The black crow didn't dare to stay long, and it hurriedly withdrew under the angry eyes of the bloody night.

It didn't dare to stay long after it came out, because if it slowed down a little, it might die one day.

It's just that Blood Night itself is a cautious demon beast, otherwise it wouldn't have been hiding under the hands of Blood Devourer for so long.

As soon as the black crow walked down, it shouted

outside, "Red Guard, come in!"

and a blood-red blood crow outside hurried in.

As soon as he entered the main hall, the Red Guard knelt down and said

, "Lord Bloody Night!"

Blood Night doesn't have so many rules now, and after it waved its wings to make the Red Guard stand up, he spoke:

"Just now, the black crow came to report, and the traces of the Xia Kingdom Imperial Beast Master were found in front of it.

"You can see for yourself if there is such a thing. "

Also, you send a few more demon beasts to take a look around us and see what's going on.

Hongwei heard that there was something wrong with Bloody Night's tone, and knew that this time it just had to carry out the arrangement.

So it didn't ask anything, it nodded and replied

, "It's Lord Bloody Night!" Bloody Night didn't

care so much, waved its wings and let the Red Guard go down.

The Red Guard respectfully exited the main hall where the Blood Night was located.

Only then did he go down and arrange for his subordinates to investigate the situation.

Bloody Night looked at the red guard who left, and only then did he feel a little at ease.

The discomfort in my heart was relieved.

On the other side, the army secretly dispatched by the Xia Kingdom discovered the traces of the black crow when it first appeared.

But they didn't make any moves.

Not only that, but they also pretended not to know about it and continued to patrol the beach.

It's just that the matter of the black crow has long been reported to the person in charge of the broken queen this time by the people below.

And when the person in charge looked at it, he knew that this was the vanguard of the demon beast that was preparing to escape.

However, considering that the demon beasts on the foot basin chicken island might come to support, he did not choose to take the initiative.

Instead, tell the people below and let them pay attention to the situation at sea.

As for the matter of the black crow, let them leave it alone.

At this time, the demon beast clan would definitely not dare to come to die.

Scouts will continue to be sent to investigate the situation.

Of course, he didn't think much about it, so he decisively reported the news to the third elder.

When the Third Elder got the news, it was already an hour later.

And when the three elders got the news, they were also stunned.

couldn't help but mutter

, "Hehe, these demon beasts escaped very quickly!" Dean

Zhou Jianming, who was also present, was also shocked when they heard the words of the third elder.

Especially Dean Zhou Jianming, he knows it.

The attack on his side barely gave the demon beast army a little time to react.

They were all chasing them and killing them, and after catching up, they didn't let go of a single demon beast.

But now there is news that a group of demon beasts is about to flee to the border.

How could this not shock him.

Hurriedly asked

, "Third Elder, how many demon beasts have escaped over there?"

The Third Elder knew that Dean Zhou Jianming would definitely ask this.

After all, whoever is in his position will have the same doubts.

Therefore, the third elder didn't think much about it, and explained

, "It's not clear about the specific situation yet, it just said that there are scouts from the demon beast clan who went to investigate the situation.

"It is estimated that there should not be too many demon beasts that have escaped.

"Otherwise, there shouldn't be only one demon beast scout sent out to investigate.

Although the Third Elder said so, Dean Zhou Jianming was still a little uneasy.

He muttered

, "If that's the case, it's acceptable."

"But I'm afraid that there will be a lot of monsters that have escaped. After

thinking about it, Dean Zhou Jianming still stubbornly said

, "Otherwise, the Third Elder, let's let some of the Beast Masters directly give up attacking the demon beasts behind and go straight to support the army!"

As soon as Dean Zhou Jianming said this, not only the Third Elder, but even Commander Han Cheng was stunned.

Commander Han Cheng was well aware that although now their attack was as effortless as a boat pushing down the river.

But no one can guarantee that the next plan will go as smoothly as it is now.

Therefore, the plan proposed by Dean Zhou Jianming is very bold.

If you're not careful, you run the risk of getting into trouble.

Therefore, the average person would not dare to make this suggestion.

However, he only glanced at Dean Zhou Jianming, and he was no longer shocked.

Instead, I take it for granted.

And the third elder was even more unfazed, it could be said that it was calm and terrifying!

He waved his hand and said directly,

"There is no need for this.

"Even if they were able to escape a few million at once, it wouldn't affect our plans.

"So we still don't need to increase the casualties.

"It's okay to move forward like this. When

the others heard what the three elders had said, they had no opinion.

They all nodded in agreement, "




Dean Zhou Jianming was even more irrelevant when he saw this.

The reason why he made this suggestion was also because he was afraid that the army in the hinterland of the demon beasts in the rear would not be able to withstand it.

Now that the three elders have said that it doesn't matter, then he doesn't care.

Even a little lucky, glad that the army in the rear responsible for cutting off the retreat of the demon beasts was able to withstand the crazy impact of the demon beast clan.

Otherwise, he didn't know how many beast masters would be sacrificed in this operation.

Back to the side of the bloody night.

It didn't take long for the Black Raven and Red Guard it sent out to return again.

But the news brought to it was not so good.

First of all, the black crow, this time it came back like it was scared silly.

I became stammering when I spoke.

But after listening to its report, Bloody Night was so angry that his face turned red.

With an incredible expression, he roared angrily

, "How is this possible

?" "Where did the Beast Master of the Xia Kingdom come from so many strong beast masters

?" "And how could they come behind us

quietly?" "Are you sure you're not kidding?"

How dare the black crow resist the bloody night, he can only lower his head and not make a sound, silently bearing the insult of the bloody night.

And the Blood Night is still sane, it just flipped its wings and let the black crow go down after a while.

The black crow was relieved and hurriedly retreated.

Not long after the black crow withdrew, the red guard hurriedly rushed into the main hall where the blood night was.

But as soon as it entered, it saw Bloody Night, whose face was extremely ugly, sitting in his position and angry.

This made the red guard dare not speak.

However, Bloody Night, who was sitting above, noticed the Red Guards who rushed in in a hurry.

Therefore, when it saw that Hongwei did not say a word, it said with an angry face:

"Say!" "

You have come to some bad news again. "

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