After Nuo Bai heard Qin Ye's words, he instantly became excited.

After a few excited roars, this began to slowly withdraw from the battlefield.

Of course, it didn't forget to continue to communicate with Qin Ye:

"Master, didn't you find the big fish?"

"I didn't even hear you call me to act. Speaking

of which, Qin Ye could clearly sense it.

Nuo Bai's tone was a little low.

This suggests that it is also somewhat disappointed.

Qin Ye didn't have any good ideas at this time, so he could only say with some embarrassment:

"Are you just about killing?"

"You didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation?"

I didn't pay attention to this. "

Is something happening?" Qin

Ye knew that this guy would say this, but he didn't continue to embarrass him.

Instead, he said,

"There are no so-called big fish in this group of demon beasts. "

Your eldest sister and I have been observing for a long time.

"This group of monsters is just a group of cannon fodder.

"There are no monster beasts and big fish worth our hands on. "

Nuo Bai now understands what Qin Ye said before.

Therefore, it was also very confused now, and it was a little overwhelmed and muttered,

"Are these demon beasts really so greedy for life and afraid of death?"

But no one could answer this question.

Because everybody is confused right now.

Everything that happened here was also known to Dean Zhou Jianming.

Of course, the three elders also knew about this news.

However, they did not panic, but calmly let the messenger who came to report the news go down first.

Only then did he show an expression that was really like this, and said,

"It seems that the demon beast clan still wants to escape back?"

"But I just don't know what kind of expression they have after knowing that their back road has been cut off." The

three elders on the side couldn't help but laugh when they heard Dean Zhou Jianming's ridicule.

With a funny expression, he said,


" "I also want to know what the expressions of these ignorant demon beasts are when they know the news." "

Will it come out with a frightened expression? "

But although the three elders don't care about it.

But in terms of decision-making, they don't mean to underestimate the demon beast clan.

After making this joke, the three elders contacted the army responsible for cutting off the retreat of the demon beast clan.

After letting them pay attention to the prevention and control of this situation, they were relieved.

At the same time, the high-level of the demon beast clan also received the news that the blood devouring crow had spread.

However, the news had been passed before, so at this time, the high-level of the demon beast clan did not know that their army in the Southern Stick Country had been wiped out by half of the Xia Kingdom's Beast Master.

I didn't even know that Bloody Wu was ready to run away.

It's still stupid to think that the Xia Kingdom Beast Master has just started to pass through the South Stick.

Therefore, they collectively ordered that the Blood Devouring Crow must withstand the attack of the Xia Kingdom's Beast Master.

At the same time, they were also afraid that the Blood Devourer would run away, so they also told it in a reply that they would send troops to support it as soon as possible.

However, their reply was nothing more than a verbal promise.

Because they didn't expect the Xia Kingdom to send troops to Nanbang before.

So around the Xia Kingdom, they didn't have a large army.

And their army of monsters on the original foot basin chicken island basically appeared in the south stick.

Even if there is still a part that is not left on the foot basin chicken island.

But that army alone won't do much.

On the side of the Blood Devouring Crow, it wouldn't believe that the higher-ups would do anything at all.

It had been around the Xia Kingdom for a long time, and it had long seen the horror of the Xia Kingdom's beast masters.

In addition, it was familiar with the arrangement of demon beasts around the Xia Kingdom, so it was even more convinced of this.

The only one who can support it is how many demon beast armies there are on Chicken Island, it knows too well.

But this is all secondary, because it is clear that the Xia Kingdom has attacked them.

You can't help but take measures against the demon beasts on Foot Basin Chicken Island, so that they can appear in the South Bang Country unscathed to support them.

Of course, it thinks that the most important point is that since the monsters on Foot Basin Chicken Island have all appeared in the South Stick, it is unlikely that they will play any useful role in this war.

At most, it's just to leave some more corpses of demon beasts.

So now the Blood Devouring Brain is very clear that it is the most correct choice only to run.

Qin Ye didn't know that there were so many calculations in it.

He was now leading Nuo Bai and Yan Hong to stride towards the next gathering point

of the Demon Beast Clan? On the other side, the Blood Night, which led tens of thousands of elites of the Demon Beast Clan to flee, was now beaming with pride.

It thought that its own strategy could quietly fool the Bloody Eater.

It was even thinking about what kind of expression it would be when the Xia Kingdom Beast Master found out about this scene when he killed the Blood Devouring Crow in front of him.

It's a pity that what it doesn't know is that since the Blood Devourer Crow can sit in this position now, it proves that the Blood Devouring Crow is not as simple as it imagined.

But just when it's triumphant and forgetful.

Suddenly, a message caught it off guard.

"Lord Bloody Night, I found the trace of the Xia Kingdom Beast Master in front of me. A

black crow came to the bloody night and spoke.

Hearing the news, Bloody Night was shocked, and asked with a look of disbelief

, "What

?" "Where is it?"

This is not the end, until now, Bloody Night thought that it was the Xia Kingdom Imperial Beast Master behind him who chased after him.

So he couldn't help but mutter

, "Could it be that the Xia Kingdom Beast Master has already wiped out all the back hands I left behind?"

"But this speed is too fast!" But

at this time, the crow who came to report interrupted its thoughts and explained

, "Lord Bloody Night, it's not the enemy behind who has caught up. "

And... Instead, we found the traces of the Xia Kingdom Beast Master earlier. Hearing

the news, Bloody Night was even more shocked.

It trembled even when it spoke.

After stammering for a long time, he reluctantly asked,

"Yes... How many people are there

?" "Have you found out their strength?" How

could the black crow who came to report answer these questions, it was just that after seeing the Xia Kingdom Beast Master, it was frightened and came back to tell it.

Where will you pay attention to so many situations, so when asked so many questions, it is also a little confused.

So it doesn't even know how to answer that question.

I could only babble for a long time and couldn't say a word.

And when Bloody Night saw it like this, I didn't know what it was like.

So he could only reluctantly say:

"Go and investigate the situation immediately and then report it." After

saying that, without listening to the black crow's explanation, he waved his wings and let it go down.

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