Qin Ye didn't know that the biggest fish in the demon beast army was actually going to run away this time.

However, even if the Blood Devouring Crow didn't run away, Qin Ye couldn't be its opponent.

After all, no matter how you say it, the Blood Devouring Wu is a fifth-order powerhouse, and the current Qin Ye is really not its opponent.

However, these are not the things that Qin Ye should consider.

On Qin Ye's side, he hurried and finally arrived at the third line of defense of the demon beast clan after dozens of minutes.

However, unlike the previous two lines of defense, the demon beasts on this line of defense obviously knew that Qin Ye and they were coming.

Therefore, they were well prepared, and the team was already in a phalanx waiting for them.

When Qin Ye and Yan Hong saw this situation for the first time, they were a little shocked.


"That's a big deal."

"I've been prepared for a long time. Compared

to Qin Ye's exclamation, Yan Hong and Nuo Bai were much calmer.

Both beasts just stared at the demon beast phalanx in front of them, and then lost their interest.

They all showed disdain for the demon beast phalanx in front of them.

Qin Ye was also a little surprised to see this expression in their eyes.

But before he could ask, Yan Hong explained:

"Master, in fact, this group of demon beasts just looks a little more powerful.

"Don't look at their phalanxes as bluffing, that's what they are.

Qin Ye looked embarrassed, he didn't know if his two imperial beasts were big or something.

He actually had such an idea, but when he looked at the two imperial beasts, it didn't look like he was holding it up.

So he opened his mouth and said

, "Oh

?" "So you have the confidence to deal with them?"

Facing Qin Ye's suspicions, Yan Hong and Nuo Bai didn't think much about it.

They all said directly:

"It's easy not to say, but it's definitely not difficult.

Qin Ye heard the two beasts say this, and he didn't think much about it.

He said directly:

"Well, since you are all so confident.

"Then let's go and break through!" In

fact, Qin Ye also found that the large army behind him was almost there, so he dared to say this.

Otherwise, he was really scared.

After all, he was still a little frightened to let two imperial beasts attack hundreds of thousands or even millions of demon beasts.

And after Nuo Bai and Yan Hong heard Qin Ye's order, they did not hesitate.

After a few tiger roars and phoenix roars, they rushed headlong into the demon beast pile.

Nuo Bai was in a great way on the ground, and a few tiger roars blew away dozens of demon beasts.

With a slap of the tiger's claws, a few demon beasts will die.

And Yan Hong is not to be outdone, her phoenix sound is also very lethal.

Coupled with her lightning-fast speed, she also killed the demon beast flying in the sky by surprise for a while, and suffered heavy casualties.

And just when Yan Hong and Nuo Bai were killing all sides here, the large army that followed behind also rushed over.

Although they were shocked by the destructive power of Yan Hong and Nobai, the speed in their hands was not slow.

As if no one would admit defeat, he let his imperial beast rush up with a wave of his big hand.

All of a sudden, the army of demon beasts that originally had an absolute lead in numbers. It was reversed in an instant.

With the addition of the follow-up beast master of the Xia Kingdom, the situation of the scene was also reversed.

The attack of the Xia Kingdom Beast Master was like a flood, slowly swallowing the army of the demon beast clan in this torrent of steel.

The demon beast army at the back of the phalanx immediately began to tremble when they saw this scene.

Almost moments later, they turned and fled.

After Qin Ye's large army in the rear joined the battlefield, he let Yan Hong leave the battlefield.

So he saw this scene very clearly, but he didn't speak.

Because it is impossible for these fleeing demon beasts to escape the fate of being slaughtered.

Not to mention the Xia Kingdom Beast Masters who were eyeing them behind, it was not good for them to choose the time to escape.

Before they could escape, the army of demon beasts in front of them had already been killed by Qin Ye and them.

Plus their retreat was undisciplined.

Therefore, they were not running away, but took the initiative to hand over their backs to Qin Ye and them.

Therefore, before they could escape far, they were killed without hesitation by the successive Xia Kingdom Beast Masters.

Even when you die, you don't know how you were hit.

Qin Ye, who was sitting on Yan Hong's back, was also shocked when he saw this scene.

couldn't help but sigh:

"I didn't expect that the beast master of our Xia Kingdom would still be so strong in the face of such a great achievement as opening up

the territory and expanding the territory!" "Perhaps, this is the bloody nature engraved in the bones!"

But just after sighing, Qin Ye was stunned.

Because he realized that he seemed to be missing something important.

As soon as his brain was patted, he immediately understood that he had forgotten something.

So she hurriedly said to

Yan Hong, "Yan Hong, have you found a

big fish?" Yan Hong didn't know what the big fish her master was talking about!

But this time she really didn't find any valuable demon beasts.

Because she had noticed that the strongest of these demon beasts was only the Silver Sixth Order and Seventh Order.

It simply can't meet the conditions of the big fish that Qin Ye requires.

So she said very bluntly:

"Master, no!" "

I have been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield below, but the strongest demon beast is only the appearance of the sixth or seventh order of silver. "

There are no monsters worth our hands on.

After Qin Ye heard Yan Hong's news, he couldn't help but be stunned.

He never thought that this group of demon beasts would be so rubbish.

There was a golden third-order viper in the last bunch of demon beasts.

Why is it clear that the number of these monsters is more than the previous pile, but the quality is worse than the previous pile?

Therefore, he couldn't help but complain:

"These guys can't run away in advance, right?"

Yan Hong thought about it seriously, and then replied:

"Master, it's not impossible to have this possibility.

"After all, there must be some demon beasts on the side of the demon beast clan who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Qin Ye also felt more and more at this time that what Yan Hong said was very likely.

But how did he know.

The monsters left here are a bunch of garbage, cannon fodder deliberately left here by Bloody Night.

And the real elite of the demon beast clan has long been taken away by it.

This is something that even the supreme commander of the demon beast clan in Nanbang, the Blood Devouring Crow, doesn't know.

But to be honest, even if the Blood Devourer knew about it, it wouldn't be of much use.

Because it can't command the bloody night anymore.

And it was precisely because of this that Qin Ye thought that the high-level of the demon beast clan were a group of demon beasts who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

It's a bunch of mediocre people who will just leave their subordinates and run away alone.

Just when Qin Ye's beard was thinking wildly, Nuo Bai, who was already about to vomit after killing ordinary demon beasts below, suddenly sent a voice to him and said

, "Master, can you let me kill some powerful demon beasts?"

"I'm about to vomit when I kill these little Kalami." "

They're really too weak, I'm ......"

Qin Ye knew what it was going to say.

Then he interrupted it and said

, "I see, you guys are really verbose.

"But I granted your request. "

You go and rest first!".

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