Soon, Dean Zhou Jianming appeared in front of everyone.

This time, the speed of the crowd was much faster than the last time.

The last time it was a third-level siren, it actually didn't have much to do with Xia Guo.

So everyone has their own little ninety-nine in their hearts, so that people are a little lazy and not so fast.

But this time it was different, because this time it was a level 1 siren.

In this case, what does it mean to every Xia Guoren, so almost everyone is rushing to the school playground with all their strength.

I even hated myself for missing a pair of feet and running so slowly.

It is because of this situation that this assembly is very fast.

In just a few minutes, all the beast masters at the school were already in place.

Dean Zhou Jianming just glanced at the situation below, and then said with a calm face:

"I guess you are all curious about what happened to make the school sound the first-level alarm.

"So I'm not going to go into a long story here.

"But what the specific situation is, it must be kept secret.

"So I can't tell you, but there's one thing I can tell you.

"This build-up is to regain lost territory.

"I think as a Xia countryman, you should know the importance of this matter.

As soon as Dean Zhou Jianming's words came out, almost everyone exclaimed.

"Then why are we staying here?"

and "Let's go!"

But what Dean Zhou Jianming was watching from above, how could it be possible to let people leave.

So he hurriedly stopped him

, "Everyone, don't you be busy

?" "I haven't finished talking about it yet?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"I'm not talking about you, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Several people who wanted to leave also reacted when they heard Dean Zhou Jianming's words.

I regretted it.

Because they all know that Dean Zhou Jianming has not yet said that he wants to recover the lost territory there.

So even if they leave, they don't know where to go.

Seeing that the few people who wanted to leave before stood up again, Dean Zhou Jianming continued to say with a smile:

"Due to the particularity of this mission, we need to concentrate our forces on this mission and wait for the opportunity to break the layout of the demon beast clan in one fell swoop.

"Therefore, we don't need to be in a hurry for this operation, we need to wait for the order of the Great Elder. "

However, before that, we need to rush to Daming Pass and wait for the order of the Great Elder. Hearing

this, Qin Ye woke up from a dream and knew where the destination of this operation was.

Of course, when Dean Zhou Jianming said the three words Damingguan.

Many of those present have already guessed this.

But everyone, including Ryuzo, knew each other very well and didn't speak.

After all, it's one thing to know, and quite another to say it.

Seeing that everyone had almost understood what they meant, Dean Zhou Jianming did not continue.

Waving his hand, he said

, "Okay, since everyone has heard this matter clearly, let's disperse first."

"Finally, I would like to say that due to the special nature of this mission, I would like you to keep a low profile.

"Don't reveal the intention of this operation, so it's better to act alone, and when you get to Daming Pass, everyone is gathered." The

sentence added by Dean Zhou Jianming of the team is actually understood by everyone.

From the time he said the three words Damingguan, everyone understood that this operation must be a one-man operation.

So now no one is surprised that he says that.

Of course, there is still respect that should be there.

Everyone nodded to him in response, and then turned to leave.

And this is not the first time that the Xia Kingdom Imperial Beastmaster Academy has done this.

Therefore, Dean Zhou Jianming was not worried that the group of people below would make trouble, and he also tiptoed out of everyone's field of vision with a wave of his hand.

In fact, Zhou Jianming was also quite excited at this time, don't look at him this year, he is over half a hundred years old this year.

But I'm still quite enthusiastic about this big thing of recovering lost ground.

As far as Dean Zhou Jianming's heart is concerned, he can't wait for himself to appear on the battlefield now.

However, this is obviously impossible, as the head of the first house, he understands the weight of his burden.

And after several years of precipitation, he understands a truth, everything is in a hurry.

That's why he's so calm now.

Qin Ye was at this time, he obviously guessed the purpose of this operation.

Therefore, he was not busy, but Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were more anxious.

They urged Qin Ye vigorously to tell him to hurry up.

also chattered all the way:

"Senior brother, you should hurry up, if you go at this speed, the daylily will be cold." Qin

Ye was speechless, although he was a little slower, he wouldn't be ridiculed like this.

So he spoke directly

and said, "Senior sister, what are you in a hurry for

?" "Are you going to Daming Pass?" Yu

Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui looked at Qin Ye like idiots, and said very boringly:

"Senior brother, isn't this enough?" "

You must know that if we go slowly, I'm afraid we won't even be able to find a place to live."

"You're still here slowly devouring. "


Qin Ye didn't think of this, he still stayed on the goal of this operation.

If it weren't for Yu Xiaowei and their reminders, Qin Ye hadn't thought that there would be so many things to prepare for in a military operation.

However, Qin Ye still opened his mouth to explain:

"Senior sister, have you forgotten that I have Yan Hong?"

"It's not me who blows, with Yan Hong's speed, it won't take long to get from here to Daming Pass!" "

So you think, instead of us grabbing a place with this gang now, it's better to wait until the plan is about to start, and it's cost-effective for us to fly over from here." Sure

enough, after Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui heard Qin Ye's words, they suddenly understood something.

They also felt that what Qin Ye said made sense, so their speed slowed down unconsciously.

"Well, what you said makes sense, junior, but we don't know the destination of this operation, I'm afraid it's not okay!" Yu

Xiaowei laughed unnaturally when she heard this.


" "Senior sister, don't you know

that Daming Pass is close to that place?" Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were both stunned, although they knew that Daming Pass was close to Nanbang Country, they still didn't dare to think so.

"Senior brother..."

"It's unlikely that you're talking about this, right?"

"After all, the Nanbang Kingdom is still ......

" But Qin Ye didn't give them time to say their words, so he opened his mouth to interrupt their words:

"Senior sister, I'm afraid that the Nanbang Kingdom has fallen now!"

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for the school to sound the first-level alarm." "

Besides, the Dean is talking about the Reconquista.

"You should be able to figure out why, right?"

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