"One, two, three......

" "Junior brother, what are you doing?"

Just when Qin Ye was bored and kept counting the leaves to play, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui suddenly stepped forward and asked.


" "Junior brother, you're here." Of

course Qin Ye wouldn't tell them that he was bored, so why not count the leaves here?

And Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't care about Qin Ye's thoughts, and replied directly:

"Well, junior brother, we are here."

"How's the fight going now.

Qin Ye pointed to Yan Hong and the figure of the dragon, and said without a trace:

"No, that's it." Sure

enough, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were a little dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

There was no way, they couldn't even see the red figure clearly, only to see two figures, one red and one blue, hitting in mid-air.

"Senior brother, are you sure this is Yan Hong and Yan Long

?" "Uh......

" "Senior sister, do you think I'm going to lie to you?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't speak, but they gave Qin Ye a roll of their eyes.

The meaning is self-evident.

But Qin Ye didn't care so much, and said unkindly

, "Senior sister, if you don't believe it, forget it."

"You'll find out in a moment. "


" "Junior brother, you're going too far.

"When did we say we didn't trust you.

"We just didn't like you just now.

Qin Ye was embarrassed now, he never thought that everything was too self-righteous for him.

"Uh......" "Senior sister, you're too hurtful, aren't

you!" "When did I offend you again?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui both glanced at Qin Ye, and said in unison:

"Just now!"


Qin Ye was directly made to cry and laugh by the two of them.

But he didn't have much to say.

Because he didn't know how he had offended them both.

At this time, the fight between Yan Hong and the dragon was separated again.

Yan Hong looked much more comfortable this time, first of all, she hadn't been so happy since she was born.

The previous battles were one-sided.

She barely had any serious hands.

But now this moment is different.

The speed of the dragon, the trickiness of the attack, and even the sense of battle were all incomparable to the previous demon beasts.

This makes Yanhong's experience very comfortable.

After a hearty battle, Qin Ye found that the red aura was more stable than before.

But before he could ask, the two of them fought together again.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui also saw the appearance of the dragon clearly at this time.

In fact, they are still very familiar with the dragon, after all, they clearly remember it in the Demon Beast Sundries.

The only difference is that this time they see living creatures, which is more shocking than what they see in the video.

"Senior brother, how do I think Yan Hong is on par with it!" "

Is Yan Hong having reservations?"


" "Senior sister, I'm afraid you think too highly of Yan Hong."

"Although Yan Hong retains a little strength, if it is really to the point of fighting to the death, Yan Hong will not be so easy to get.

"Don't look at the dragon as if it's done its best.

"But in fact he has the same reservations.

"At least not to die.

After listening to Qin Ye's explanation, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were full of bitterness.

This is a bit different from what they thought, and they are a little difficult to accept.

"Junior brother, does that mean we won't be able to keep the dragon today?"

Qin Ye didn't intend to lie to the two, so he said honestly,

"Almost!" "

But we can defeat it."

"The reason why Yan Hong hasn't defeated it yet, it's because Yan Hong did it on purpose.

"The purpose is to make it a sparring partner for Yan Hong.

As soon as Qin Ye explained this, Yu Xiaowei and the two felt much better.

"Okay, since you've said so, junior brother.

"Then we'll believe you.

So the three of them stared blankly at the two blue and red lights in the air and began to be in a daze.

No way, it's not that they don't want to see it.

It's that their eyes can't keep up with the speed of the two beasts at all.

As the two demon beasts kept colliding in mid-air, even the ground was affected.

First of all, the canopy of some tall trees had been slashed by the bodies of the two beasts.

Then the dragons were knocked to the ground by the red, knocking the earth out of one pit after another, and of course, it was also thanks to their skills.


" "Yan Hong and the dragon are also a little bored!" "

Isn't it painful?" "Why do you want to come down and destroy the environment below if you fight well in mid-air?"

Nie Xiaorui

didn't know what the reason was, so she actually began to complain about Yan Hong and the dragon.

However, Qin Ye could see it very clearly, this dragon was obviously not a good thing.

It actually wants to direct the war to its side.

"Senior Sister Rui, don't worry about this.

"If we don't run, we'll be the next victims."

After speaking, Qin Ye's speed in his hands was not slow, and he grabbed the two of them and slipped to the side.

No sooner had they left their original position than a jet of water hit the position they had just been holding.


this water column attack directly knocked out a large crater on the spot.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui, who came back to their senses, were scared out of cold sweat.

With a dark face, he said

, "Junior brother, you look at the demon beast too hateful. "

You want to do it to us. "

You ......"

Qin Ye didn't need to listen to the two of them finish speaking, he knew what they wanted to say.

So he simply interrupted their words directly:

"Senior sister, you can rest assured

!" "This revenge is not a gentleman!" "

I will definitely let this guy pay for his blood debt."

After speaking, he didn't wait for the two of them to react, and took the initiative to stand up.

He didn't want to show his strength before, but who let this guy have no eyes and calculate himself.

In the bewildered eyes of Xiao Wei and Nie Xiaorui, the momentum on Qin Ye's body suddenly soared.

It didn't take long for the work to be almost as good as the red.

And at this time, the dragon who fought with Yan Hong also discovered this scene.

It was silly in an instant.

A Yan Hong has already pressed it to fight, and if this is another opponent as strong as Yan Hong, it may be more than lucky.

So it immediately had the idea of running away, wanting to escape.

But how could Qin Ye give it this chance.

He said directly to Yan Hong:

"Yan Hong, block it."

"Don't let it run. "

I want it to look good!" Yan

Hong didn't plan to let go of the dragon so easily.

After hearing Qin Ye's transmission now, it was even more impossible to let it go.

As a result, her attacks became more violent, leaving the dragon exhausted.

There is no possibility of slipping away.

And the speed on Qin Ye's side was not slow, and almost in an instant, he appeared in the air where the two sides were fighting.

In the next step, Qin Ye stepped directly in front of the dragon.

He beckoned to it.


Although the dragon sensed Qin Ye's intentions, it didn't even have the possibility of escaping.

Because, Yan Hong's attack made it have no time to take care of Qin Ye.

And the dragon that had received Qin Ye's full blow, it didn't benefit at all.

Not to mention being knocked out for a few hundred meters, one of the claws was directly abolished by Qin Ye.

But this is not over, since Qin Ye has already made a move, he has no intention of letting it go back alive.

So it didn't even have a chance to catch its breath, and Qin Ye and Yan Hong's attack came.


!" "Boom!"

No matter how strong the dragon is, Qin Ye and Yan Hong's attack can only dodge one move.

And even the move that hit it also cost it half a life.

This time, when the ashes dispersed, the dragon could no longer stand up, so he could only lie on the ground and gasp.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye smiled.


" "Weren't you arrogant just now?" "Why don't you speak now?"

"Lie down and pretend to be dead!" Qin

Ye still wanted to provoke it to

see if it still had the ability to fight.

But the result is that he tried his best to laugh at the other party, and the other party directly ignored him.

Lying on the ground is motionless.

Yan Hong was also a little unbearable when she saw this scene, and opened her mouth to comfort:

"Master, it is estimated that it is no longer good."

"No matter how much you stimulate it, it's unlikely to react.

"I think you might as well just slap it to death. "

Why waste your energy with a dead beast?" Qin

Ye also felt that Yan Hong was right, so he said

, "Okay, Yan Hong, you can take action to get rid of it!" "

This can be regarded as giving it a decent appearance." Of

course, Yan Hong can't have an opinion.

So he nodded and said,

"Good master."

"But master, don't you want to avoid some. "

So as not to ......

" Qin Ye didn't wait for Yan Hong to finish speaking, and said impatiently,

"Okay... Okay......"

"I'll leave." With

that, he handed over the territory to Yan Hong.

Seeing this, Yan Hong didn't care so much, so she just started it.

In the face of this dying demon beast, Yan Hong didn't use any big moves.

With a flick of his wings, a fireball struck the dragon's head.

But at this time, a vision suddenly appeared.

When the fireball technique touched the dragon's head, a mist suddenly rose from the dragon's body.

Immediately after that, the dragon's body disappeared in plain sight.

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