
"What the hell is this?"

"This ...... in broad daylight"

But as soon as Qin Ye's words reached his throat, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The dragon, which was still dying, suddenly appeared a few kilometers away, and left in the clouds.

"Master, can we chase after us?"

Before Qin Ye could react from the shock, Yan Hong sent a voice to him.

Qin Ye barely hesitated, and said directly:

"Chase immediately."

"I'm going to see where this guy can escape.

Before he finished speaking, Qin Ye had already jumped on Yan Hong's back.

Just as Yan Hong got up to leave, Qin Ye glanced at Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui.

Only then did he realize that he had forgotten about the two of them.

But he didn't dare to waste any more time at this time.

So he shouted at the two of them:

"Senior sister, you go to the Hushan gathering place to wait for me first." "

I'll be back in a while!" After

shouting this, Qin Ye didn't know if the two of them heard clearly.

Anyway, he had already flown away from Yan Hong, and he didn't hear anything.

However, to Qin Ye's surprise, he could still see the figure of the dragon vaguely before, but now he couldn't even see the tail of the dragon.

"Master, don't worry!"

"Although the guy is no longer visible.

"But I can barely sense the direction in which it's fleeing. Perhaps

sensing Qin Ye's thoughts, Yan Hong hurriedly spoke.

When Qin Ye heard this, he hurriedly spoke:

"Okay... Good ......"

"Catch up and see where it goes."

As soon as Qin Ye's words fell, Yan Hong's speed increased.

After a while, Qin Ye saw the figure of the dragon.


" "Look where you're going." Perhaps

it was because he heard Qin Ye's laughter, and the speed of the dragon actually increased.

But it's always faster than red.

Seeing that he was about to be caught up by Yan Hong, the dragon actually changed direction.

But without Qin Ye opening his mouth to speak, Yan Hong had already chased after him.

But just when Qin Ye and the others were about to catch up with the dragon, a demon beast appeared out of nowhere and stopped in front of Qin Ye and them.

This made Qin Ye's face look ugly.

"Yan Hong, don't worry about it.

"I'll take care of it, you just have to chase the dragon."

After speaking, Qin Ye directly threw several fireball techniques directly at the flying eagle in front of him.


Boom!" "Boom!"

This flying eagle is actually a substitute ghost who came to send him to death, and his strength is only about the fifth or sixth order of silver.

Except for reducing Qin Ye's speed, it had no effect.

It's just that what shocked Qin Ye was that the demon beast clan actually sent an army of substitute deaths.

Almost every few tens of meters, a demon beast came to die.

This made Qin Ye very unhappy.

Although the strength of these demon beasts is not very strong, there are too many demon beasts in this group of demon beasts.

Even if each demon beast only delays for a second, it will accumulate a lot of wasted time.

And the fact is also true, Qin Ye didn't know how many demon beasts he had killed, and they couldn't see the trace of the dragon anymore.

Even Yan Hong was helpless and couldn't sense its bearings.

After taking a look at where he was, Qin Ye realized that they were already approaching the Northern Continent.

Therefore, he could only reluctantly give up this pursuit mission and turn around.

It didn't take long for him to return to the Hushan Gathering Area.

As soon as Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui saw Qin Ye coming back, they ran up and fell on him and asked

, "Senior brother, how is it

?" "Have you caught up with the dragon?"

Qin Ye saw the excited expressions of the two, and he couldn't bear to open his mouth to tell the news.

However, it was his hesitation that made Yu Xiaowei immediately discover the clue.

"Senior brother, did something happen

?" Qin Ye couldn't hide it if he wanted to.

He could only shake his head helplessly and said,

"The demon beast clan dispatched a death squad to stop us.

"By the time we approached the northern continent, Yan Hong and I had completely lost track of the dragon.

"So we had no choice but to give up.

After Yu Xiaowei heard this, he comforted him:

"Then this time even if it is a big life!" "

Senior brother, you don't have to worry too much.

Qin Ye didn't have anything to care about, so he said,

"Don't worry, senior sister."

"I'm not a stingy person, it's impossible to care about such a trivial matter!" Qin Ye's

side was cheerful, but the high-level of the demon beast clan was different.

The entire hierarchy was in a state of utter anger.

It was difficult for them to accept that the peerless genius of the demon beast clan had been completely defeated by the human side.

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