Now that he has found out the details of the sixth child, Qin Ye doesn't plan to keep his hands.

"Yanhong, pay attention.

"Hidden in the canopy of the big tree is a golden sixth-order Jinwang Dark Snake.

Speaking of this, Qin Ye seemed to think of something.

So he said

, "By the way, Yanhong, you're not interested in spicy noodles.

"If you're interested, you can catch it and eat it."

But unexpectedly, Yan Hong was not interested in spicy strips, she shook her head and said

, "Master, then forget it."

"We're going to just kill it. "

I'm not interested in its meat.

"Okay, then you can just do it.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, he was a broken snake himself.

It's normal for Yan Hong to be uninterested.

It's a pity that this Jinwang Dark Snake, known as a sneak attack master, didn't know how it was discovered by Qin Ye until he died.

I wouldn't have thought that I would be yin as a sixth child.

"Master, I'm going to act.

"Be careful not to fall.

Yan Hong said to Qin Ye at the right time.

Qin Ye didn't know what Yan Hong meant, so he didn't hold it up, grabbed Yan Hong's feathers and said,

"Okay, I'm ready." "

You act!" Yan

Hong didn't reply again, and directly rushed towards the Jin King Dark Snake.


Before the Jinwang Dark Snake could react, it was grabbed by Yan Hong's paw for seven inches.

Qin Ye could hear the sound of its bones shattering on Yan Hong's back.

One can imagine how desperate the Jinwang Stygian Snake is.

But Qin Ye didn't care so much, and after putting away the corpse of the Jin King Dark Snake, which was as thick as a bucket, from under Yan Hong's claws, he ordered Yan Hong to move on.

Yan Hong didn't react at all, and began to go deep into the Tianxin Continent according to Qin Ye's intentions.

I don't know if it's because the demon beast clan is used to acting alone.

Qin Ye didn't encounter a group of demon beasts along the way.

Some scattered ordinary demon beasts Qin Ye didn't bother to do it.

So since the last time they killed the old six demon beasts of the Jinwang Dark Snake, Qin Ye and the others hadn't done it for a long time.

So much so that now Qin Ye had the urge to make a move when he encountered ordinary demon beasts, and he didn't hold back several times, and he casually wiped out a few ordinary demon beasts.

But this is not just thirst at all, what Qin Ye wants to find is the genius of the demon beast clan.

So he changed his direction again, preparing to continue looking for the genius of the demon beast clan.

But no matter how Qin Ye searched, he didn't find any trace of the demon beast clan.

This made Qin Ye very puzzled, and finally found a demon beast, or the most ordinary demon beast with the strength of the fifth order of bronze.

Qin Ye didn't even have the idea of making a move.

Qin Ye, who couldn't figure out the reason, had to ask Yan Hong to stop and rest first.

"Yanhong, do you think it's time for us to change directions?

Yan Hong's eyes rolled in her eyes before she spoke:

"Master, do you say that the demon beasts are running behind us?"

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, he knew that behind what Yan Hong said was this place close to the Nantian River.

At first, he didn't think much about it, after all, no one would have thought that the demon beast clan would not have demon beasts in his Forte.

Qin Ye didn't know if the demon beast clan was too confident or what.

But it's likely that they thought it was impossible for the Human Beast Masters to come to their Forte.

After thinking about these things clearly, Qin Ye didn't continue to think about it, nodded and said

, "In that case, Yan Hong, let's take a look in the direction of the Nantian River later!" "I don't

believe that the demon beast clan can all disappear at once.

Yan Hong didn't say anything, nodded and began to rest.

And Qin Ye didn't bother himself, after he finished speaking, he took out a top-grade spirit stone from the space and fed it to Yan Hong.

After watching Yan Hong swallow it, he ran to the side to rest.

Half an hour later, they set off again.

This time, Yan Hong began to walk back under Qin Ye's guidance, and they needed to return to the vicinity of the Nantian River.

Then proceed along the upper reaches of the Nantian River.

Because they didn't explore when they came back, they were much faster than when they went.

It only took less than ten minutes to rush back from the center of the Tianxin Continent to the place where they had killed the Jinwang Dark Snake.

After returning here, Qin Ye commanded Yan Hong to start heading west in the direction of the upper reaches of the Nantian River.


"Execute as planned.

As soon as Yan Hong began to fly west, Qin Ye couldn't help but speak.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the red.

She had actually begun to slow down, but her speed was still a little fast, and Qin Ye didn't notice it.

Within a few minutes of flying west, Yan Hong discovered the situation.

"Master, there is a situation.

As soon as Qin Ye heard this, he immediately became interested.

Immediately replied:

"Okay, I know."

"Now you're starting to slowly approach and see what's going on. "

Yan Hong actually didn't need Qin Ye to say, it had already begun to approach slowly.

Sure enough, every moment of effort, Qin Ye saw the following situation clearly.

It turned out that this was just the movement of a demon beast team.

Qin Ye, who was so idle, glanced at the situation below, and roughly knew the number of this demon beast team.

There are more than fifty ordinary demon beasts, and a slightly stronger leading demon beast is only a silver third-order in strength.

But Qin Ye didn't plan to let them go, who told them to meet

Qin Ye! So without further ado, Qin Ye let Yan Hong rain a small rocket, and this demon beast team fell collectively.

And Qin Ye left without looking back.

Maybe Qin Ye's previous guess was correct.

They hadn't flown far before they encountered the trail of the demon beast clan again.

This time, Qin Ye could be regarded as seeing the genius of the demon beast clan again.

However, the talent of this demon beast is much worse than that of the Dark Snake, the King of Jin.

Of course, it can't compare to the talent of Hu Xu, who was killed by Qin Ye before.

This Qinggang stone wolf is only the strength of the second order of gold.

It really didn't take any effort for Yan Hong, if it weren't for the rush to find the traces of their demon beast clan, Qin Ye would even want to let Nuo Bai come out and tease it.

As soon as the Qinggang stone wolf was solved here, Qin Ye had not yet come to his senses, and Yan Hong discovered the genius of the demon beast clan again.

This made Qin Ye's mouth smile from ear to ear.

A golden third-order golden leopard appeared in Qin Ye's field of vision.

Qin Ye ordered without hesitation:


!" "Huh!"

Yan Hong had already prepared, and as soon as Qin Ye's voice fell, several flame arrows flew out directly and shot through the money leopard.

In the next few hours, Qin Ye's mouth never closed.

Almost every few minutes, a demon beast genius died.

And Qin Ye's high-profile actions were naturally known by the demon beast clan.

All of a sudden, there was an extremely powerful genius in the human lineup, and the matter spread in the demon beast circle.

What's more, there was actually a demon beast that claimed that Qin Ye's strength had reached the initial level of diamonds.

For a while, the entire demon beast clan was disturbed, and the genius beasts of the younger generation became panicked.

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