"Why can't I touch such a good thing?"

"This is a glorious thing!" "

I'm so bad."

"If you know that this kind of magical thing will happen, I won't go to the Secret Realm of New Life.

Qin Ye didn't have a chance to interject at all, so he could only be forced to listen to Wang Cheng talk a lot here.

Fortunately, this guy is still self-aware, and after talking a lot, he found that Qin Ye didn't say a word.

That's why he stopped abruptly.

Only then did Qin Ye have a chance to speak.

"Alright, don't be busy, you kid.

"I've already ordered a meal, you can wait a while, and we'll talk while we eat."

"It's complicated to talk about, and it can't be explained in one or two sentences. "

It wasn't until now that Wang Cheng reacted.

It seems like it's been a long time since I've eaten food in the school cafeteria.

So he slipped his mouth and said

, "Okay, then wait a while!"

Qin Ye had already discovered his embarrassed appearance, but he didn't debunk the other party.

Instead, he changed the subject and said,

"How do I remember that you seem to have been in the secret realm for more than ten days.

"Did something happen?"

Seeing that Qin Ye took the initiative to mention this matter, Wang Cheng did not hide it, and opened his mouth to explain:

"Originally, we were going to come out on the eighth day, but after the time, the passage of the secret realm was not opened.

"So we stayed in the secret realm for a few more days.

Qin Ye was speechless for a moment, but he probably knew what was going on.

It's nothing more than that the people in the academy have gone to Nanbang, and no one cares about them.

So they were left in the secret realm.


" "I know what's going on when you say that." "


?" "How can you know that you are still a freshman?"

Seeing this guy's confused look, Qin Ye couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe, you don't know that, do you?"

"You said that this point in time happened to be when we went to reclaim the South Stick.

As soon as Wang Cheng heard Qin Ye's words, he instantly burst out foul language.

"I'll go

!" "This ......

" "It's uncomfortable!"

Qin Ye was amused when he saw Wang Cheng scratching his ears and cheeks here.

But seeing that the other party was so depressed, he was embarrassed to laugh again.

Just as he was about to comfort the other party, he heard a knock on the door.

"Bang bang ......"

Seeing this situation, Qin Ye didn't say much, and hurriedly got up to open the door.

There were no surprises, and the people standing outside the door were the people who came to deliver the food.

Because Qin Ye ordered a bit more things, the people who came to deliver the food were all two.

After opening the door and letting the food delivery staff in, Qin Ye returned to Wang Cheng's side.

Originally, Qin Ye thought that he would continue to complain, but what he didn't expect was that the other party actually shut up after seeing the food on the table.

Qin Ye even suspected that if there weren't still outsiders, Wang Cheng estimated that he would have already pounced on food by now.

Fortunately, both delivery personnel were trained, and after putting the food on the table, they left.

It didn't delay the guests' meals.

Qin Yegang sent the food delivery staff out, and when he looked back, he looked back!

Good guy!

Wang Cheng had actually pounced on the table and started to enjoy the food.

Seeing Qin Ye walk in, he also said unceremoniously:

"Brother Ye, don't stand still." "

Come and eat!" "


" "I don't know what to say about you, look at you like you look like you haven't eaten in hundreds of years."

Wang Cheng didn't care about Qin Ye's words, and said while eating:

"Brother Ye, you don't know this.

"People live for a lifetime, they should enjoy it, why care so much?"

Qin Ye almost thought that he had misheard, and when he looked back and was sure that there was only Wang Cheng who was gobbling up at the scene, he believed that these words came from the other party's mouth.

Therefore, he couldn't help but glance at the other party.

"Yes, you kid, you can have such a high level of consciousness.

Wang Cheng didn't raise his head, burying his head in his own food and eating food.

However, Qin Ye could still hear his words intermittently.

"I...... This...... Also...... No way, eat...... It's a lot of suffering...... Only...... Naturally, I understood. "

If Qin Ye didn't know about his family situation, he might have been deceived by him.

But just as Qin Ye was about to open his mouth to refute him, this guy actually came out again and said

, "By the way, Brother Ye, tell me what happened during the time I entered the secret realm!" "

I only heard you say two words before, and my heart is itching now."

Qin Ye just glanced at the other party, and saw the yearning look in his eyes.

So he didn't refuse, sat down opposite him, and explained to him in detail what happened after he entered the secret realm.

Every time he talked about a big thing, Wang Cheng couldn't help but interrupt Qin Ye to come out and complain a few words, and he was addicted.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't care either.

As long as the other party interjected, he stopped and looked at the other party quietly, allowing him to express his feelings unscrupulously.

It took three or four hours for Qin Ye to finish telling him what had happened during this time.

I don't know if it's because of the reasons I sighed before, this time I talked about when the Xia Kingdom took back the Nanbang Peninsula to establish a province.

His reaction was less intense than at first, more excited.

Qin Ye could see that he had great regrets that he had not been able to participate in such a great thing in person.

Qin Ye didn't know what to say about this.

In the end, he could only persuade him casually, but as for whether he could listen to it, Qin Ye didn't know.

I don't know if it's because of the wine, Wang Cheng chattered for a while, then fell asleep on the table.

This made Qin Ye speechless for a while, he didn't want to care about him.

But in the end, I couldn't bear it, and I reluctantly dragged him to the bed.

After arranging this guy, Qin Ye came to the secret realm of adversity.

Compared with before, the secret realm of adversity is more than half deserted.

But this is not what Qin Ye cares about, he has not stayed long in the territory of the human beast master, since he defeated the strongest genius of the demon beast clan last time, the dragon of the demon beast clan, the demon beast clan has withdrawn from the Tianxin Continent.

The turtle guard went to the Northern Continent, the base camp of the Demon Beast Clan, so now even if Qin Ye wanted to provoke the other party, he had to cross the Tianxin Continent.

In this regard, Qin Ye suddenly felt that he was a little ruthless before, if he hadn't been so ruthless at the beginning, maybe he wouldn't have to run such a long distance now.

But the iniquity of his own making, with tears, will be completed.

So now Qin Ye didn't dare to think about it, and looked at the north.

Reluctantly, he summoned Yan Hong, jumped on Yan Hong's back, and told her to go towards the North Continent.

Yan Hong thought that she had misheard, and turned around and asked uncertainly

, "Master, are we really going

to the Northern Continent?" Qin Ye knew what Yan Hong meant, but he didn't explain, but nodded in response:

"Well, go to the Northern Continent for a turn."

After Yan Hong was confirmed by Qin Ye, she didn't hesitate at all, and flew out with a flap of her wings.

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