As Qin Ye advanced, the losses of the demon beast clan became bigger and bigger.

Not only did their own proclaimed demon beast geniuses lose nearly thirty percent, but even ordinary demon beasts also lost tens of thousands.

This made the high-level of the demon beast clan unable to sit still all of a sudden.

Not to mention anything else, just the speed at which the demon beast genius died made them unbearable.

That's right, this is only Qin Ye's one-day record.

It had already made the high-level of the demon beast clan jump to their feet in a hurry.

If it hadn't happened in the Secret Realm of Rebellion, they would have wanted to send out a master to see what was going on.

Why have so many demon beast geniuses fallen, but they don't even know the slightest bit of information about their opponents.

On Qin Ye's side, he didn't know where Dean Zhou Jianming got the news.

As soon as Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei came out of the secret realm of adversity, he called.

And the opening was to praise Qin Ye's words.

"Classmate Qin, you did a good job.

"When this operation is successful, I will send you a reward together.

Qin Ye was completely confused about this.

He still doesn't know where Dean Zhou Jianming got the news.

He even looked at Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui suspiciously, but he felt that it was wrong when he thought about it.

He didn't tell Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui about today's results, they shouldn't know either.


" "That dean, you know all about this?" Of

course Qin Ye didn't give up, he wanted to know how Dean Zhou Jianming knew about his achievements.

He didn't want to be secretly observed and studied by others behind him.

But he underestimated Dean Zhou Jianming's ability to rip the skin.

After hearing Qin Ye's inquiry, Dean Zhou Jianming immediately covered up and said,

"You kid, don't talk about these things."

"Tomorrow will continue.

"I won't disturb your boy's rest. "


After speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Qin Ye to respond.

Listening to the echo from the other end of the phone, Qin Ye was stunned.

kept babbling:

"If you don't say it, you won't say it, why do you still hang up on me?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were also completely stunned when they heard Qin Ye's words to themselves on the side.

However, the two of them didn't show any expression, but said,

"Senior brother, how are we going to eat tonight?"

After Qin Ye came back to his senses, he said,

"Of course you can do it yourself!" "

Otherwise, what else can I do."

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't care about Qin Ye's words, but said with some embarrassment:

"But junior brother, we don't have anything

?" "What should we do?"

Qin Ye suddenly felt that this was the case, and it seemed that the previous dormitory really didn't prepare these things.

But how could this be difficult to live with Qin Ye, a person with a plug-in.

With a wave of his hand, he said indifferently:

"Senior sister, don't worry!" "I'm

prepared." Yu

Xiaowei and the others didn't care so much when they heard what Qin Ye said.

He said

, "Then good junior brother, let's go back to the dormitory."

"When the time comes, you give us what you have prepared, and we will go and prepare dinner." Of

course, Qin Ye didn't have any problem with this.

He was worried that he couldn't find a reason for the two of them to cook.

Unexpectedly, the two took the initiative to take over the task of cooking.


After speaking, several people quickly came to the first floor of the dormitory.

Qin Ye didn't hesitate, and handed over everything he had prepared before to Yu Xiaowei and the others.

Yu Xiaowei didn't think much about it, after all, as a beast master, there was a beast master space, so they didn't suspect where Qin Ye took these things from.

And the fact is that as a beast master, it is normal to carry a little food with you.

Qin Ye didn't care so much, and after handing over the ingredients to the two of them, he found a sofa and sat down.

While admiring the two people cooking in the kitchen, they knocked melon seeds.

It's not too cozy.

After almost forty-five minutes, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui prepared a meal of six dishes and one soup.

Judging from the dishes, Qin Ye felt that it was okay.

But after he tasted it, he didn't feel much fresh.

The taste is average, and there is nothing amazing about it.

Compared to the school cafeteria chef's meal, it is still a lot worse.

But he didn't care, as long as there was a bite to eat, what did he care about so much?

After the three of them finished dinner, they didn't talk much because they had to go to the secret realm tomorrow.

After a while, they went back to their rooms to sleep.

After Qin Ye returned to the room, he first took a look at Yan Hong's situation, after all, Yan Hong's physical strength was consumed all day today.

She must be a little tired.

Qin Ye saw that Yan Hong was resting, and he didn't disturb her.

Glancing at Nuobai, who was idle, he was not stingy.

casually threw a top-grade spirit stone from the space to it.

Nuobai is no one else.

After swallowing the top-grade spirit stone that Qin Ye threw at it in one gulp.

shook his head and tail, and stammered Qin Yelai.

Qin Ye looked at it like that, as if he wanted to eat another one.

"Okay Nuobai, are you sure you can still swallow a top-grade spirit stone?"

Nuo Bai seemed to react at this time.

So it simply didn't pay attention to Qin Ye and ran to rest on its own.

Leaving Qin Ye looking at it with a confused expression, he almost broke the defense.

However, in the end, Qin Ye still held back.

I kept saying in my heart that this was my own pet, so I had to hold back.

Adhering to the attitude of not seeing or being bored, Qin Ye directly withdrew from the secret realm and returned to reality.

After coming back, Qin Ye didn't think much about it and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Qin Ye and the three of them returned to the secret realm of adversity.

Qin Ye didn't think about it this time, and went up the river along the Nantian River.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Qin Ye to find the traces of the demon beast clan.

However, compared to yesterday, there are many fewer demon beasts today.

As for the reason, Qin Ye guessed that it was probably related to himself.

But he didn't think much about it, just be reckless.

It's uncomfortable to bump along the way.

It didn't take long for him to kill eleven demon beast geniuses and tens of thousands of ordinary demon beasts.

It's a pity that in the second half of the time, the demon beast clan suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if they had received some news.

So Qin Ye had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

And on the side of the demon beast clan, after the Ice Bear Elder in charge of the Secret Realm of Reverse received this news.

Directly frightened stupid, it didn't care about etiquette, and directly ordered all the demon beasts in the secret realm of adversity to retreat to the northern continent.

The demon beast genius was directly called back by it, the loss of the demon beast clan this time was too great, even if it was the elder of the demon beast clan, it was a little afraid to gamble.

And as for the reason, it is known.

Except for the Xia State that has the ability to retaliate against them, other countries have no ability to do so.

It is precisely for this reason that it does not dare to make decisions lightly.

After all, the Xia Kingdom is too weird, even the Demon Emperor of the Demon Beast Clan does not dare to provoke it.

Fortunately, not long after it reported this matter, the highest level of the demon beast clan had already sent it a message.

It didn't have to worry about this matter, they had already sent the strongest genius of the Demon Beast Clan, the Dragon, to solve it.

Hearing this news, Elder Ice Bear was relieved.

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