
!" "What a hard life!" "

I can't get a good rest for just a few days."

As soon as he hung up Dean Zhou Jianming's phone, Qin Ye opened his mouth to complain.

And Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui on the side also covered their mouths and laughed secretly.

But they didn't answer Qin Ye's words, but swallowed the food in their hands by themselves.

Qin Ye also felt a little bored when he saw that no one had a ride on him.

So he shut up and didn't speak again, but also picked up the food and ate it.

Maybe it's because it's too quiet.

Yu Xiaowei chewed the food in her mouth, and finally said

, "Senior brother, in fact, you don't have to think too much.

"There's a reason for that, Dean.

Qin Ye must also know the reason for this, so he nodded and responded

, "Don't worry, senior sister, I know the dean's intentions." "

Don't you want me to go to the secret realm to lick the monster clan and lick the mess!"

"Let them have no time to take care of the changes in our country, so as to cover up this operation."

Yu Xiaowei was stunned at first, but she immediately understood the reason.

Therefore, he didn't speak, and after giving Qin Ye a thumbs up, he continued to be silent.

Qin Ye saw that the situation at the scene had returned to its previous silence, and he was also a little unable to sit still.

So he picked up the topic again and said

, "Senior sister, then what are your plans next

?" "Do you want to go to Daming Pass first?"

"Or wait for me in the dormitory?"

Qin Ye asked for a reason.

The reason why they chose to stay in the dormitory before was because there were no accommodation conditions in Damingguan.

But now it is different, the army has decided to build a secret entrance to Daming Pass, which will be used as a place for the personnel of this operation.

So the previous worries are gone.

However, to Qin Ye's surprise, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were not surprised after hearing his words.

Instead, he said in a calm tone

, "Senior brother, of course we are following you!"

"Junior brother, do you dislike us

?" "Uh......

" "Senior sister, what do you mean by this

?" "Do you want to follow me to the secret realm of adversity

?" Yu Xiaowei replied noncommittally:

"Of course, don't you welcome it, junior brother?"


Qin Ye was a little speechless, he didn't have the courage to say that.

So I could only helplessly spread my hands and said against my heart:

"Senior sister, what do you want?" "

How could I not welcome it."

"With two senior sisters to accompany me, I am extremely welcome!"

"What's more, the two senior sisters stooped down to accompany me to the secret realm of adversity, which can be regarded as giving me face."

"How could I not know what to do!" Seeing

Qin Ye say this, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui's faces were a little better, and the bricks in their hands were slowly put down.


Early the next morning, Qin Ye was forced to take Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui to step into the secret realm of adversity again.

Qin Ye was in a bad mood this time, so he planned to find a punching bag.

But it backfired, Qin Ye and the others appeared in the newly restored Hushan gathering place this time.

Although it has not been long since the recovery of the Hushan Gathering Area, the most basic facilities have been almost restored.

Of course, this is also the result of the strong support of dozens of Xia Kingdom Imperial Beast Master Academies.

As soon as he came out of the Hushan gathering place, Qin Ye opened his mouth and said

, "Senior sister, you can see if you can send it here."

"It's not the first time I've been here, and I still know the rules and regulations.

"I don't think you need to worry about my safety, right?"

No way, Qin Ye always felt that bringing the two of them was like bringing two oil bottles, which was not conducive to his own action at all.

Fortunately, Xiaowei and the two of them are also self-aware and know that their strength is not enough.

It's not the same thing to follow Qin Ye all the time, if you can't help Qin Ye, you can't say it, maybe you will drag Qin Ye down.

Therefore, when Qin Ye spoke, they nodded in agreement.

"It's fine, we can't help you anyway.

"It's going to drag you down, so we won't follow you."

"You go early and come back early, we are waiting for you to come back at the Hushan gathering place."

Qin Ye heard the two of them say this, and he was secretly relieved in his heart.

He was really afraid that if the two of them insisted on following him regardless of it, then he would be too miserable.

However, Qin Ye still pretended to be reluctant and said

, "Don't worry, senior sister, I'll be back soon." After

saying that, he stopped procrastinating and summoned Yan Hong.

Climbing on its back, it flew out towards the north bank of the Nantian River.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui also waved their hands at Qin Ye's back, then turned around and returned to the Hushan gathering place.

Qin Ye sat on Yan Hong's back and whistled leisurely.

He needs to make the movement a little bigger this time, so he doesn't have to hide his strength.

It can be said that he will come as conspicuous as he is.

"Yan Hong, lower her flight altitude and start searching for the traces of the demon beast.

Almost the moment she heard Qin Ye's voice, Yan Hong began to slowly lower her flight altitude.

Of course, it didn't swoop down all at once, but slowly descended.

"Master, is this height enough?" When

it was almost only one hundred and fifty meters from the ground, Yan Hong stopped and asked Qin Yedao.

Qin Ye looked at the environment on the ground, and found that he could already clearly see the movement on it.

He opened his mouth and replied:

"Enough is red, just keep flying at this altitude!"

"By the way, pay more attention to the situation of the demon beasts below, don't be overshadowed by the sixth child." Qin

Ye also found that it was entirely possible that this height would be successfully attacked by the sixth child who was stepping on the big tree.

That's why I reminded Yan Hong.

And Yan Hong has not disappointed Qin Ye either, and this time it is the same.

No, she will pay attention to it as soon as Yan Hong finishes speaking.

The next moment, she found the breath of the demon beast clan on a big tree.

"Master, the big tree in front of us has the breath of a demon beast.

"It really seems to be kicking us.

When Qin Ye heard Yan Hong's words, he immediately became alert.

"Yan Hong, don't alarm it yet.

"Let it think we haven't found it yet. "

I'll see what it is?" Yan

Hong didn't care what her master meant, she just carried it out.

Although Qin Ye didn't see with his naked eyes what kind of demon beast was hidden in the canopy of the big tree.

But he's a hanger, and although he can't see it with the naked eye, he still has the eye to probe.

Immediately, as soon as the Eye of Exploration swept over, he discovered the true face of this sixth child.

"[Species]: Jinwang Stygian Snake. "

[Level]: Golden Sixth Order. "

[Attribute]: Poison. [

Attack Power]: 5536. "

[Skill]: Camouflage, Poison Attack.

Qin Ye saw this scene and called out to the good guy, isn't this the assassination master on the list, the Jinwang Dark Snake known as Venom?

Of course, when he encountered Qin Ye, he could only consider himself unlucky.

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