After Qin Ye came out of the secret room, he did not stop at Daming Pass.

I went straight back to the school dormitory.

As for what happened after Nanbang's plan, it didn't have much to do with him.

What he didn't know was that after he left.

The Great Elder and the Third Elder had been secretly discussing in the secret room for a long time.

I'm afraid no one knows what was specifically discussed, except for the parties.

On the other side, Mao Youlong also received an order from the three elders.

The Third Elder told him that except for the Blood Devouring Crow and the Blood Night, who had fled to their encirclement, the demon beasts of the Southern Bang Country had all been wiped out.

This was not the end, the third elder also revealed to him the situation of the Flame Lion that Qin Ye had encountered.

After Mao Youlong glanced at the information sent by the three elders, he was also stunned for a while.

Then he said to his adjutant

, "Adjutant Guo, you immediately go and send all the scouts in the general around this group of demon beast army." "

Tell them that their task is to keep an eye on the actions of the demon beast army on the field, especially the stronger demon beasts.

"Let's see if they have any abnormal movements!" Speaking

of this, Mao Youlong remembered the plan he had arranged before.

So he spoke again:

"In addition, you go and inform Chen Yunxin and tell him that I approve him to act."

"But let him remember, this time my request is not to let go of a demon beast.

At this point, he suddenly realized something.

So he hurriedly spoke again:

"By the way, that Blood Devouring Crow seems to be still a diamond-level demon beast.

"Let him be careful, don't be yin." After

saying that, he was still not at ease.

Finally, he set his eyes on his adjutant.

"Ziming, you shouldn't have done it for a long time, right?"

When Guo Ziming heard this, he didn't understand what this meant.

So he hurriedly said happily:

"Thank you, Commander, I'll go!"

After speaking, he was still afraid that Mao Youlong would regret it, so he slipped away without looking back.

Mao Youlong looked at Guo Ziming, who was no longer visible, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

On the side of the Blood Devouring Crow and the Bloody Night, although their reaction ability is not as good as that of the Xia Army.

But such a big move by the Xia army, plus a long time.

They also found a problem, so they sent out spies as soon as possible.

And the Xia army did not deliberately conceal it this time, because the encirclement had already been completed.

So they even deliberately let the other party's spies bring the news back.

Sure enough, when Bloody Devouring Wu and Bloody Night found out about this problem, they were immediately frightened.

Almost at the same time, the abacus was hit on the other party's body.

But almost at the same time, they shook their heads at the same time.

Because they all knew that even pushing the other party in front of the Xia Kingdom Beast Master would be useless.

In today's situation, it is obviously impossible for the Xia Kingdom Beast Master to let them go.

And even if they pushed the other party to the front, with the ability of the Xia Kingdom Beast Master by their side now, they could easily be eliminated.

So, the best way for them to do this today is to stick together, rather than be suspicious of each other or even fight each other's ideas.

Bloody Devouring Wu and Bloody Night don't care so much now, so if you think of this, you will do it immediately.

Therefore, at this critical juncture, Bloody Eater and Bloody Night met again after the last meeting.

Unlike the last time they met, this time the two beasts met more friendly.

As soon as they met, Bloody Devouring Crow and Bloody Night didn't talk nonsense, so they went straight to the point.

Bloody Night was the first to speak: "I don't think I need

to talk about this situation now, you should know everything!" Bloody Wu didn't object, nodded

and said: "I know this, just say what you want to do, right?"

Bloody Night

didn't want to talk to the other party now, and after glancing at the other party, he said directly:

"It's very simple, in this situation, we can only have a chance of life if we are united."

After hearing Bloody Night's words, Bloody Wu didn't think much about it, not to mention that it didn't have time to argue with the other party

now, so it simply said, "Oh!" "Then let's gather troops together

!" Bloody Night was also panicking now, so it didn't refuse this proposal, and nodded in response:


The two beasts were able to complete their cooperation so quickly, and they also had to rely on the pressure given to them by the Xia Army.

This pressure makes them abandon all preconceptions.

Otherwise, a single assembled command would make it impossible for the two sides to get together.

Sure enough, under this pressure, after the two sides did not have any obstacles, the speed of assembly was also fast.

In the past, it would take at least half an hour to assemble, but today it was only a matter of ten minutes, and the two teams of demon beast armies were assembled and merged.

It has to be said that the contribution of the Xia army in this regard is great.

And the Xia army's side knew that the two demon beast armies had actually joined forces at this critical moment, and they were also quite confused.

Overall, though, it didn't affect them much.

At most, it's just a matter of a little more effort.

Therefore, the Xia army did not take this matter to heart.

Even the time of launching the general attack did not change at all, half an hour after the demon beast army was assembled, after Chen Yunxin, who was in charge of this operation, gave an order on the Xia army's side, tens of thousands of Xia army elites fought directly from all directions of the demon beast clan.

All of a sudden, even the army of demon beasts that had been prepared for a long time was caught off guard.

Seeing this scene, Bloody Devouring Wu and Bloody Night directly exclaimed in their hearts:

"It's over... It's all over. "

Although both sides are elites, the elites on the side of the demon beast clan are all fake elites.

They are all here to send them to death, so how can there be a real elite of the Xia Kingdom.

This is especially true after the two sides have exchanged hands.

The Xia army's side was like chopping melons and vegetables, cutting down the army of the demon beast clan to the ground.

Seeing that his subordinates were harvested by the Xia army like wheat, Bloody Wu and Bloody Night did not rise up to kill the enemy and avenge their subordinates.

Instead, he looked around, ready to find an opportunity to leave his men and run away alone.

On the side of the Xia army, someone has long noticed their situation.

Among them is Mao Youlong's adjutant Guo Ziming.

Ever since he came here, he's been keeping an eye on his opponents.

Among them were Blood Devouring Wu and Blood Night, but just when he was about to move

, Chen Yunxin also walked up, and as soon as he came up, he said with a smile: "Adjutant Guo, can I discuss something with you?"

As soon as Guo Ziming saw Chen Yunxin's expression, he knew that he didn't hold back his fart.

But he couldn't refuse the other party directly, so he resisted his urge to reject him directly

and said, "Sir Chen, you say!" Chen

Yunxin didn't care so much

, and said happily: "Don't you see that the other party has two demon beasts

?" "How about giving me one?"

Guo Ziming looked at the other party with a confused expression, and said with some confusion:

" There's no problem at all!"

But Chen Yunxin's next sentence let him know what makes people's hearts sinister.

I saw Chen Yunxin pointing at the Blood Devouring Wu and said with a smile on his face:

"Nuo, you can leave this demon beast to me." "

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