Thinking of this, Qin Ye hurriedly asked

, "Yan Hong, can you beat it?"

No way, although the dragon is not a real dragon clan, but it is also related to the dragon clan.

So he didn't dare to be careless, after all, the demon beasts that were glued to the dragon were very strong.

It's not comparable to ordinary monsters.

Fortunately, Yan Hong's side didn't send him bad news.

"Master, you can rest assured!"

"Although it is very strong, it should not be a big problem for me to defeat it. Hearing

Yan Hong's affirmative answer, Qin Ye was a lot more relieved.

But he still spoke up and said

, "Then pay more attention, I'll come over immediately." After

speaking, Qin Ye was ready to go to the front line.

No way, his curiosity about the dragon was too heavy.

In addition, he was not worried about Yan Hong, so he rushed to the front line.

Now it can't be regarded as a weak chicken with no hands on it.

After all, his natural power allows him to inherit 100% of his imperial beast strength.

Therefore, he can still help Yan Hong in times of danger.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui saw that Qin Ye was leaving, and hurriedly asked

, "Senior brother, where

are you going?" "Don't you take us with you?"

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, he only realized now that he still had two oil bottles with him?

"But it's a bit strong, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to submit it to the table.

"So see if you can wait here for a while. "

Let me explore the path first, if I can be sure that the dragon will not hurt you. "

I'll contact you again, what do you think?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui are not unreasonable people, although they really want to go to the front line with Qin Ye to have a look.

But reason still told them that it was best for them to obey Qin Ye's arrangement.

So the two of them said

, "Okay, let's listen to you, junior brother."

Qin Ye was relieved at this time, he was really afraid that Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui would not listen to his arrangement, so they would have to go to the front line with him.

Seeing that the two of them were still very sensible, he was also a lot relieved.

opened his mouth and said

, "Then senior sister, I'll go first."

"I'll get back to you in a moment. "

Okay, junior, be careful.

Seeing this, Qin Ye didn't stay long, turned around and left.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui looked at Qin Ye who was far away, and they felt very uncomfortable.


On Qin Ye's side, it didn't take him a while to come to Yan Hong's side.

At this time, the dragon had also appeared not far from them and stopped.

Qin Ye looked at it, and a dragon with a length of nearly fifty meters stood quietly in the air, looking at him with a scrutinizing eye.

This made Qin Ye a little uncomfortable, but he didn't make a sound.

Instead, he glanced at the other party with the eye of probing.

"[Species]: Dragon. "

[Grade]: Golden Ninth Order. "

[Attribute]: Water. "

[Combat Power Value]: 9986. "

[Skill]: Water Column Attack, Water Dragon, Rain Escape.

Qin Ye was taken aback just by glancing at this data of the dragon.

I thought that this combat power value was about to break through the diamond level.

It seems that this guy should be about to break through the initial level of diamonds, right,

and what makes Qin Ye even more incomprehensible is its skill.

If it is said that it is the first water column attack, it can still understand one or two,

and the next two skills are directly confused.

Completely unknown to what these two skills are for.

But before he could think about it, the dragon took the initiative to attack Yan Hong.

Seeing this, Yan Hong was also a little confused, thinking that this guy didn't talk about martial arts at all, and he didn't greet a single person, so he began to attack her.

Of course, her movements were not slow, and she also shot at the dragon.

In an instant, the incompatibility of fire and water is vividly reflected.


neither side of the first attack had any advantage, and each retreated fifty meters.

Seeing this, Qin Ye instantly became interested, it wasn't that he wanted to find abuse.

It's that only this kind of battle will help Yan Hong.

Most of Yan Hong's previous battles were one-sided battles, which really didn't help Yan Hong's training effect much.

So this time, it was not easy to find an opponent who was on equal footing, and Qin Ye didn't plan to let them end the battle so soon.

So he opened his mouth to contact Yan Hong and said

, "Yan Hong, you take it easy."

"Don't rush to decide the winner. "

It's also good to let this guy practice fighting with you for a while?"

Yan Hong heard Qin Ye's words, and instantly became interested.

The eyes obsessively glanced at the dragon opposite him.

This made the dragon tremble, as if he was being targeted by something.

But when it looked left and right, it didn't find anything.

So it unconsciously looked at Yan Hong.

Yan Hong saw that the dragon actually looked at her, and she was immediately unhappy.

Several flaming arrows were fired at the dragon.

Seeing this, the dragon didn't hesitate, and also shot the same number of water jets in the direction of Yan Hong.


The flame arrow and the water column instantly came into contact and exploded.

When the two beasts saw that the skill attack was ineffective, they didn't care.

He got up again and fought hand-to-hand.


!" "Bang

!" "Boom!" The

speed of the two beasts was too fast, except that Qin Ye heard the sound of their claws from time to time.

There is no way to catch their encounters.

Qin Ye, who was idle and had nothing to do, only then remembered Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui.

But he was not busy, but did not hurry to take out his secret realm special contact device to contact Yu Xiaowei and them.

"Senior sister, you can come here. "

I've sent you the location.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui, who were opposite, were also excited when they heard Qin Ye's words.

Hurriedly spoke

, "Senior brother, we'll come over right away." "

As for safety, they didn't even think about it.

Because in their opinion, since Qin Ye let them pass, it means that Qin Ye can ensure their safety.

But the fact is that this is also the case, if Qin Ye was not sure that the environment was safe, he would not have called the two of them over.

"Okay, I'll wait here for you to come.

After speaking, Qin Ye hung up the intercom.

In the short time that Qin Ye was on the phone, Yan Hong and Yan Long fought no less than hundreds of times.

But the situation is the same, almost no one can help anyone.

Aside from expending some stamina, the two beasts didn't take any damage at all.

After only a brief moment of separation, the two sides fought again with full strength.

The chicken-and-egg fight is once again staged.


!" "

Bang!" "Boom!"

Qin Ye saw this battle without any sense of watching the battle, and instantly lost interest in continuing to watch.

I'm even starting to get bored enough to count the leaves to pass the time.

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