When Qin Ye heard this, he didn't dare to delay time, and hurriedly found a place to sit down.

However, the Great Elder saw that several people were a little nervous, so he opened his mouth and said

, "I'll just talk to Qin Xiaozi casually, why are you all so nervous!" "

Relax, don't make me look like I want you to do something unseemly."

When several people heard the Great Elder's words, they also showed embarrassed smiles.

They knew that they were thinking too much, so they hurriedly said,

"Yes... It's that we're too nervous. "

But Qin Ye didn't show anything, because he was just too excited just now, so it made people look a little nervous.

But now that the Great Elder said so, he was much better.

And this change in him did not hide from the eyes of the Great Elder, and the Great Elder couldn't help but look at him when he saw that he had adjusted so quickly.

Therefore, he opened his mouth

and said, "You kid is good!"

Qin Ye dared to be presumptuous in front of the Great Elder, so he hurriedly waved his hand and said,

"Where... Where, Great Elder, you look up to me.

"I'm just a little clever at best, and I'm not very skilled. When

the Great Elder heard Qin Ye's words, he couldn't help but laugh.

After a long while, he spoke:

"It seems that the third elder is not wrong, you kid is really a slippery head.

These words made Qin Ye a little embarrassed.

But the Great Elder didn't give Qin Ye time to speak, and then said

, "Okay, you kid don't have to care about this, it's good to slip your head a little."

"I won't waste any time, I want to ask you a few questions, and you can answer them truthfully."

"I just understand it briefly, and I won't do anything to you.

"So you kid don't have to hide it.

Qin Ye smiled awkwardly and hurriedly responded

, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I will definitely answer truthfully."

The Great Elder didn't think much of it, nodded and said,


"Then I'll start asking." "

Can you release your two imperial beasts and show me?"

Qin Ye thought that the Great Elder was going to ask him something?

The Great Elder didn't care, and after glancing at Qin Ye with a smile, he saw that with a wave of his big hand, he brought a few people to a secret realm.

Although Qin Ye was shocked, he didn't show it.

And the Great Elder didn't care about

Qin Ye's expression, and after Qin Ye eased up, he opened his mouth and said, "It's okay now!" Qin Ye nodded numbly and replied

, "It's okay!"

Of course, the movements of his hands were not slow, and in the next moment, he summoned both Yan Hong and Nuo Bai.

The sound of the phoenix and the roar of the tiger sounded at the same time.

Seeing the majestic two imperial beasts, the Great Elder muttered to himself,

"Sure enough, it's the Holy Beast White Tiger and the Divine Beast Phoenix. "

However, with the eyes of the Great Elder, I can't see Nuo Bai's problem at this time.

So he couldn't help but ask a little strangely, "What did

you kid do?" "Your holy beast white tiger is not normal when you look

at it?" Qin Ye also knew that Nuo Bai was not normal, but he couldn't help it!

However, the Great Elder also found a problem from Qin Ye's expression, so he couldn't help but ask,

"Look at your kid's appearance, do you know what's going on?"

Qin Ye nodded, and replied a little speechlessly

, "Well, I know!"

The Great Elder said noncommittally,

"Tell me what happened.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, so he told him about the Flame Lion before.

After hearing this, the Great Elder did not rush to give an answer.

Instead, he opened his mouth and said

, "You put away the corpse of the Flame Lion, right?" "

Let it go and let me see?"

Qin Ye could see that the Great Elder's brows were furrowed deeply, so he didn't hesitate to put the corpse of the Flame Lion in front of the Great Elder at once.

The Great Elder gently touched the Flame Lion's head with his hand, and then said

, "Okay, you put it away!"

Qin Ye did not hesitate, after putting away the body of the Flame Lion.

Only then did he speak, "

Great Elder, have you found anything?"

The Great Elder didn't hide it, and said,

"It should be controlled.

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, looking at the Great Elder in great confusion.

The Great Elder also knew that Qin Ye didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, so he opened his mouth to explain,

"It is very likely that it is the backhand left by the high-ranking members of the Demon Beast Clan in the Demon Beast Army.

"Of course, in fact, its biggest role should be that the high-level of the demon beast clan is used to observe the front-line problems.

"It's just that because you just happened to find it, it lost its chance to escape. So the monster behind it wants to use it to test your strength.

"That's why this happened.

When Qin Ye heard this, his head was big.

He couldn't help but exclaim:

"The demon beast clan has a lot of fun!"

"But why did it take the initiative to die after it touched Yan Hong?"

"This is because this flame lion can't defeat your phoenix even if it has the blessing of the demon beast behind, so he did it on purpose."

"It's to break the confidence of your white tiger and make it fall into self-doubt.

Qin Ye only understood what was going on at this time.

And the Great Elder was thinking even more at this time, he had always wondered what the purpose of the Demon Beast Clan's Southern Stick Operation this time was.

Now he probably understood.

So with a wave of his hand again, he took Qin Ye and the others to the secret room where they had just been.

As soon as he returned to the secret room, the Great Elder spoke

, "Third Elder, it seems that the purpose of the Demon Beast Clan is still on us.

"I'm afraid they sent troops to the south to test our reaction.

"It's also about testing our strengths. The

Third Elder also nodded and said

, "Maybe there are a lot of eyeliner this time, but we just didn't find it."

"That's for sure.

"But it doesn't matter, the strength we revealed this time is only the one on the surface.

"And I'd rather they come over, and I haven't done it in a long time.

"My hands are a little itchy. Hearing

these words of the two bigwigs, Qin Ye looked embarrassed.

In his heart, he was even more complaining, "Two big guys, are you sure this is what I can listen to?"

And just as Qin Ye was secretly complaining, the Great Elder also looked at him.

"Qin boy, you have made a great contribution this time. "

Say, what reward do you want

!" Qin Ye was stunned for a while before he reacted, but he still

spoke: "Great Elder, this is not necessary

!" "I feel like I haven't done anything either!"

The Great Elder glanced at Qin Ye and saw that he didn't have any disagreements before he spoke:

"You kid don't have to shirk, I won't miss the reward you deserve."

"And I originally had several questions to ask you this time, but I hesitated to discover the secret of the demon beast clan, so I forgot it this time.

"I'm coming to you when I have time.

Qin Ye didn't dare to have any opinions, and hurriedly nodded in response:

"Okay... Okay!".

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