senior brother, are you saying this to suspect that the demon beast clan has long been a wolf and has been accumulating knowledge of the Nanbang Country for a long time?"

Qin Ye was simply stunned by Yu Xiaowei's top-level interpretation ability.

He didn't think about it that much at all, he just said it in passing.

But he never expected that Yu Xiaowei would even think about how to explain it to him.

He was speechless.

"Senior sister, that's what you said.

"I didn't say that.

Yu Xiaowei wanted to continue to explain, but Qin Ye interrupted his follow-up words.

"Senior sister, there shouldn't be anything to do with us now.

"Let's go back first." "


"Then we'll go back and talk about it."

Yu Xiaowei didn't think much about it, and she also felt that it was not interesting to stay here.

And just as Qin Ye and the others just turned their heads and wanted to leave, Nie Xiaorui suddenly appeared behind them and shouted

, "Senior brother, are you waiting for me?"

Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei also knew who it was when they heard this voice.

So they didn't leave right away, but turned their heads to look at the voice they had just shouted.

Sure enough, Nie Xiaorui walked out of the crowd.

smiled and said

, "Senior brother, let's go!"

Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei didn't think much about it, nodded and went in the direction of Qin Ye's dormitory.

Qin Ye wasn't interested in Nie Xiaorui appearing in the playground, so almost all of the way Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were chatting.

And he rarely interjected, thinking about it almost all the way.

In the end, the attack on the Nanbang Kingdom in the secret territory was not deliberate by the demon beast clan.

Because it was only now that Qin Ye discovered the problem in this.

Because of the things in the secret realm, the Nanbang country will inevitably suffer from the dissatisfaction of other countries.

Especially the Xia Kingdom, the Southern Continent was a country of the Xia Kingdom from the beginning, and the reason why it gave up some places was not to unify the human lineup?

As a result, the Southern Bang Country not only lost the gathering place this time, but also destroyed the guardian formation of the gathering place.

This will definitely be held accountable by the Xia Kingdom, and at this time, they suddenly launched an attack on the mainland of the Southern Bang Country.

It's a good time.

Thinking of this, Qin Ye couldn't believe his guess.

Because this kind of calculation was too deep, he was a little skeptical, was this really a plan that the demon beast clan could come up with?

After Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui returned to the dormitory, they also began to wonder when they saw that Qin Ye still looked reluctant.

So they opened their mouths and asked

, "Junior brother, what do you want?" "

So distracted?"

Qin Ye was awakened by the voices of the two.

Hearing the question between the two, Qin Ye didn't think much about it.

I told them what I thought about coming all the way.

But what made Qin Ye a little puzzled was that although Yu Xiaowei and the others were shocked at first, it was only after a while.

The two of them came back to their senses, and they also looked idle.

This made Qin Ye a little confused.

"Senior sister, how can I see that you don't seem to be worried at all?"

Yu Xiaowei said without any waves:

"What is there to worry about, I guess the Great Elders have long been aware of the wolf ambitions of the Demon Beast Clan."

"It's just that they didn't say it.

Qin Ye was stunned at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.

So I didn't think much about it.

At this time, Nie Xiaorui suddenly spoke

, "By the way, junior brother, the third elder let me tell you.

"You still have to go to the secret realm a few times, there are still many demon beast geniuses in it.

"They all need to be addressed by you.

"The requirements of the three elders are that the secret realm at least maintain the same state as before.

"Of course, the Third Elder also said it.

"Let you be careful. "

Don't make it known to the whole city, when the time comes, the demon beast clan will go crazy and deal with it. Qin

Ye was no longer curious about Nie Xiaorui and how she had contacted the Third Elder.

As for the demon beast geniuses in the secret realm, even if the three elders don't say it, he is ready to meet them.

But now that Nie Xiaorui has said so, he will definitely not refuse.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to speak:

"Okay, senior sister.

"I know about it. "

You can tell the Third Elder to reassure him.

Nie Xiaorui didn't seem to be curious about Qin Ye's answer at all.

She nodded calmly and replied

, "Don't worry, junior brother, I have already promised the Third Elder for you." "


Qin Ye really didn't know what to say about it.

I could only nod helplessly and replied,

"Okay then!"


This side of the South Bang Country.

The Demon Beasts didn't give them time to prepare.

Less than three hours after the National Guard of Nanbang discovered the traces of the demon beast army, the demon beast army logged in to the land of Nanbang from the original foot basin chicken island.

Nanbang, who knew that he couldn't resist the demon beast army, didn't hold it up, and almost immediately sent a distress signal to Xia Guo.

But after all, it was a cross-border battle, no matter how fast the Xia Kingdom was, it would take seven or eight hours to reach the land of Nanbang.

Park Sanhuan, the president of Nambangguo, is also a sensible person, and he knows that it is impossible for Nambangguo to be intact.

Therefore, he also had the courage to order all the younger generation of Nanbang to move to the border of the Xia Kingdom.

The army was left behind, but what he didn't expect was that the army he was so proud of would collapse without even holding it up for three hours.

When he got the news, Park Sanhuan was already only a few dozen kilometers away from the Xia border.

But he was still so angry by the news that he vomited blood.

If it weren't for his secretary to protect him, he probably wouldn't have fallen to the ground.

This mouthful of blood also made his brain dizzy, but he endured the great pain and ordered:

"Hurry... Quickly approach the border of the Xia Kingdom at full speed.

"Only by being close to the border of Xia can we have hope of living.

With that, he fell unconscious into the arms of his secretary.

In fact, there is no need for him to say, everyone present knows what to do.


And the news that the Southern Stick army was defeated by the Demon Beast Clan in less than three hours also reached the hands of the three elders as soon as possible.

The three elders looked at the information in their hands, and their faces darkened.

couldn't help but scold angrily:

"Idiot!" "

Even if it's a pig, can't it be defeated so quickly?"

But knowing the seriousness of the matter, he still sent the information to the office of the eldest as soon as possible.

When the Great Elder saw the news, he was also as angry as the Third Elder, but the Great Elder did not curse.

Instead, he said calmly,

"It seems that Nanbang has no meaning of existence." "

You go and arrange it!"

"Let our people cut off the retreat of the demon beast clan, and this time we will come to close the door and beat the dogs."

"Let them come and go. After

saying that, the three elders were about to retreat to carry out the order of the great elder.

As a result, the Great Elder opened his mouth and asked again

, "How are the preparations over there from the Second Elder?"

The Third Elder didn't think much about it, nodded and replied,

"There is no problem.

It's just a few words, but it's powerful.

After hearing this, the Great Elder did not speak again.

With a wave of his hand, the three elders retreated.

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