Qin Ye didn't get angry when he saw Dean Zhou Jianming say this about him, but looked at Dean Zhou Jianming happily.

Dean Zhou Jianming was also amused when he saw Qin Yele looking at him.

looked at him helplessly and said with a smile:

"You kid!"

"It's too slippery."

"But I really can't answer you about the question you have to ask, old man.

"Because I still don't know what the Great Elders think.

"And you should also understand that plans like this are generally top secret. "

It's not something that someone of my level can reach.

Qin Ye looked stunned, how could he feel that this matter was already known to everyone?

Where did it come from, almost the entire citizens of the Xia Kingdom already knew about this plan.

Of course, this is only scratching the surface.

However, Qin Ye always felt that as long as he knew that Xia Guo had this meaning, it would be exposed.

There is no need to know the specific details at all

, so he said in surprise

, "Dean, how can this matter be top secret!"

"This is already a matter that everyone knows, is it necessary to find out a top secret identity?"

Dean Zhou Jianming glanced at Qin Ye speechlessly, and then asked with a playful face:

" Then what kind of thing do you kid think is top secret?"

Qin Ye didn't think about

it, so he said, "Of course it's ......"

But as soon as he said this, he was stuck.

The reason is simple, no matter how you define a top-secret document, there is one thing that must be taken into account.

Since it is top secret, its significance to the country should be self-evident.

And no matter what you say, the Nanbang Project can be regarded as of great significance to Xia Guo.

Therefore, if the Nanbang Project cannot be regarded as a top-secret plan, then how many things can be considered top-secret.

"What, you kid have nothing to say?" Dean

Zhou Jianming asked when he saw that Qin Ye stopped talking halfway through.

And Qin Ye was also a little embarrassed when he saw this, and said hesitantly:

"Uh... This ......"

"I knew you kid had nothing to say.

"Because no matter how you explain it, you can't avoid it. Of

course Qin Ye understood what he was talking about.

So there was no quibbling, so he naturally said

, "Dean, even if this is the case.

"Don't you have a little bit of gossip?" Dean

Zhou Jianming was also a little speechless, and looked at Qin Ye angrily and said, "I said that your kid is so anxious to go to the battlefield?"


" Qin Ye was a little

confused for a while, but Dean Zhou Jianming didn't care what he looked like, and continued as soon as he opened his mouth:

" You can't be in a hurry about this matter, so let's wait slowly!"

Speaking of this, Dean Zhou Jianming also seemed to feel that what he said was a bit perfunctory.

Then he added,

"But I think it's only a matter of the next day or two."

Qin Ye was still a little speechless when he heard the first half of Dean Zhou Jianming's words.

After hearing what he added later, he became excited.

However, he didn't show it directly, but said happily,

"Lord Dean is really bright enough. "

Dean Zhou Jianming didn't know what Qin Ye meant.

However, he didn't debunk it, he just looked at Qin Ye with a smile, staring at Qin Ye a little unbearable.

Then he said

, "I said, Dean, what is the matter with you staring at me all the time?


Don't just stare at me, I can't stand your gaze, Lord Dean."

Dean Zhou Jianming was amused by Qin Ye.


" "You kid!"

"You're going to laugh at me."

Qin Ye was a little speechless at Dean Zhou Jianming's inexplicable smile, but he didn't dare to say anything more now.

Therefore, he could only greet him with a smiling face.

He smiled and said,

"Yes...... Yes, Mr. Dean, you're right. Originally

, Dean Zhou Jianming still wanted to educate Qin Ye in two sentences, but when he just wanted to speak.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui came out with the dishes, and in this case, Dean Zhou Jianming didn't speak again.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't notice the change in Dean Zhou Jianming, he paid attention to Xiaowei and the two of them when they came out.

"Senior sister, are there any dishes that haven't been served?"

"I'll serve them!"

After saying that, he got up and went to the kitchen.

However, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't stop him, but said

, "Senior Brother Xing, you go and bring out the dishes inside!"

"Okay, senior sister."

After speaking, Qin Ye quickly began to serve the dishes.

After a while, Qin Ye brought a table of dishes.

Looking at the table full of dishes, Qin Ye couldn't wait.

However, there were guests there, and he was not rude.

A meal can be said to be quite enjoyable to eat.

Dean Zhou Jianming also went to the front line of Daming Pass because of the chef in the college canteen in the past few days.

And he didn't eat any decent dishes, and today he can be regarded as satisfying his cravings.

Of course, if you want to talk about the taste, it is definitely not as good as the school cafeteria chef.

But it didn't affect the gobbling up of a few people at all.

After the meal, Qin Ye and the others were going to leave Dean Zhou Jianming to sit for a while.

But a phone call forced several people to separate in advance.

Although Qin Ye didn't know the content of the call, Dean Zhou Jianming specially reminded them when he left.

Let them have to rush to Daming Pass tomorrow at the latest.

Although Dean Zhou Jianming left in a hurry without saying the reason, Qin Ye and the three of them all understood.

This is the beginning of the South Bat Project.

Therefore, they were all very excited, and Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were even so anxious that they jumped to their feet.

"Junior brother, hurry... Fast. "

We'll rush to Daming Pass now.

Qin Ye was a little speechless when he saw that the two of them were almost losing their minds.

Hurriedly said:

"Senior sister, you are concerned about it!" "

Don't you know that Yan Hong can rush to Daming Pass within half an hour at most

?" "So what's the point of us rushing to Daming Pass now?"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui immediately reacted when they heard this.

Suddenly he said

, "Yes, we are too anxious. "

Didn't notice the problem at all.

Qin Ye didn't care much about the long arc of reaction between the two of them, anyway, he had already seen it before.

So now it's not weird.

But he said

, "But we still have to be prepared, so as not to be caught off guard by chance."

After speaking, Qin Ye took out the reward that Dean Zhou Jianming had just given him, and took out six top-grade spirit stones from it.

Three for one person, handed to Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui.

If they hadn't known that Qin Ye had a lot of top-grade spirit stones in his hands, neither of them would have taken them.

Despite this, the two of them were still grateful for Qin Ye's behavior.

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