"This ......"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were a little dumbfounded.

They had thought this before, but they didn't dare to think about it.

After all, Nanbang was still a country before, and it suddenly became a province, which is still a bit too appalling.

But if the Southern Bang Kingdom itself is destroyed, it will be different.

"Okay, senior sister, if you still don't believe it, then wait and see.

"Or you can also ask the Third Elder.

"The premise is that you are not afraid of being blamed by the three elders. "

Originally, Qin Ye wanted to say that as long as you can ask the Third Elder.

But when I think about the identities of the two, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

That's why I changed the way I put it.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't care what Qin Ye thought, but after they heard Qin Ye's words, they felt that it made sense.

"Junior brother, then listen to you. "

Let's go back to the dormitory!" Qin

Ye was also stunned when he saw that the two of them suddenly had no problem.

But he also has a certain understanding of the reaction of the two.

So he didn't think much about it.

also said casually:

"Okay, senior sister, let's go."

But as soon as he took two steps, Qin Ye thought that he hadn't eaten yet

, so he said

, "Senior sister, should we bring some food back?"

But Qin Ye's imaginary affirmative answer did not sound, but ushered in the white eyes of the two.

"Senior brother, didn't you hear what the dean said about all the departures?" Qin

Ye was stunned, he must have heard it, but the full departure he understood did not include the chef in the cafeteria.

However, he knew from the look in the eyes of the two of them that it must be his misunderstanding again.

So he said,


" "Okay then!"

"Let's go back and get some food for ourselves."

Although Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were still a little unhappy with Qin Ye, they didn't say anything.

Just when the three of them returned to the dormitory without hurrying, the rest of the academy had already packed their luggage and started to rush to Daming Pass.

At the same time, the same scene happened in almost all the beast master academies in the Xia Kingdom.

Everyone was the same, and they rushed in the same direction with the gift bag on their backs.

As the destination of this assembly, Hao Ren, the city lord of Daming Pass, also knew the news in advance.

Since he learned the news, he has been actively preparing.

But he also knew that even if all the houses in Damingguan were to be lived in, it would be impossible to settle everyone.

What's more, there are a lot of beast masters in Damingguan itself, so it is even more impossible to count all the houses into it.

Of course, he also understood that after everyone got here, each team would gather all the beast masters to manage.

They even bring their own tents and stuff. The conditions for residence have been reached.

But this is completely a drop in the bucket, and it is impossible to make a small and medium-sized city with a population of only four or five million receive tens of millions of people at once.

And just when he was catching the black at both ends, Wang Xuyang, the guard of Daming Pass, found him and told him good news.

"City Lord, news has just come from the military commander Han. "

It is said that the military will build a secret entrance to Daming Pass for the residence of this personnel activity.

When Hao Ren heard the news, he was shocked.

At first, he thought that this time the personnel accommodation would be borne by Daming Guan, but he

didn't expect that things would take a turn for the better.

So he breathed a sigh of relief and said happily:

"General Wang, is this true?" "

You should know that our Damingguan is just a small city, and it can't accommodate so many people.

"If it weren't for this good news from you, I'd be dead. Of

course, Wang Xuyang knows the situation in Daming Pass, so he has a high sense of agreement with Hao Ren's words.

"Don't worry, city lord, you just borrowed a few guts from me in this matter, and I don't dare to lie to you. "

How can I say that this is also a big matter related to the country, how can I be allowed to lie?"

After hearing General Wang Xuyang's words, Hao City Lord also thought that this matter was very important, and it was impossible for Hao Ren to lie to him about this matter.

So he said,

"Then did Commander Han say that he needed any help from our Daming Pass

?" and "And where is the location?"

"When will their people come over to build?"

After asking a few questions, Wang Xuyang was a little confused.

He waved his hand and said

, "City Lord, don't worry, let's come one by one."

"First of all, the first question, Commander Han said.

"Considering the current situation, the issue of building the entrance to the secret realm this time does not require our Daming Pass to provide material support. "

They will come directly from the Kyoto Military Region with construction materials for construction.

"As for the site selection issue, Commander Han said that he hopes that our Daming Pass can help and give the construction address in advance, so that they can directly pull the materials in place."

"As for the third question you said, city lord, when Commander Han gave this order again, he had already set off from Kyoto.

When Hao Ren heard that Commander Han had already set off, he thought to himself that this was okay.

Don't even have a site selection on your side, Commander Han is here, it's not embarrassing.

So he hurriedly said

, "General Wang, do you have any opinions on the location?"

As he spoke, he also showed the map of Daming Pass.

Wang Xuyang himself is a straight-hearted, and he always speaks straightforwardly, so he doesn't have so many twists and turns.

After hearing Hao Ren's words, he spoke directly:

"City Lord, I think there is a place that is very suitable. "

Oh, where do you say it is.

Hao Ren didn't expect it, he just asked casually, but he didn't expect to be asked by her to find out the result.

Wang Xuyang didn't think much about it, he pointed to a location on the map of Daming Pass and said

, "City Lord, this is it." "

The Yuhe Valley to the west of Daming Pass.

Hao Ren carefully stared at the position pointed by Wang Xuyang for a long time, and finally said in a decisive way:

"Okay, then this place."

"Not only is there a lot of space here, but it's also hidden. "

In this case, you immediately go and contact Commander Han and give him the address we have chosen.

After Wang Xuyang heard Hao Ren's words, he didn't stay long.

After clasping his fists and saluting, he left decisively.

And after leaving the city lord Hao alone, he didn't stay, and hurriedly called his assistant to leave.

There is no way, although the most difficult problem Commander Han solved with him, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

After all, the eating, drinking, and lazing of these tens of millions of people is not a small problem.

Qin Ye's side, he had just returned to the dormitory and was about to find something to deal with his stomach,

but Dean Zhou called him and told him that he had to go to the secret realm for the next few days.

Not only that, but he also said that he should make a little movement.

Qin Ye wanted to refute it at that time, after all, it was rare to have the opportunity to expand the territory for the country.

But he didn't expect Dean Zhou to refuse him without even thinking about it.

And told him that when the time was almost right, he would inform himself.

Hearing this, Qin Ye was instantly stunned.

Because it means that Qin Ye is going to fight continuously.

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