The Third Elder and the Great Elder didn't talk too much nonsense, and after talking about it in their spare time.

I quickly got to work.

The plan for the South Stick Nation is now moving steadily forward.

If nothing else, wait a few days.

This shocking plan is about to enter a critical moment.

As long as there are no accidents, the name of Nanbang Country will be changed from now on.

At this time, the Great Elder of the Blood Raven Clan, who was responsible for the invasion of the Southern Stick of the Demon Beast Clan, did not know that he had been ambushed.

It didn't even know Xia Guo's plans at this time.

He was still asking his subordinates about the reaction of the Bloody Night Xia Kingdom.

"Bloody Night, what is the reaction

of the Xia Kingdom?" "Bloody Night knew that his master was a demon beast who was very afraid of the Xia Kingdom.

It's said to have something to do with something before, but it's a subordinate.

It shouldn't talk about its own master, so it doesn't know what happened back then.

It's nothing more than hearsay.

Now when it hears the words of its master, it doesn't dare to think about it.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said

, "Master, there has been no reaction from the Xia Kingdom side at present.

"But I've heard that recently they have taken action in the Secret Realm of Reverse and killed countless geniuses of our demon beast clan.

"This caused a lot of dissatisfaction from above. "

It's said they're going to send the dragon out. "

Actually, it's normal for Blood Night not to know that the dragon was defeated by Qin Ye.

Because after the high-level of the demon beast clan learned the news, they had already blocked this topic as soon as possible.

Almost all the monsters only knew that the dragon had gone out to challenge the human genius, but they didn't know that it had been defeated.

And when Bloody Wu heard the news, he was also a lot relieved.

As far as it is concerned, as long as Xia Guo does not focus on his side, it does not matter.

As for the other plans of the Demon Beast Clan, it didn't care at all.

It is such a selfish person.

"Well, that's fine.

"As long as Xia Guo's side doesn't fight our idea, it's fine.

"As for the dragon, I don't really care too much.

"Of course, it would be great if it could win.

"In this way, Xia Guo's attention will definitely be firmly attracted by it.

"It's much safer on our side. Listening

to his master's words to destroy his own prestige and grow the ambition of others, Bloody Night was a little speechless.

The contempt for his master in his heart also increased, and the contempt began to flow unnaturally.

Fortunately, the Blood Eater didn't notice the contempt that passed by the Blood Night.

At present, its attention is still on the Daming Pass on the border of the Xia Kingdom.

Some changes in Daming Pass are still keenly perceived by it.

Although it is not yet certain whether this change was due to the occupation of the Nanbang Kingdom, which forced the Xia Kingdom to make temporary adjustments, or whether the Xia Kingdom was preparing for sending troops to them.

In short, for whatever reason, it's a little uneasy.

Its sixth sense told it that Xia Guo must be holding back his big move.

In addition, its heartbeat has always been inexplicable in recent days, and it will often speed up a lot.

And there will also be a feeling of heart palpitations.

That's why it's so frightening now.

But there's really nothing wrong with what it heard.

It was a little skeptical that something was wrong with it.

Helplessly, it shook off the messy thoughts in its head, and waved its hand to let the bloody night go down.

And it itself found a place to sit down with some brain pain.


Sure enough, early the next morning, Dean Zhou Jianming came to visit.

"Bang bang!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Qin Ye barely thought much about it, and knew that it must be his own dean who had personally come to deliver the reward.

Although he couldn't look down on what Dean Zhou Jianming had in his hand, out of politeness, he still got up and went to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door of the dormitory, Dean Zhou Jianming walked in through the crack in the door with a smile.

Before Qin Ye could speak, he had already spoken first:

"Xiao Qin?"

"I sent your reward so early, are you excited?" "

It's okay, you don't have to be restrained in front of my old man, just release your emotions."

"I won't care, old man. To

be honest, Qin Ye was confused by his self-talking.

It took a long time to react.

"Morning, Dean!"

"Hurry... Come in.

Qin Ye didn't show the kind of expression that Dean Zhou Jianming imagined, but invited him in very politely and politely.

This made him a little puzzled, but the movements on his feet were not slow, and as soon as Qin Ye's words fell, he stepped into Qin Ye's dormitory.

After sitting on the sofa

, he said, "Hey, Qin boy, why aren't

you excited!" "Could it be that you were already excited last night?"

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, almost not realizing what he meant by this.

Fortunately, at this time, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui interrupted the somewhat awkward atmosphere.



This is the old man, I am abrupt.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't care about Dean Zhou Jianming's words, but said very kindly:

"Dean Grandpa, don't be in a hurry to leave first.

"You and the junior wait for a while, we'll go cook, and you can leave after eating."

After speaking, the two of them didn't wait for Dean Zhou Jianming to respond, so they quickly walked to the kitchen to cook.

Dean Zhou Jianming, who was left with a bewildered face, couldn't cry or laugh on the sofa.

As soon as Qin Ye saw this situation, he also hurriedly stood up and explained

, "Lord Dean, since Senior Sister and they said so, then don't be busy.

"Just wait a minute.

"Let's talk about it first.

Dean Zhou Jianming didn't think much about it, and sat down to chat with Qin Ye with peace of mind.

Seeing this, Qin Ye opened his mouth to ask about the matter of Nanbang this time.

"Dean, have you heard any rumors about the plan of the Southern Bang Kingdom this time

?" "When will we be able to recover this lost territory?"

Dean Zhou Jianming didn't expect Qin Ye to ask a sensitive question as soon as he came up.

So when he answered this question, he also deliberately glanced at Qin Ye.

After seeing that Qin Ye didn't show any special expression.

Only then did it speak

, "Boy Qin, wouldn't it be better for you to ask the Third Elder directly about this kind of thing than to ask my old man?" Qin Ye didn't

know if he was tempting or what he meant.

Therefore, he spread his hands helplessly and said

, "Dean, I'm not afraid that the third elder has been too busy and has no time recently

?" "Besides, with you always here, I ask you if it's the same?"


"You kid is slippery enough." "

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