And just after Qin Ye nodded, Dean Zhou Jianming's voice disappeared.

Although Qin Ye was still a little confused, he didn't think much about it.

After putting away the corpse of the Flame Lion, he no longer considered the situation of the Flame Lion.

Looking at Nuo Bai, who was still stunned on the side, Qin Ye was even more speechless and said

, "Nuo Bai, what are you still thinking

?" "Haven't you come back to your senses yet?"

Nuo Bai was startled by Qin Ye's voice, and also came back to his senses.

But it wasn't in good shape, and the Flame Lion had hit it too hard just now.

However, he still had the strength to speak:

"Master, is Nuo Bai very useless. "

Not even a single injured demon beast can be defeated.

When Qin Ye heard this, his face was also stunned.

He didn't expect Nuo Bai to be really hit by this incident.

Originally, he wanted to comfort Nuobai, but when he saw that everyone was packing up their loot and preparing for triumph.

He didn't comfort Nuo Bai for the first time, but after letting it return to his own space, he explained:

"I don't blame you for this matter, there is something wrong with the Flame Lion.

"I haven't figured it out yet, so it's not your fault at all.

Nuo Bai heard Qin Ye's explanation, and this was a little better.

But still hasn't changed much.

It's not the same as before, but it's become a lot lower.

In this regard, Qin Ye was very speechless.

He wanted to say something more, but he didn't know what to say.

In the end, I could only sigh helplessly and return to reality in a daze.

After shaking off the discomfort in his mind, he said

, "Yanhong, let's go!" "Let's go

back to Daming Pass."

Yan Hong didn't hold back her opinion on this, and rushed to the sky after a phoenix roar.

galloping all the way, it didn't take long for them to rush back to Daming Pass.

As soon as Qin Ye landed, there was a soldier waiting for him.

Seeing that it was the person he was waiting for, the soldier didn't think much about it.

He stepped forward and said in a deep voice

, "Hello, you are Qin Ye's classmate, right?" Qin Ye didn't

think much about it, he knew that this should be the person sent by Dean Zhou Jianming and them to pick him up.

So he nodded politely and said

, "Well, that's me."

After seeing Qin Ye's affirmative answer, the soldier didn't think much about it.

Then he said

, "In that case, then please come with me." After

saying that, he also made a gesture of please.

Qin Ye didn't doubt him, and followed him and walked towards the inside of Daming Pass.

Neither of them said anything along the way.

Fortunately, the time to travel was not long, otherwise Qin Ye would have been suffocated out of illness.

After coming to a compound with extremely high defensive levels, the soldier who went to pick up Qin Ye took the initiative to speak for the first time:

"Classmate Qin, please wait here for a while, and I'll go and ask for instructions first."

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, waved his hand and said

, "Okay!"

And the soldier who led the way didn't pay attention to Qin Ye, he walked straight into this courtyard.

Just when Qin Ye was a little bored waiting, the soldier finally came out.

After he came out, he didn't delay, he ran straight to Qin Ye and said

, "Classmate Qin, you can go in."

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and strode towards the compound.

I didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, and I easily came to the inner hall of the compound.

Just when he didn't know where to go, Dean Zhou Jianming suddenly appeared in front of him.

Before he could speak, Dean Zhou Jianming looked at him with a happy smile and said

, "Qin boy, here."

Qin Ye didn't hesitate, and strode forward and asked

, "Dean, is there anything wrong

?" "It's so mysterious

?" In the face of Qin's complaints, Dean Zhou Jianming didn't answer him, but stared at Qin Ye happily as before and said,

"What are you doing in a hurry?" "

I will definitely let you know when you should let you know."

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, and without thinking too much, he nodded and said,

"Okay then!"

"I won't ask."

Seeing Qin Ye say this, Dean Zhou Jianming was also happy, but he didn't say anything, patted Qin Ye's shoulder and pulled Qin Ye inside.

Although Qin Ye was also curious about what Dean Zhou Jianming was doing and making it so mysterious, he also knew that he shouldn't ask this truth.

So naturally, he didn't say anything.

However, Qin Ye originally thought that they would be able to reach their destination in a while.

Unexpectedly, they had to walk for more than ten minutes to reach their destination.

This made Qin Ye's curiosity even heavier, but before he could think about it, Dean Zhou Jianming whispered in his ear:

"Qin boy, we have arrived."

After speaking, without waiting for Qin Ye to react, he entered a secret room.

It was only at this time that Qin Ye discovered the destination of this trip.

There were two people sitting in front of him, one was the Third Elder he knew, and the other he didn't know.

But Qin Ye could feel that the momentum on his body was very strong, even stronger than the three elders.

Seeing this scene, he probably knew who the other party was.

And just when he was stunned, the third elder had already opened his mouth happily and said

, "What

?" "You kid doesn't even know me anymore?"

Seeing this, Qin Ye also quickly came back to his senses, touched his head and replied embarrassedly:

"Third Elder, aren't you joking!"

"How could I not even know you."

The Third Elder took Qin Ye's words with a smile and said

, "Your kid still hasn't changed, you're still eccentric.

"But today's protagonist is not me, but the one next to me!" Qin Ye's

eyes never left the old man sitting on the main seat, just waiting for the third elder to introduce him.

But the third elder just didn't introduce it, obviously the topic had already come to this point, but he stopped.

This made Qin Ye can't help but roll his eyes.

Fortunately, the person sitting on the main seat didn't let Qin Ye wait longer, and when he saw the third elder's deliberate pretence, he couldn't help but interrupt him and said

, "Okay, Qin boy, you should be in a hurry to see how you look."

"I won't sell Guanzi, you can just call me Grandpa Xuanyuan." When

Qin Ye heard this, he immediately understood who this was.

The strongest of the famous Blue Star, the elder of the Xia Kingdom is also.

Although he was very flustered, Qin Ye still tried his best to act calm and said,

"Okay...... Okay!"

Seeing that Qin Ye was a little stammering when he spoke, the third elder couldn't hold back and laughed.


" "I didn't expect the ghostly Qin boy to be nervous too!" Before

Qin Ye could respond, the Great Elder

took the lead and said, "Okay, Qin boy, you sit first." "

I have something to ask you. Seeing

that the Great Elder suddenly became serious, the few people present did not speak again.

They all looked at the Great Elder quietly.

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