Dean Zhou Jianming didn't say much, nodded and said

, "Since you kid understands, it's good!" "

I don't want to say more, old man. "

You go kill the monster!" After

saying that, he took the initiative to hang up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Qin Ye was also stunned when he heard the busy sound coming from the mobile phone.

But he didn't think much of it.

He smiled and put his phone in his pocket.

Only then did he smile and say

, "Yanhong, let's go!" "Let's

continue to kill the demon beast."

Yan Hong didn't make any extra moves, raised her head and let out a phoenix roar, and flew towards the assembly place of the next demon beast army.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't forget to call Nuobai.

It's useless for it to stay here, and the few remaining demon beasts aren't enough for others to kill?"


The monster killer is gone.

Nuo Bai reluctantly replied

, "Good master, I'll come now."

Qin Yeke didn't notice Nuo Bai's extremely reluctant tone, he only thought that Nuo Bai didn't want to move.

So he didn't think much about it, and said

, "Okay, don't be lazy, you kid!" "I'll

wait for you in front." After

saying that, it didn't matter what Nuobai's reaction was.

And Nuo Bai originally wanted to quibble, but when it looked up, it found that Yan Hong and Nuo Bai were no longer there.

So it shook its head and sighed to itself, but it didn't say anything.

He mentioned it, and kept up with Qin Ye and them without hurrying or slow.

Not long after Qin Ye and the others left, the only dozen or so demon beasts left in the same place were killed by other beast masters.

After killing these demon beasts, these beast masters did not plan to stop.

They killed again in the direction Qin Ye had left.

It means that you won't stop until you finish killing the monster.

And these Qin Ye, who had already gone away, were not clear.

Qin Ye's current idea was to quickly find the gathering place of the demon beast clan and kill it happily.

But when he looked back to see where Nobai was, he was a little dumbfounded.

There was still Nuobai's figure behind him, and not only that, but he didn't see Nuobai's figure anywhere he looked.

This made Qin Ye a little speechless, and when he was about to complain a few words, Yan Hong seemed to have guessed Qin Ye's thoughts.

She opened her mouth to explain

, "Master, I guess this guy is tired!" "

That's why it's so slow."

Qin Ye glanced at Yan Hong curiously, and then said unhurriedly:

"You can explain it for it!" "

With its lazy character, don't you know if it's tired or not?"

"Besides, you and I are both in our eyes." "

It's a bit harder, except for when it started. "

I'm paddling in the back.

"What's there to be tired of?" Yan

Hong just wanted to explain a good word or two to Nuobai at first.

Who would have thought that Qin Ye would actually pick up the bottom of Nuo Bai.

It made her a little embarrassed.

So he could only stumble and say

, "Master, this ...... It's not to blame Nuobai. "

Isn't that because the human beast master's side is too strong!" "It didn't

give the demon beast clan much chance to resist at all." "

That's why Nuo Bai will have a chance to be lazy!" Qin

Ye didn't know how to reply to Yan Hong.

Fortunately, at this time, Nuo Bai, who had been paddling, finally appeared in Qin Ye's field of vision.

However, Qin Ye, who was still angry before, is now embarrassed and angry by Yan Hong.

So he didn't think much of it.

After glancing at

Nuobai, he said, "Nuobai, your kid's skin is itchy again, isn't it?"

"I told you to hurry up and keep up with me, but you guy is leisurely like a walk." "

You just don't take my words at ease?" Nuo

Bai originally wanted to quibble, but after seeing the look that his eldest sister gave him.

He immediately gave up this unflattering idea, and said in a different tone:

"Master, I was wrong.

"You just spare me this time!" Looking

at Nuo Bai who begged for mercy, Qin Ye's face turned dark.

Isn't this just his own army?

But after thinking that these are all self-raised beasts, I don't bother to bother with them.

Sighing helplessly, he said

, "Okay, since you guys took the initiative to admit their mistakes."

"I'll spare you once this time.

"But if you're lazy with me again, you'll see how I'll clean you up." Even

if Qin Ye spared it, he didn't forget to say a few cruel words.

Let it know that it's not that easy to mess with.

And after this guy Nuo Bai heard that Qin Ye had let him go this time, he suddenly became happy.

Hurriedly nodded and said,

"I remember the master.

"Don't worry, I won't be lazy anymore.

Qin Ye didn't pay attention to it, and waved his hand to let Yan Hong continue to fly forward.

Because Qin Ye found out that they had delayed for a little time, the other beast masters had already caught up.

This made him a little anxious.

And on the side of the demon beast clan's camp, the Blood Devouring Crow is firing at his subordinates.

It's not because it's angry, but because it's been so long since the demon beasts it sent out, and there hasn't been a little news from the front line.

This made it furious, and it felt that its authority was under great threat.

But just as it was about to kill the demon beast that came to report, its cronies hurriedly ran in and hurriedly said

, "Lord, no... Oh no. "

The Xia Kingdom Beast Master has broken through our second line of defense. "

Smack!" When

the Blood Devourer heard the news, he was so frightened that the heart of the Southern Stick Kingdom Beast Master, which it had just taken out of his small storeroom, fell to the ground.

After a long time, it spoke, "

When is this news?" The

little beast who came to report the news had never seen this kind of world, and when he saw the blood-devouring black red eyes, he couldn't help but tremble.

It took a few moments before it could barely speak,

"Lord... Lord, this is the battle report from half an hour ago. "

Blood devouring Wu is a remorse, where does it not know now that it is being calculated.

The opponent had already broken through its two defensive lines, and it had just received the news.

If you don't understand that you have been deceived, then you can still be regarded as the commander of some kind of demon beast clan.

However, it did not behave strangely in front of its own subordinates.

After signaling his parents and son to go down with his eyes, he scolded angrily:

"Bloody night

!" "You wait to die!" "

I will show you what the price of betraying me is." "

But it hasn't lost its mind, and it knows that the most important thing now is how to get out first.

Then there is a chance to find the bloody night to take revenge.

Fortunately, it knew that it still had a line of defense in front of it, and it had plenty of time to get out.

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