Even though Yan Hong's speed is fast, it still takes a lot of time to fly from the South Continent to the North Continent.

After all, he had to cross the entire Tianxin Continent, and Qin Ye also knew this, so he didn't urge Yan Hong.

Yan Hong also felt that Qin Ye was in a good mood, so she chatted with Qin Ye while hurrying.

"Master, what is our purpose this

time?" "Is there any genius on the side of the demon beast clan?"

Qin Ye discovered for the first time that Yan Hong could actually have so many words.

However, he didn't care, and still patiently explained: "That's

not true, you think the demon beast clan has so many geniuses!" "

The main purpose of our visit this time is to make trouble.

Yan Hong was also shocked at this time, and asked extremely puzzled:

"Master, this is too much fuss!" "

With my current strength, I am simply an invincible existence in this secret realm.

"Therefore, is it necessary for us to act so carefully?" Qin

Ye was shocked by this Yan Hong's words for a moment.

He really couldn't figure out why Yan Hong suddenly became like this.

However, he didn't say this, but said with extreme restraint:

"I know you're powerful, but I'm curious about when you can advance to the diamond level."

"Speaking of which, you haven't advanced in a long time.

Speaking of this topic, Qin Ye could clearly feel Yan Hong's mood swings.

I don't know if it's an illusion or what, but when he talks about this topic, he can feel that Yan Hong's mood fluctuates a lot.

When he didn't know why he was still thinking about how to avoid this topic, Yan Hong said indifferently:

"Master, if you want to advance to the diamond level, it is not as simple as you think, not only do you need enough energy, but you also need to comprehend the energy of the attributes. "

Qin Ye has never heard of such a thing as comprehending attributes to advance to the diamond level.

So he thought about it for a while, but he didn't understand what it was.

So he simply waved his hand and said speechlessly

, "Okay, I don't understand what you're talking about anyway." "

But by the way, Yan Hong, do you have any clue?"

Yan Hong also knew what Qin Ye was talking about.

Therefore, he confidently said

, "Master, with my ingenuity, of course there is no problem.

Qin Ye was very skeptical of Yan Hong's words, he didn't doubt Yan Hong's intelligence, but judging from the current situation, Qin Ye knew that Yan Hong was definitely not as easy as she said.

"Then I'll wait for you to advance to the diamond level.

Yan Hong didn't think much about it, nodded and said

, "Don't worry, master, I won't keep you waiting."

Seeing Yan Hong's confident appearance, Qin Ye didn't think much about it.

Nodding his head in agreement.

And after that, they didn't speak again, because whether it was Qin Ye or Yan Hong, they could clearly feel the breath of the demon beast.

This shows that the demon beast is not far from them.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Qin Ye to see the lair of the demon beast clan.

At first, Qin Ye was still wondering what the demon beast clan's lair was like

, but this time, when he looked at it, he found out the reason.

It turns out that the habits of these monsters are related to their bestiality.

Just like the group of witch wolves they encountered this time, they were very similar to the wolves in Qin Ye's previous life.

However, Qin Ye didn't care so much, he didn't want to think about it so much now.

So he said casually

, "Yanhong, give them a blow." "

Let them know you're awesome!" Yan

Hong's face darkened, not knowing what the hell her master was talking about, and when she would need to prove something to the demon beast clan.

However, she still didn't think much about it, and a phoenix roar sounded and gave the witch wolves below a big move.

"Boom!" As

soon as the witch wolves below found Yan Hong's figure, they were extinguished by the fireball technique.

However, Qin Ye still underestimated the wisdom of the demon beast clan, what he didn't know was that in such a short period of time, this group of witch wolves had actually passed on their information.

It can be said that now the entire demon beast clan in the Reverse Secret Realm has already known the news.

It's just that so far, Qin Ye still thought that he had started so quickly this time, and it was all wiped out.

The other demon beasts of the demon beast clan didn't know that they had come to their lair.

Just after he left with confidence, the demon beast clan had already exploded.

Ever since he knew that Qin Ye had defeated the Dragon, he and his Imperial Beast Yan Hong had already left a case record here with the Demon Beast Clan.

Now, as soon as he appears, the demon beasts will recognize him.

And this time, the demon beast clan actually received a message that Qin Ye had come to their lair.

And when they wanted to confirm the accuracy of the information, they actually found that the witch wolf clan that sent out the information had actually been wiped out.

This made them have to believe that Qin Ye had already hit the information that their lair was coming.

As a result, they all reacted in the shortest possible time.

And their method is very simple, that is, to avoid war.

All of them have exited the secret realm of adversity.

In their minds, it was impossible for Qin Ye to stay in the secret realm of adversity all the time.

It's a big deal to wait for Qin Ye to open inside, and they will start all over again.

So now it can be said that there is hardly any demon beast in the entire Northern Continent.

And Qin Ye soon discovered this, because when he and Yan Hong came to the station of the next demon beast clan, they found that there was nothing on the scene.

Qin Ye, who did not give up, let Yan Hong go to the gathering point of the next demon beast clan.

But nothing changed in the end, it was all empty.

This made Qin Ye a little confused for a while.

"Alas, Yan Hong, what did you say about the demon beast clan

?" "Did you leave here and run away

?" "But it shouldn't be possible, didn't we meet a group of witch wolves just now?"

At this moment, Qin Ye seemed to understand something.

It was extremely unbelievable and said

, ", are all the demon beasts so cunning now?"

Yan Hong also opened her mouth at

this time: "Master, there is a high probability that we will return in vain this time."

"Look, we're going back.

Qin Ye also felt that this was the meaning, so he said helplessly:

"Go back!" "

It's useless to stay here."

After listening to Qin Ye's order, Yan Hong instigated her wings and left the Northern Continent with Qin Ye.

Qin Ye was very depressed all the way, and he felt that he had really lost a lot this time.

Yan Hong also knew what Qin Ye was worried about, so she didn't say anything, and quietly planted Qin Ye and flew towards the Southern Continent.

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